This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Abe.

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  • #40904

    How can I rename the default Buddypress labels? Example: “Forums” to “Discussions”

    Thank you.


    Hi, that is related to BuddyPress so you need to change those labels from the plugin. Try to search related resources, for example:

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    Hi Abe,

    That’s a great article that you shared the above link for, but i see that his code is a bit different to some recent code i was recommended for these sorts of edits in Buddypress.

    In the code i used to reorganise my profile tabs i have:

    define('BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );
    function bbg_change_profile_tab_order() {
    global $bp;
    $bp->bp_nav['profile']['position'] = 10;
    $bp->bp_nav['groups']['position'] = 30;
    $bp->bp_nav['activity']['position'] = 40;
    $bp->bp_nav['messages']['position'] = 50;
    $bp->bp_nav['notifications']['position'] = 60;
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bbg_change_profile_tab_order', 999 );

    whereas his code is this:

    function mb_profile_menu_tabs(){
    global $bp;
    $bp->bp_nav['activity']['position'] = 15;
    $bp->bp_nav['messages']['position'] = 10;
    $bp->bp_nav['messages']['name'] = 'Mail';
    $bp->bp_nav['friends']['name'] = 'Contacts';
    $bp->bp_nav['profile']['name'] = 'Account';
    add_action('bp_setup_nav', 'mb_profile_menu_tabs', 201);

    I suspect that some of this is now out of date due to the recent update to BuddyPress.

    Could you confirm what the correct code is for:
    1. reordering the BP profile tabs?
    2. renaming the BP profile tabs?
    3. renaming the BP sub-menu profile tabs?

    Hope you can help, as it just seems an endless cycle of searching for this info with very little concrete answers available out there! if not, i understand – just if it’s at your fingertips, that would be great!

    many thanks.


    Yep those code should work from the link I posted. They take care of renaming and position. for renaming you can also try translating Buddypress, even though you are using English you are translating the strings into English 🙂 tricky

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi Abe,

    Thanks – I took the plunge and have gone down the route of editing the buddypress.po files. I’ve posted the whole process in this other thread for anyone else who’s looking for this: . hope it helps?



    Cool. thanks

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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