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  •  PcMaxx
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    Hi Radu,

    I was mistaken. This link above is not in that file. Is this the line I change? <a href="#" data-reveal-id="register_panel" class="radius secondary small button"><?php _e("CREATE NEW ACCOUNT", 'kleo_framework');?></a></span><?php } ?>

    Below is the complete code I see in the file. That exact line isn’t in there. Tho, one very close.

    <div id="login_panel" class="reveal-modal">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="twelve columns">
          <h5><i class="icon-user icon-large"></i> <?php _e("SIGN INTO YOUR ACCOUNT", 'kleo_framework');?><?php if(get_option('users_can_register')) { ?> <span class="subheader right small-link"><a href="#" data-reveal-id="register_panel" class="radius secondary small button"><?php _e("CREATE NEW ACCOUNT", 'kleo_framework');?></a></span><?php } ?></h5>
          <form action="<?php echo wp_login_url(apply_filters('kleo_modal_login_redirect', '')  ); ?>" id="login_form" name="login_form" method="post" class="clearfix">
          <div class="six columns">
            <input type="text" id="username" required name="log" class="inputbox" value="" placeholder="<?php _e("Username", 'kleo_framework');?>">
          <div class="six columns">
            <input type="password" id="password" value="" required name="pwd" class="inputbox" placeholder="<?php _e("Password", 'kleo_framework');?>">
          <p class="twelve columns">
                  <input type="checkbox" value="forever" name="rememberme" id="rememberme"> <?php _e( "Remember me", "kleo_framework" ); ?>
                <i class="icon-lock"></i>
                if( sq_option('privacy_page', '#') != "#" && sq_option('privacy_page', '#') != '' ) {
                    $privacy_page_id = sq_option('privacy_page');
                    /* WPML compatibility */
                    if ( function_exists( 'icl_object_id' ) ) {
                        $privacy_page_id = icl_object_id( $privacy_page_id, 'page', true );
                    $privacy_link = get_permalink( $privacy_page_id );
                    printf( __( 'Your <a href="%s" target="_blank">privacy</a> is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information.', 'kleo_framework' ), $privacy_link );
              <div class="login-form-hook">
                <?php do_action('login_form');?>
          <div class="twelve columns">
            <button type="submit" id="login" name="wp-submit" class="radius secondary button"><i class="icon-unlock"></i> &nbsp;<?php _e("LOG IN", 'kleo_framework');?></button> &nbsp; 
            <?php do_action('fb_popup_button'); ?>
        <div class="twelve columns"><hr>
          <ul class="inline-list">
            <li><small><a href="#" data-reveal-id="forgot_panel"><?php _e("FORGOT YOUR USERNAME OR PASSWORD?", 'kleo_framework');?></a></small></li>
      </div><!--end row-->
      <a href="#" class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
    in reply to: Member start / Join date. #208778

    I was able to find the following code via another newer source and it works! Put it in the functions.php in your child theme. Or you can create a plugin and put it in the mu-plugins. Here is exactly how it looks. Please share with others on this site as a quick fix.

    Now, the next step would be to move this to the Member Profile to the right so its not munged. Any idea how to do that?

    I put the following exact code in the functions.php

    function bp_register_date() {
    global $bp;
    $currentuser = get_userdata( $bp->displayed_user->id );
    $joined= date(‘F jS, Y’, strtotime($currentuser ->user_registered));
    echo ‘Member since: ‘ . $joined . ”;
    add_action(‘bp_member_header_actions’, ‘bp_register_date’);
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