This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years by 5high-photohub.

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  • #97901

    Hi there,

    OK, totally basic Q… I can’t seem to show any social share buttons anywhere!

    I’ve checked in Settings > Reading, but can’t see any option there.

    I’ve got social share enables for post in theme options, and in Social Info I have display social icons on in top bar.

    AND there is no textbox to add Facebook, twitter, or YouTube info in this page – only for the others. And when I look at a single post it doesn’t show any icons, even though i have the link loaded for LinkedIn.

    I’ve checked in the post edit page and it shows to use the default for social share – which should therefore be enabled, right? And I’ve also tried making it visible from the post edit page, but still nothing.

    So I am obviously missing something really basic here! Should I have added a shortcode somewhere? or maybe even I removed it at the beginning… if it needs to be in the, where do I add it?

    Would appreciate your help!

    Cheers, j

    PS: posts are for logged in users only, so if you need to see them I’ll setup a user account for you.


    OK, something odd is happening, to do with viewing the site on different browsers:
    1. When I use Firefox on my pc, with or without the WP admin bar enabled, it never shows the additional top menu bar – which is why I didn’t see the social share buttons in the header I guess.
    2. again using Firefox on my pc, it DOESN’T show the section at the end of the blog with the line of social share buttons.
    3. using Firefox on my pc, it doesn’t show the text input fields for fb, youtube or twitter
    4. using G Chrome on my pc, with or without the WP admin bar enabled, it shows both the top menu bar with the social share buttons in AND the extra section with them all in at the bottom of the blog
    5. using G Chrome on my pc, it does show the text input fields for fb, youtube or twitter
    6. using Firefox on my mobile it DOES show both the top menu bar with the social links in and at the end of the blog – AND it does show the text input fields for fb, youtube or twitter.

    So I guess that’s about my firefox settings on my pc! I’ll post an update if I find out how to fix this – or would appreciate any advice too…


    Problem solved!
    If anyone else is interested/having this problem, it was the Adblock Plus extension/Addon in Firefox. Just disable or remove it and everything works as expected.
    Cheers, j

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