This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #57757


    If I have the sticky menu on, it works fine in Chrome on a mac, but in Chrome on a PC or Firefox on a mac the menu crashes with content as seen in screenshot. Is there a fix?

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    Do you have transparent main menu on as well? If so, why? If not, please provide a link.

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    Couple of things going on here.

    1 – Looks like you have the activation page set up to be your front page. Settings > Reading

    2 – You are running an older version of Visual Composer.

    3 – According to the pages source code, you do have transparent main menu turned on. Either site wide or at the page level. You can also visually tell because you can read the content that’s underneath the menu (look at your logo).

    4 – Your site is throwing jquery errors. Looks like its caused by bp like.

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    Thanks Sharmstr.

    1- The activation page is not what it is set too, weird right? It is set to a static page called afl home.

    2 – We will update.

    3 – This is also strange, why would it be set in the source code and not in the main theme settings? Perhaps this is caused by the errors thrown by bp like? I deactivated it and the menu seems to be working correctly with no other changes to the menu settings.

    4 – Deactivated. This is too bad, the ability to like things is a big part of the socialization of a site. Do you have any other plugins to add like capabilities you know of?


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