This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #45356


    So far so good in the first couple days with the theme. Still working through all the options. 🙂

    I searched, but couldn’t find, a way to add a widget area to the location immediately above main_container. Tried a couple of things, to no luck. I’m not sure exactly as I’m just getting to know these sections… but something like in between:

    div#main section.container-wrap main-title alternate-color border-bottom

    Is this possible – without major theme mods? An easy add to functions.php maybe?



    Take a look at this response I wrote up the other day

    Other places not mentioned are ‘kleo_before_content’ and ‘kleo_before_main_content’

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    I’m not sure, I think my issue here may be the use of multiple themes. This concept is so easy I’ve done it dozens of times in Genesis. And I’m sure its likely easy in Kleo too. Problem seems to be that if I add this to the Kleo child theme, the pages on which Kleo is Active are ‘seeing’ code, and nothing is displaying.

    The multi theme editor is working, because I do see Kleo there.

    Edit: Boom, don’t you love when you answer your question as you are writing it out? Happens a lot to me. I left the above to remind myself that I can be stupid sometimes.

    The issue is that I was calling the Kleo theme in the multitheme plugin, not the Kleo CHILD theme. Uh, duh?

    🙂 Thanks.


    I do that all the time. LOL. Glad you sorted it.

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