This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #12665

    I noticed when you add a select tag, that an automatic div with a class of “custom dropdown” gets created, and that’s the element that’s actually shown on the page.

    Is there a way to override that so thast the <select> element is shown? I need to style certain select tags in unique ways, and cannot do that with the custom dropdown class, as that will style all of the selects uniformly.

    Or is there a way where I can specify new css classes to be added to the custom dropdown divs?



    To clarify, I’ve modified the home page registration form (home-register-form.php) with the <select> field, and that automatically generates the div with the class of “custom dropdown” and automatically applies display:none to the select field.

    That’s fine, I just need to know how to target those custom dropdown divs with unique classes, if possible.


    Great, Have a nice day.

    Topic closed.

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