This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by philthebass.

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  • #36472


    I have got the Geo My WP plugin working well so far and am able to add a new user’s location based on address during registration, and it is working well on the search facility on the /members/ page (I can search with a radius of x miles of an address), but how can I add the same function to the home page search form?


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    Would you be able to give me a tip on how to get Geo My WP to work. I cant seem to get it working at all and I have no idea what I’m doing wrong.


    Hi Taune247,

    Have a look at this

    I had already got it working myself, but still awaiting an answer on how to add the radius to the home page search widget.


    By the way, I also had to add GMW Add-on – Xprofile Fields Plugin to be able to do some field matching for addresses. All working well excpet for the home page search radius which I’m still looking at and awaiting an answer on


    I have the GMW Add-o n -Xprofile Fields Plugin as well, I would like to include the same feature you are trying to achieve. But I find when my users register, the auto complete doesn’t work. I’ve installed it as directed walked through activating it with Sweet Date. Hopefully they will get back with an answer for you soon.


    Hi, any news on a response to my original question? This is delaying me from launching.


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