This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by ahd904.

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  • #31176

    Dear Seventhqueen.

    Sorry for putting a general question but i would like to ask the settings you put in to achieve the visual of the following pages below especially regarding the usage of revslider.

    I am trying to decorate my page with revslider but i don’t know how you guys put the transparent background and the search bar in the revslider as in the demo-pages.

    Could you please give me some feedback on how you achived this ?

    How do you make the transparent background using revslider.
    e.g. the full width or the width and height setting, the size of the image you used and the element to add the search bar.

    To put this easily i would just like to know how you manage to build up the first element on this following link of pinterest style demo-page.

    Thank you in advance.


    Import the demo page then edit it to your liking You’ll see a button that says “Pinterest Style”

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    Thank you for the info.

    Another question, where does this imported files go ?? i may want to delete them all since i imported the whole KLEO xml file while i only wanted the pinterest style page.


    I am looking at all the sample templates created in the admin panel … guess i have to delete all of them one by one ?? haha

    what a mistake !


    The directions are right there on the link I gave you

    Import individual Pages

    If you don’t want to import all the demo content, you can import individual pages. You will find below the demo code for all the individual pages from our demo that were created using shortcodes.

    Follow this steps to import one of the demo page:

    1. Click the button with the page you want to import and then copy the text from the opened window.

    2. Create a new Page on your WordPress Admin area.

    3. Switch to the Classic editor and then switch to the Text tab from the Editor and paste the copied code above into the editor.

    4. You can now use the Visual composer to edit the elements by clicking the Backend Editor button.

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    Thank you.

    It looks perfectly good.

    Another question popped up on my mind that is there any possible way to add an element in the visual composer that i can put buddypress group directory search bar in the image i have attached?

    If you see in the attached image, there is a search bar (maybe an Ajax?) and i want it to have the BP group directory search.

    I like the design and look of the default search bar in the image and just want it to be the BP group finding function.

    Do you have any idea or a similar experience with KLEO theme ?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    You are the second person today that asked about changing that search form. Maybe the Kleo team will change the shortcode to allow you to pick the context of the search.

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    Is there any temporary way of achieving this ??


    To: Sharmstr

    I was wondering if you know of a way to change the style of the following search bar in the main-page

    to one looks like in this following page below

    Like we have already talked in our topic :
    It is to do with a buddypress-Group search plugin i am using to search for groups and i hope to change the styling of the search bar as simple as the one in the second link.

    Thank you in advance.


    Sorry. the first page should be as below link

    so the search bar shown in the main page above to the one below


    Compare the css generated.

    height: 63px;
    border-radius: 8px;
    -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-in-out 0s;
    transition: all .3s ease-in-out 0s;
    background-color: #fff;

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    Now it looks quite similar, however, i want to add a bit more simplicity like the search button within the
    input box of the search bar and also add changing opacity when clicked like the default Kleo search bar.

    I checked the script with the element inspect function but i don’t know how i can change them or apply them to.

    Could you please provide me of a way how to change or where to add with bit of script ?

    Thank you in advance.


    try this instead

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    Thank you for such a load of job.

    It works great !

    Just one last thing where would i change the value placeholder “search groups” if i am to use the group search provided by your source?


    look for placeholder in the code.

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    Silly me… i was searching for value placeholder not placeholder..

    Thank you, learning a lot from you.

    I think this topic can be closed now.

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