Forum Replies Created
Participanthi had the same question, @kevingilmour have you seen any issues yet? if we roll back the version would that possibly cause database issues for woo commerce?
Participantoh i see now thats a pro feature i was looking at that other plugin thanks for the help!
Participantyeah that did the trick thanks for the tip! was using the pintrest style header.
Participantoh ok i saw those but wasn’t sure if there was a set of options that were for the demo set up thanks for the response!
Participantwell thanks i guess i did miss the most important bit of that first response (figured you were referring to the main theme options) anyway thanks for your understanding and help!
i think we can mark this resolved but still wondering about the default options is there a sample file for the them options?
thanks again!
Participantwow ok that quite the reaction sorry if you fell i was being flippant i was just getting a bit confused about the “Doesnt matter if I work here or not.” comment sorry if i upset you i understand you were trying to help π
Participantso i tried erasing all content and re-importing everything which didn’t really do anything but then i noticed the custom logo field on the page where it was set to the built-in theme logo so thats one item off the list. i also noticed in the VC setting portfolios were not checked off just curious which of the custom posts type for this theme should have that option enabled? Also is there a sample data file for the them options?
thanks again for all your help!
Participantthanks for the update the visual composer is still not working on our portfolios. in terms of wether you work here or not i think it does matter since i would not want to provide access to just anyone. π
Participantoh ok sorry it thought you were an employee here since you were listed as moderator. i don’t share my own credentials but prefer to have a separate account for anyone who needs access.
Participanti have opened registration on the set please register and i’ll grant you admin, thanks!
ParticipantOh yeah i thought i had seen it before but i guess i forgot we renamed it so that is actually a page then and not a profile i got i bit thrown by that sorry.
I tried removing resign both the image and the page as well as flushing the server cache only this page seems not to work :/
Also still wondering about the visual composer on the portfolio items.
thanks for all your help!
Participantsorry one more i noticed that the portfolio full width overlay isn’t in the demo content how do we create such a page? thanks!