This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by gamerPro87.

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  • #56177

    I have tested tons of plugins, but nothing works 100%. I use momentaly WP Rocket Premium and its work fine. Before Cache Plugin i have a load for 10-15 Seconds, now i have 3 to 4 seconds. I asked by the support from all plugins i have tested, and they mean, the only you as theme programmer can optimize it 100%.

    As i use the plugins like speed-booster-pack.2.7, bwp-minify and more, the sweet date was deformed etc. I have tested sweet date demo website on and yours is well. So please if you have time, give me a instruction how i can resolve this problem. I have optimize sweetdate completly but 5 things are not completed and without your help and your experience i cant resolve it with plugins.

    I send you a PDF file with 2 Pics. Thank you, i hope you will help me!


    aha ok, pdf not allowed… so i publish here 2 pics.

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    Hello there.
    On our demo we haven’t used any minification or caching plugin but I think Better WordPress Minify does a good job. For the JS notice in your print-screen you should move all the JS from the header to footer. There are lots of plugins that add the Js to the header and you could use the plugin above to accomplish that.

    here is a link on this matter:

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Ok. I use Wp Rocket and its work fine. I have install Better WordPress Minify but is not compatibel with wp rocket. Anyway, you mean For the JS notice in your print-screen you should move all the JS from the header to footer, i have readed this on many websites, but i have not idea, how i can do this, i mean the js is in wp-content/cache/*****.js
    where i can put this on the footer? Sorry for my dumb question but i dont understand it 🙂


    Hello gamerPro87,

    We just installed WP Rocket on our website for the Sweet Date Theme. You are correct WP Rocket does increase the performance. We used and to obtain our metrics for page speed.

    We were wondering if you are using any of the caching features. Magnification works for HTML, Google Fonts, CSS and JS. However the caching is set to zero. So there is no improvement for loading times for people outside of your region. Have you worked with caching on WP Rocket. If so are you utilizing a CDN (Content Delivery Network)? I have attached a screen shot of our default homepage settings that uses SweetDate theme.

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    I forgot to mention that a good CDN option that is free is Cloudflare. Check it ou

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi Abe, thanks for writing.

    I am looking for a good CDN, i was informed about this Cloudflare but i can not test it because i use SSL on my website and Cloudflare is free for non SSL websites. Its not problem for me to pay 20-30 dollars per month, but i want to test it at first. I think later when i am 100% finish with my project, i will test some CDN.

    thanks again and have a nice day…

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