This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #101786

    I have the theme installed but the product page image slider isn’t working. The only way to look at the different images is to open up the shadow box viewer and then cycle through them. I’ve been watching visitors to my site and they are seeming to be very frustrated by the slider not working as expected.

    Thoughts on how to fix?


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    Implemented those changes, but the issue is not fixed.


    Your source code doest indicate that the changes are present. Do you have caching or cdn in place? If so purge them.

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    I purged both this morning and have just repurged again to be on the safe side and I am still seeing the same error.


    I’ll need ftp and wp admin access. Respond privately.

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    I checked the code and its correct. Its still a cdn issue or possibly a plugin confilict (but I doubt it). You can see in the attached that the issue is with srcset. The code to change the image is actually firing and working, but because of the srcset (which the code I gave you removes), the display isnt updated.

    no-srcset – shows page source with the code i gave you implemented

    page-load – shows your source code

    srcset = shows your source code after clicking thumb. shows the image being updated, but srcset still shows og image and therefore doesnt change the displayed image.

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    The interesting thing is that if I had a comment to the source code, I can see it without you flushing the cache/cdn. Can you look for a plugin conflict please.

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    Any thoughts on what sort of plugin I should be looking for? And how to tell if it is causing a conflict? It’s happening on another site of ours using Kleo,

    It has pretty much the same plugin loadout.


    To test for a plugin conflict, disable all plugins except woocommerce and k-elements.

    I have 4 test sites, three of theme running Kleo 3.1.3 and the new code and none of them are adding the srcset stuff, so I’m sure that the code is okay. Even on the seventhqueen demo site.

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    Ok. I’ll do that later tonight when traffic is lower so I don’t disrupt our normal daily visitors.


    maybe try this as well:

    Its supposed to disable all the new srcset stuff that was introduced in WP 4.4

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    Well hot damn. Installed that plugin to disable responsive images and now everything appears to be working the way it should be.



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