Tagged: buddypress, ajax
December 7, 2014 at 13:11 #37967
Have a very unusual problem .
On JUST ONE Server/Host (wpengine) your wonderful theme doesn’t function properly (just the buddypress activity ajax part)
I attach the debug log.
see http://dogdrill.com/activity/ (see login details below)
The “whats-new-options” div just doesn’t appear.
Your theme works spendidly on test installs on local installs and on other server/hosts
Support at wpengine just repeats what is in the debug.log (attached) and says go to the buddypress devs ?????
The fact is your theme works on every other server – but this is the situation that i am in.
Any help at all much appreciated.
Could be linked to
Can give superadmin access privately
Any help at all much appreciated.
December 7, 2014 at 13:14 #37968valuser
Participantadded file in different format
You must be logged in to view attached files.December 7, 2014 at 13:29 #37974sharmstr
ModeratorYou’re not the only one having that exact issue when hosting with WPEngine
https://archived.seventhqueen.com/forums/topic/attachment-and-post-buttons-for-whats-new-posts-on-groups-were-hiddenI dont know if either of those two ever sorted it out with WPEngine, but the second link has some code we came up with to band-aid it.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionThis support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact cornel@seventhqueen.com
December 8, 2014 at 01:28 #38090sharmstr
ModeratorNo. If you read the link I sent you to the other topic, you’ll see that it happens with the 2014 Theme as well. Its not a Kleo issue and AFAIK has only happened on WPEngine hosted sites.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionThis support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact cornel@seventhqueen.com
December 8, 2014 at 01:49 #38093sharmstr
ModeratorNo problem. Glad to help.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionThis support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact cornel@seventhqueen.com
December 17, 2014 at 02:39 #39382sharmstr
ModeratorThat’s great news. Thanks for the update.
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionThis support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact cornel@seventhqueen.com
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