This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #44306

    Its a bit un-user friendly out of the box for kleo….


    1. Control of the layout of all profile pages.
    2. Ability to turn header off but still have nav menu…so everything moves up. Right now all of UX is below the fold and there is a lot of wasted space. The show more/show less function isn’t necessary.
    3. Cover pics (Sharmstr just said this is coming in next update kids!)

    Any of these items possible now?

    Thanks in advance!



    I’m refraining from answering any of these until I get my hands on the new profile code.

    In the meantime, please add your request to this topic:

    Its easier to find and remember that way.

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    Done. 🙂 thx sharmstr.



    If you want to turn off the profile header all together, you can just hide it. I’m putting this here instead of the feature request topic, because I’d still like to see an toggle for this in theme options.

    #kleo-bp-home-wrap #item-header {
    display: none;
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

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    Sorry Sharmstr, I meant the site header…so the whole profile and activity stuff can all move upward….going to get serious with my CSS this evening on it….will let you know how it goes…

    Thanks for your help bro,



    pssst. Its Sis. 😀

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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