This topic has 56 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by eugene.

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  • #106212

    Hi, I am pro developer and have tried to import Demo Home e-Learning and got this errors.

    It said:

    1 image 2014/08/kleo_teacher_bg.jpgне not found!

    2 custom animation not found

    Here the error



    Please try with the attached slider just import it

    NOTE : the slider not contains the image because is not included in demo.



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    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Thanks, will do.
    One more question, how i can simulate this menu?
    I have import all data, with attachments, but here what i have


    Go to wp-admin -> appearance -> menus -> look in right side on top for screen options and check KLEO and buddypress then add as childs the items that are grouped in KLEO on the My Account menu item

    Let me know


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    Thank you. It works.
    But I cant understand how you did that, the same menu but with less sub items show for non logged users, and for logged users it shows as avatar + sub menu account items. I cant repeat it… How to add parent menu item which will shows only for non logged users, and hide it for already logged?

    If there any way how i can have some conversation about my question, so i can setup it for my need and forgot about it =)

    1 For example if there any way how i can show Messages count

    2 If there any way how I can place this nice js animation with my own BG image on some page?

    3 I have WPML, how to make it work with default buddy press pages?
    Here my profile page on russian
    but when i click on english it show like my domain/?leng=en and shows home pages. When I changed WPML settings to directory url format it start works. So it work only for directories?


    4 If there nay way how i cant decrease animation hide for pop up menu items?
    5 When I have set uped my face book api, enter app id, enable registration via face book, i try to regist with face book and got this error.
    How to fix it?


    May be the problem that my profile on russian?
    Bc it put my profile Ашкые name and Second Name botch in login field for wp-login form.
    Here the post data for form


    6 Does this settings item works? It should show language switcher in main menu?


    7 Sry, but i have found the bug.
    Here how look page now:

    If we set this item to true

    The page starts looking like

    With height 88px and position absolute or fixed it shows like that, so sub menu places under it. Looks ugly, seems problem in conflict with style for setting like (sticky top)


    Yes, i have disabled sticky and it works normal with transparent BG, but it should work right, any way.


    Or may be it should work like that? But i dont see any settings how to place a gap, if user at top of the page, so it will look normal, but when user sroll down it will stick and transparent.

    8 If we change font size for menu, it doesnt changes for sub menu. Sry for so long story =)



    Regarding to this

    But I cant understand how you did that, the same menu but with less sub items show for non logged users, and for logged users it shows as avatar + sub menu account items. I cant repeat it… How to add parent menu item which will shows only for non logged users, and hide it for already logged?

    – This is the logic for the menu my account items, if you want to restinct some links for only logged users you can do it with this plugin :

    1. This is not possible,you can use live notifications instead.

    2. Yes, you need to create a new page with visual composer in that you will place a row and from that row you will choose your background then you will need to add Galaxy Particles visual element in that row

    3. You should install this plugin :

    4. I don’t understand the question

    5. The fb login works by default, can you try to login with an fb account that the name is without chirilic characters ? let me know

    6. Yes

    7. If you choose to use transparent menu for sitewide, it should be to disable breadcrumbs and Main menu info* by ereaseing content from there

    8.Yes indeed, we will check this and we will fix this until then please add this rule to your wp-admin -> theme options -> general settings -> quick css

    .navbar .dropdown-menu li a {
        font-size: 14px !important;



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    I very appreciate your help. Very nice customer support! And your theme really very powerful and modern stylish. I very like this sky blue color scheme =)

    4 If there nay way how i cant decrease animation hide for pop up menu items?

    4. I don’t understand the question

    So, I mean when I hover on notification icon, it shows the notification pop Up –
    So, when i mouse out, it doesn’t hide immediately, there are some animation hide delay – 1-1.5 seconds.

    It should show language switcher in main menu?

    6. Yes

    – Seems no. Bc if I disable it in WPML settings this option do nothing, if i enable it in WPML settings like show the switcher in menu – “menu name” this option again do thing, i mean it not hide if i say show in WPML and hide in KLEO settings, and don’t work if i check hide in WPML settings and show in KLEO. I thought there was some nice custom switcher in KELO style.

    3. You should install this plugin :

    – Works! Perfect! Thanks.

    Sry, but seems i need much more help, this theme so big and powerful…

    9 If there any way how i can place some custom image for BG on some page or post single page? I know i set up custom logo and header back ground, but can i also some how select content bg image?

    10 I want to hide header info for all site, except Home page. how i can do this? Should i disable it on each page i created?

    Bc there is no check box in default KLEO settings like hide info, i can just delete the text from there?

    It should be like this =)

    And lets back to the general problem with face book login. So, i have checked with my live app, with some other account with only English name. I have got another bug.
    I made a private video where i explained and showed the problem.
    Honestly it should, if you support WPML, ur user also support other language with Cyrillic script face book names and other data. I don’t want to use third party plugin for this theme, if some functionality already implemented and nice styled in theme, but doesn’t work properly in all cases it should be fixed.


    Now I depend on this fixation as site can not be released in the live until the error there, my audience is 80% have Russian fb names =) Hope you can fix it very soon.





    4. So do you want to remove the delay, right ?

    The setting from theme option enables and disables the lang switched from top bar and if you need to langswitcher in main menu you should to use wpml option.

    9. From theme options no, just via CSS, provide a page to give you an example of css.

    10. Yes for each page, for sitewide just delete content from here :

    Regarding the facebook login issue, please go to choose your app and then go to APP Review – > Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public? -> set YES

    Let me know



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Regarding the facebook login issue, please go to choose your app and then go to APP Review – > Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public? -> set YES

    – It is live. It doesn’t solve the cyrillic issue.


    4. So do you want to remove the delay, right ?

    – Yes.
    Please take more time to think about the ticket. I have waited 4 days and cant continue work.


    Also with KLEO them this button doesnt work. null


    And this also


    Close and open tab fix error with not worked delete icon.


    Do you have theme and all plugins updated ? especially Kleo 4.1, K-elements 4.0.1 and Visual composer 4.10 , if you have these enable wp_debug and wp_debug_log Let me know if some errors appears on screen or in debug.log

    The described behaviour can be caused by php memory allocation, check debug and let me know.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Get back to you after testing the fb login with russian characters.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    K elements 4.1
    Kleo 4.0.1, just have updated it.
    VS composer 4.10
    Have added wp_debug and log
    but log doesnt appear in wp-content, seems there is no errors at all.
    Also i try to add define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, true ); but on site no one error didn’t appear. Nice job by the way!

    What is your suggestions about memory limits? What droplet you can advice on Digital Ocean for me for this theme? with WPML and around 200 users?

    Ok, will wait the face book fix.

    Also if there any way how i can set animation time and delay for VS composer elements?

    Also i have add some nice function for ur custom menu nav icons. It looks like
    And when you click pop up shows the all icons in block
    Now it is much handy to chose icons, rather then just check name, on site there is not way how to check what the name what icon produce. So some like icon preview is nice. But for this i should also ovewrite theme lib file in kleo/lib/menu-custom.php – I have try to copy this file to childe theme iwth the same patch like kleo-child/lib/menu-custom.php but it doesn’t work.


    Last img with icons


    Also i want to add opportunity for user to add new posts, with full functionality from word press as media, and visual composer. But i want to do this only for specific users category. Do you have any suggestions?



    There is a fix for wordpress to allow russian characters on username, if you will check to create a new user with russian you will cannot do that cuz the wordpress it not allow, please test the function and let me know

    function kleo_translate_special_chars($str){
        $tr = array(
            "А"=>"a", "Б"=>"b", "В"=>"v", "Г"=>"g", "Д"=>"d",
            "Е"=>"e", "Ё"=>"yo", "Ж"=>"zh", "З"=>"z", "И"=>"i",
            "Й"=>"j", "К"=>"k", "Л"=>"l", "М"=>"m", "Н"=>"n",
            "О"=>"o", "П"=>"p", "Р"=>"r", "С"=>"s", "Т"=>"t",
            "У"=>"u", "Ф"=>"f", "Х"=>"kh", "Ц"=>"ts", "Ч"=>"ch",
            "Ш"=>"sh", "Щ"=>"sch", "Ъ"=>"", "Ы"=>"y", "Ь"=>"",
            "Э"=>"e", "Ю"=>"yu", "Я"=>"ya", "а"=>"a", "б"=>"b",
            "в"=>"v", "г"=>"g", "д"=>"d", "е"=>"e", "ё"=>"yo",
            "ж"=>"zh", "з"=>"z", "и"=>"i", "й"=>"j", "к"=>"k",
            "л"=>"l", "м"=>"m", "н"=>"n", "о"=>"o", "п"=>"p",
            "р"=>"r", "с"=>"s", "т"=>"t", "у"=>"u", "ф"=>"f",
            "х"=>"kh", "ц"=>"ts", "ч"=>"ch", "ш"=>"sh", "щ"=>"sch",
            "ъ"=>"", "ы"=>"y", "ь"=>"", "э"=>"e", "ю"=>"yu",
            "я"=>"ya", " "=>"-", "."=>"", ","=>"", "/"=>"-",
            ":"=>"", ";"=>"","—"=>"", "–"=>"-"
        return strtr($str, $tr);
    function kleo_extra_validate_username($valid, $username){
        if( !$valid ){
            $sanitized = sanitize_user( $username, true );
            $valid = ( ! empty( $sanitized ) );
        return $valid;
    add_filter('validate_username', 'kleo_extra_validate_username', 10, 2);
    function kleo_extra_sanitize_user($user, $raw_user, $strict) {
        $user = kleo_translate_special_chars($raw_user);
        return $user;
    add_filter('sanitize_user', 'kleo_extra_sanitize_user', 10, 3);

    Regarding to

    What is your suggestions about memory limits? What droplet you can advice on Digital Ocean for me for this theme? with WPML and around 200 users?

    Install wp query monitor and see how memory it uses on the page load and multiply with 200, but i think you will not have 200 simultaneously, do an approximate calculation.

    After you have increased the memory you was able to edit the VC blocks ? Let me know

    Regarding to icons, icons can be previewed in package that you have downloaded from themeforest in Assets/Fontello/demo.html

    Regarding to this

    Also i want to add opportunity for user to add new posts, with full functionality from word press as media, and visual composer. But i want to do this only for specific users category. Do you have any suggestions?

    If social doesn’t satisfy your needs : you will need to find a similar plugin.



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    It works but not like should =)
    Thanks for that translation.
    Here the video explanation


    I see,

    Normally this it should work without any problem,

    It’s hard to debug issues in that way, on your computer, not public.

    Try again the facebook login but keep the chrome inspect open and check console to see if any error appears and let me know

    It will be nice if you will be able to put your installation somewhere online to can take a closer look at this problem.



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    No errors, give me 10 minutes will do it live.

    Also thank for that plugin! It very cool, but it doesn’t support Visual composer =) But any way thanks!

    After you have increased the memory you was able to edit the VC blocks ? Let me know

    I was able when reloaded page, i want to know what is the recommend memory limit?
    I have installed Query Monitor, thanks for advice, very useful plugin.

    So my current 90 377 kB = 90 mb, for almost empty page, I suppose it will be much more with slider, carousel, users etc. SO around may be 150 mb and should i multiple it on 200 users? So my VPS should be like 150 * 200 = 30gb?
    I know word press is not so good optimize system for not blogging, but cache should help it.
    Also how you think how it will work with cache? It will cache comments? And how it will works if new user post a comment, for example how to say WP super cache to update cache for some pages, or you advice some other plugin, like wp super cache?

    This reply has been set as private.

    Also, mb you have some suggestion how to properly move – relocate wp from one url to another, i try use define(‘RELOCATE’,true); but it doesn’t help, after login it redirect me to my dev url. So i use only rewrite home url but it doesn’t overwrite sql url, so, how you think, what is the best way? Find and replace in editor? =)

    This reply has been set as private.
    This reply has been set as private.
    This reply has been set as private.

    Hi eugene,

    When try to login with facebook on you live version, after fist click to login to facebook it shows this

    Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App’s settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App’s domains.

    Please check this in app settings

    Regarding the memory recommendation, try to optimize memory usage by disabling plugin that you are not using, rtmedia is a heavy plugin.

    So my current 90 377 kB = 90 mb, for almost empty page, I suppose it will be much more with slider, carousel, users etc. SO around may be 150 mb and should i multiple it on 200 users? So my VPS should be like 150 * 200 = 30gb?

    150 * 200 = 30gb ? this calculation will be correct if all that 200 users will load page in same time, but if you will disable unused plugins you will obtain 5-6-70mb , and if you will use wp super cache, will create static html files, so.. no php processing.. no memory usage.

    For the settings that uses old path, yes you should do search in replace in db



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Sry, forgot to add new url. Do you know how i can add the new url for the same app and platform? How i understand I cant add new platform as web, and cant add new url in face book API app settings.

    So, the problem with double click was in enabled xdebug. It returns some notifications with json, so wp think that json is invalid and doesnt login user. Sry, that was my fail.
    Again thank you for that fix with Cyrillics symbols. Do you want I place a separate ticket and you will answer on it with that code, so other users can fix it? Or you will be add it in future version of KLEO?


    Also, why you use rtMedia? DO you think i can just disable it and ur theme will works fine?
    Also, may be you can advice me which plugins I can also disable which I dont very need?


    Also, when I try edit any image. I got preview error. “Could not load the preview image. Please reload the page and try again.” – it cause plugin Visual Composer. Should I ask them or do you have some suggestions?


    My version is Visual Composer 4.10

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