This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #40561


    trying to create a custom sidebar/widgets for bbpress(forums)
    my research is getting me discouraged as it seems to me that this is a problem with bbpress.

    – i created a sidebar under “appearance”.
    – i created a page and added the short code [bbp-forum-index] and the group forums for BuddyPress etc. all works great.
    – so i assumed that if i created a page and associated a sidebar it should work, but it does not.

    i checked and checked many times to make sure it was selected (sidebar) at the bottom of the page,
    i also verified that widgets were created and put into the custom sidebar.
    also, that the theme layouts were all default which should have a single right sidebar.

    it constantly show the “main sidebar”.

    i even tried
    no luck there yet either.

    so is this normal with Kleo and bbpress ?

    sorry maybe i should have stated my intentions from the start,
    basically just to have a custom sidebar (with bbpress widgets) for the forums and all sub pages(group forums, topics etc.)

    can you guide me accordingly ?

    kind regards,
    thanks again in advance.


    How about this?

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    wow thanks for such a speedy reply !!!
    i did not think to add the sidebar from the forums,
    i added it to the page.
    so this worked(almost, the widgets are all messed up visually) for the forum root alone,
    but when clicking an individual forum it goes back to the default sidebar.
    so i went again and manually added the custom sidebar in admin for that forum as well but similar to the post above,
    it goes back to default and not my bbpress widgets.

    I can try the wp tweaks plugin for now, but i just want to confirm that this is an issue with KLEO and that i am not doing something wrong.
    also i agree with the above post that i also prefer not to use extra plugins.
    if this be the case, is this planned for a future KLEO release ?

    oh, by the way, i have mine set up as suggested on to create a forum and set that as a “Category” NOT forum and then use that as the “Group Forums Parent”.

    thanks again for such a speedy reply.
    look forward to your reply.


    Its not a Kleo issue. You can create a page called “forums” with a slug of “forums” and it will never be used. bbPress ignores the page and creates its own page out of its own templating system (Buddypress does the same). Because of that, you’ll never be able to see a custom sidebar using the page editor.

    If you create a page and add the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode, you can specify a sidebar because the page is handled by wordpress and just spits out the bbpress index. bbPress doesnt override it with its templating system. The side effect is that its also not really a bbpress page and therefore breadcrumbs wont work.

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    oh i see,
    the post you referenced quoted “That plugin should do the trick but we will consider this for a next update.”
    so i assumed there was room for better integration with custom sidebars specifically for bbpress, especially with what i am experiencing.
    i gather and appreciate thus far that this is indeed the nature of bbpress especially with BuddyPress.
    when i click on a forum it goes to that BP group under the “forum” tab therefore changing up the breadcrumbs/slugs and hence the sidebar as well.

    so ideally i would love when visiting that forum (BP group forum) to have bbpress widgets as well.
    I realise i am being a perfectionist here and not everyone may want this or think this necessary.

    can/shall i suggest this in your “suggestion” forum ?
    will also have to dig deeper to get a better understanding of how all the pieces fit together and your input has certainly helped with this.

    Much appreciated !!!
    thanks again.


    You can suggest it, but it will be hard to implement. btw – I dont work here.

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    Have you tried conditional widgets? Basically you create one sidebar and foreach widget you can specify if it will display or not depending on which page its on. I think it works for the most part, but there have been a few mentions of it not working on all pages.

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