This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Ziels’Opdracht.

  • Author
  • #15841

    Anybody know of a way to temporarily restrict access to this feature since it can’t be done in Theme Options > Memberships

    I love the idea of this plugin and the styling for it in Kleo … but having it available for every single subscriber is going to be really annoying to sift through all the crap and spam submissions. It would be nice if it could be turned on by subscription only or even by manually setting a user role to author or something.


    Obviously asking the plugin author is a better place for this, but you might be able to wrap a conditional statement around the bp_core_load_template call in the new_article_screen in social-articles/includes/social-articles-screens.php. You can use something like

    if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) 

    to verify that they have the correct permissions or level. If they dont, instead of loading members/single/articles you can load a custom page that tells them they dont have permission.

    Its just thought.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    yeah it’s already been asked a couple times over there with no response. Your suggestion makes perfect sense though so I’ll start there .. thanks 🙂


    Anytime. Post your results. I’m thinking about using this plug-in as well.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Ok, here’s a quick solution. Just completely replace plugins/social-articles/includes/templates/members/single/articles/new.php with the code below.
    If you’d like to change the message displayed to the member it’s on line 162
    To grant access just switch a users role to contributor.

    I’m thinking I’ll come back later and make it to where if a non-author clicks their blog icon it redirects to a page explaining how to become an author .. but for now this works.

    global $post, $wpdb, $bp, $socialArticles;
    $directWorkflow = isDirectWorkflow();
    $statusLabels = array("publish"=>__('Published', 'social-articles'), 
                            "draft"=>__('Draft', 'social-articles'), 
                          "pending"=>__('Under review', 'social-articles'), 
                         "new-post"=>__('New', 'social-articles'));
    <?php if(isset($_GET['article'])):    
           $myArticle = get_post($_GET['article']);
           $post_id = $_GET['article'];
           if(isset($myArticle) && $myArticle->post_author == bp_loggedin_user_id() && ($socialArticles->options['allow_author_adition']=="true" || $myArticle->post_status=="draft")){
               $state = "ok";           
               $title = $myArticle->post_title;
               $content = $myArticle->post_content;             
               $status = $myArticle->post_status;
               $large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($_GET['article']), 'large');       
                    $image_name = end(explode("/",$large_image_url[0]));
                <input type="hidden" id="mode" value="edit"/>
                <input type="hidden" id="feature-image-url" value="<?php echo $large_image_url[0];?>"/>    
               $state = "error";
               $message = __("You cannot perform this action", "social-articles");
    <?php else:
           $post_id = 0;  
           $status = "new-post";
           <input type="hidden" id="mode" value="new"/>    
    <?php endif;?>
    <input type="hidden" id="image-name" value="<?php echo $image_name;?>"/>
    <input type="hidden" id="categories-ids"/>
    <input type="hidden" id="tag-ids"/>
    <input type="hidden" id="tag-names"/>
    <input type="hidden" id="categories-names"/>
    <input type="hidden" id="post-id" value="<?php echo $post_id;?>"/>   
    <input type="hidden" id="post-status" value="<?php echo $status;?>"/>
    <input type="hidden" id="direct-workflow" value="<?php echo $directWorkflow;?>"/>
    <?php if(!isset($_GET['article']) || $state == "ok"):?>
        <div class="post-save-options messages-container"> 
            <label id="save-message"></label>
            <input type="submit" id="edit-article" class="button" value="<?php _e("Edit article", "social-articles"); ?>" />
            <input type="submit" id="view-article" class="button" value="<?php _e("View article", "social-articles"); ?>" />
            <input type="submit" id="new-article" class="button" value="<?php _e("New article", "social-articles"); ?>" />
        <div id="post-maker-container">
        <?php if (current_user_can('edit_posts')):?>
            <div class="options">    
                <div class="options-content">
                    <span class="titlelabel"><?php _e("Categories", "social-articles"); ?></span>
                    <div class="categories-selector"><?php _e("Select your category", "social-articles"); ?></div>
                    <span class="picker" onmouseover="showCategoryList()"></span>
                    <span class="white-picker"></span>
                    <?php echo get_category_list($_GET['article']);?>
                <div class="options-content options-content-second">
                    <label class="titlelabel"><?php _e("Tags", "social-articles"); ?></label>    
                    <div class="tags-selector"><?php _e("Select your tags", "social-articles"); ?></div>
                    <span class="picker-t" onmouseover="showTagsList()"></span>
                    <span class="white-picker-t"></span>        
                    <?php echo get_tags_list($_GET['article']);?>
                <div class="post-status-container options-content">
                    <label class="titlelabel"><?php _e("Status", "social-articles"); ?></label>             
                    <span class="article-status <?php echo $status;?>"><?php echo $statusLabels[$status];?></span>                                             
            <input type="text" id="post_title" class="title-input" autofocus placeholder="<?php _e("Article title...", "social-articles"); ?>" value="<?php echo $title; ?>"/>
            <div class="editor-container">
                <div id="wysihtml5-editor-toolbar">
                    <ul class="commands">
                      <li data-wysihtml5-command="bold" title="Bold (CTRL + B)" class="command"></li>
                      <li data-wysihtml5-command="italic" title="Italic (CTRL + I)" class="command"></li>
                      <li data-wysihtml5-command="insertUnorderedList" title="<?php _e('Insert unordered list', 'social-articles');?>" class="command"></li>
                      <li data-wysihtml5-command="insertOrderedList" title="<?php _e('Insert ordered list', 'social-articles');?>" class="command"></li>
                      <li data-wysihtml5-command="createLink" title="<?php _e('Insert link', 'social-articles');?>" class="command"></li>         
                      <li data-wysihtml5-command="formatBlock" data-wysihtml5-command-value="h2" title="<?php _e('Title', 'social-articles');?>" class="command"></li>          
                      <li data-wysihtml5-command-group="foreColor" class="fore-color" title="Color the selected text" class="command">
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="silver"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="gray"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="maroon"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="red"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="purple"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="green"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="olive"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="navy"></li>
                          <li data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor" data-wysihtml5-command-value="blue"></li>
                  <div data-wysihtml5-dialog="createLink" style="display: none;">
                      <input data-wysihtml5-dialog-field="href" value="http://">
                    <a><?php _e("OK", "social-articles"); ?></a> <a><?php _e("Cancel", "social-articles"); ?></a>
                    <div class="textarea-container">
                        <textarea id="wysihtml5-editor" spellcheck="false" wrap="off" placeholder="<?php _e("Article content...", "social-articles"); ?>">           
                            <?php echo $content;?>         
            <div id="post_image" class="post-image-container">
                <div class="image-preview-container" id="image-preview-container">
                <div class="upload-controls">
                    <input id="uploader" type="submit" class="button" value="<?php _e("Upload Image", "social-articles"); ?>" />     
                    <label><?php _e("Max size allowed is 2 MB", "social-articles"); ?></label>
                <div class="uploading" id="uploading">
                   <img />/assets/images/load.gif"/>
                   <label><?php _e("Uploading your image. Please wait.", "social-articles"); ?></label>
                <div class="edit-controls">
                    <input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php _e("Delete", "social-articles"); ?>" onclick="cancelImage()" /> 
            <div id="save-waiting" class="messages-container">
                 <img />/assets/images/load.gif"/>
                 <label><?php _e("Saving your article. Please wait.", "social-articles"); ?></label>        
            <div id="error-box" class="messages-container">       
            <div class="buttons-container" id="create-controls">
                <?php if(($status=="draft" || $status == "new-post") && !$directWorkflow):?>
                    <input type="checkbox" id="publish-save" /><label for="publish-save"><span></span><?php _e("Save and move it under review", "social-articles"); ?></label>
                <?php endif?>
                <?php if(($status=="draft" || $status == "new-post") && $directWorkflow):?>
                    <input type="checkbox" id="publish-save" /><label for="publish-save"><span></span><?php _e("Save and publish", "social-articles"); ?></label>
                <?php endif?>
                <input type="submit" class="button save" value="<?php _e("Save", "social-articles"); ?>" onclick="savePost(); return false;" />
                <input type="submit" class="button cancel" value="<?php _e("Cancel", "social-articles"); ?>" onclick="'<?php echo $bp->loggedin_user->domain.'/articles';?>', '_self')" />
                <?php else:?>
        <div id="message" class="messageBox note icon">
            <span><?php _e("Sorry, you currently do not have author status.");?></span>
    <?php endif;?> 
    <?php else:?>
        <div id="message" class="messageBox note icon">
            <span><?php echo $message; ?></span>
    <?php endif;?>
        var editor = new wysihtml5.Editor("wysihtml5-editor", {
            toolbar:     "wysihtml5-editor-toolbar",
            stylesheets: ["", MyAjax.baseUrl+"/assets/css/editor.css"],
            parserRules: wysihtml5ParserRules
        new AjaxUpload('uploader', {
            action: MyAjax.baseUrl+'/upload-handler.php',                
                    onComplete: function(file, response){                                       
                        response = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
                        if(response.status == "ok"){                                                           
                            jQuery("#image-preview-container").html(getImageObject(MyAjax.tmpImageUrl+ response.value));
                    onSubmit: function(file, extension){

    Hi there,

    I have tried to do as described @mackown but then I get an error saying that the plugin is trying to load an unsave script. I have ssl on my website, so probably the http protocol that is being called is not allowed.

    Can you advice me on what to do?

    P.s. : social articles no longer functions properly on my website the text area for writing is no longer functioning.

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