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  •  zoesites

    Yes, I understand this, but this is not what I am asking for.

    I want to know where does go to? Which file/function handles this form submission?

    <form action="" name="signup_form" id="signup_form" class="standard-form custom" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    When using Chrome Inspect Element tool, Network Tab, I see that on submission the page goes to itself, but I can’t find where in the theme files or buddypress plugin files the actual form processing takes place – as I want to modify that code.

    Hope that provides you with clarity regarding my question and what I need to know.


    Hi Abe,

    Thank you for the reply, I have modified the file and I can redirect via javascript or just pointing the form to a custom php file that handles the submission.

    But I would like to know which current php file / function handles the submission of the main registration form, so that I can simply point the modal to that and then modify it to handle the custom modal form / submission.

    I assume it’s a buddypress file/function, do you know which one it is?


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