This topic has 14 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Andrei.

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  • #48012


    I’d like to create a page redirect that goes to the specific – url/members/memberusername/ (and optionally …/profile/ or …/orders/)

    I have this working in the menu setup with ##profile_link##/profile/ thank you; but I tried to use the link that I created for the menu and that did not work (maybe I needed to do something else, I tried with and w/o the url).

    I looked at the code discussed elsewhere here for the login redirect, but that’s really what I need this for. I just want to have a site ‘page’ utilize the redirect option (like in either ‘Redirection’ or ‘Page Links To’ plugins, or direct w/o the plugin is fine too) to go to the ‘page’ (eg. url/members/memberusername/ ) that is the specific members information.

    Is this possible?



    “for the login redirect, but that’s really what I need this for.”

    uh, should read “for the login redirect, but that’s NOT really what I need this for.”



    Hi, this was from a few days ago, does anyone have any guidance here? Thanks.


    Firstly please let me know where you want to create this link and it doesn’t work, it would help me a lot to understand what you’re trying to achieve if you could give me access to your wp-admin, and pointing me directly to the issue.

    Sorry for the late reply.
    Looking forward.

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    Hey Andrei,

    No worries, thanks for the reply. I am trying to create a link to the (current logged in users) profile page – where they would then be able make XProfile edits. In the menu, the following works in the URL of the tab:

    ##profile_link##/profile/edit/group/2/ (see screencap) and it takes me directly to that BuddyPress profile page and tab. (screencap 2)

    How would I make this same thing happen in a page or post link?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Here is a quick shortcode that i’ve made for you, it will do exactly what you need. Paste the follwing code in your functions.php file.

    function bp_user_domain_func( $args, $content = '' ) {
        $args = shortcode_atts( array(
            'path' => '',
        ), $args );
        return '<a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . $args["path"] . '">' . $content . '</a>';
    add_shortcode( 'bp_user_domain', 'bp_user_domain_func' );

    Then you can use it in your posts/pages in the following way:

    [bp_user_domain path="profile/edit"]edit profile[/bp_user_domain]

    Hope this is what you needed.

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    Hello Andrei,

    I just wanted to followup and say, yes, this is great, it works to place the shortcode in a post or page (I just changed the path to be ‘profile/edit/group/2’ and it took me straight to that tab). Thanks!

    The only thing I would add, is there any way that I can use this as a URL? If I wanted to set up a REDIRECT to go to that tab

    how would I do that?

    where the URL would be based on the logged in user: //URL/members/THEUSERNAME/profile/edit/group/2/



    You’ll have to use the functions that i’ve used in the above shortcode. Where/when would you like this redirect to happen ?

    Looking forward.

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    Hi there,

    I had the same question and added a nice little plugin that allows you to use the shortcode anywhere including URL’s.

    Just add this plugin

    And then you can use the shorcodes to make custom URL’s


    Hi, I have this same question – I’d like to include in my welcome email to my new members a link for them to edit their profile so they’re taking directly to the page to edit their profile. How do I do this?


    Modifying emails is totally another job, the content of emails usually reside in translations and the layout of the email can only be changed with an additional plugin.

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    I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. I already have a way to modify emails… I’m just looking for the link I would use to take a user directly to their edit profile page for the theme.


    Well, then this page already contains the answer you’re looking for.
    You’ll either have to use the custom function I posted above or the recommended User Shortcodes plugin.

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    redirect user to profile/group/2/ ( about me) so user can complete filling out extended form? when they register.


    After they register they will firstly have to activate their account, so this won’t properly work.


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