This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Radu.

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  • #77146

    Hi there,

    I see from your changelog that you’ve added integration with the plugin ‘BP Member Type Generator’. I’ve installed this and added some member types, and allocated members to the types, but can only see it in the BP members list, as tabs at the top.

    Can I use this to add in the ‘Moderator’ or Keymaster’ labels like you use on this forum? (see attached eg) – or are they something totally separate? Unfortunately I don’t use bbpress, only BuddyPress, so can’t use your selectors for this.

    Any insight into how this works, or how to do it would be great!


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    The blue labels with ‘keymaster’, ‘moderator’ are part of bbpress and is automatically generated.

    Take a look here how an you get member role in buddypress member loop.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thanks Radu – most of the answers there, and those i’m found before are related to adding it to their profiles, rather than as a ‘label’ in the forum threads.

    I think this is a bit beyond me at present – but i have added it in as a feature request for a future update of Kleo, as i think it’d be quite popular addition. If anyone else is looking for a solution to this, perhaps they can go here: and add their vote!



    Hi again,

    Re: the updates in Buddypress:

    “Registering member types
    BuddyPress itself does not register any member types. Plugins and themes can register member types using the bp_register_member_type() or the bp_register_member_types() function:…”

    found here @

    … Is this feature now enabled in Kleo, for Buddypress as well as for bbpress?




    Sorry but this functionality is not available in Kleo yet, if you absolutely need that functionality I would suggest you to hire a developer to help you.



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