This topic has 28 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 11 years by Abe.

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  • #736

    I am using Codestyling Localization but it seems I am having problems getting the translation part to work.

    I am getting these at the top of the translation page:

    Malfunction at current Theme detected!
    Name: Sweetdate Child | Author: SeventhQueen
    Below listed scripts has been automatically stripped because of injection:

    I have also activated the child theme for translation by inputting:
    load_child_theme_textdomain(‘sweetdate’, get_stylesheet_directory().’/languages’);

    However I cannot seem to get it working properly. Any ideas? I also get a blank white popup when trying to add shortcodes to my pages, could this be related somehow?


    Hi twoshoes,
    We will look into this and we will get back soon with an answer.


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    You don’t have to add that function for the translation to work.
    Those notices can be ignored. What exactly isn’t working?

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    Can I give you access to the backend so you can look at it? Do you have a contact email?
    Essentially, it seems like I can’t find the texts that I need translated.


    It seems when there are plurals of translations, like: member and members, together in one translation field, it won’t be saved. And it seems to only display about half of the fields

    Total ( 726 / 1533 ) | Plural ( 18 ) | Context ( 6 ) | Not Translated ( 1315 ) | Comments ( 0 ) | Code Hints ( 4 ) | Trailing Space ( 20 )

    Shouldn’t it say: Total: (1533 / 1533) ?

    Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated 🙂


    The total depends on the text domain you are using … I guess.
    The plural issue doesn’t make any sense

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    Have you figured this out?

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    no I have not been able to solve this, sorry. The plural translations will not be saved, very strange indeed.


    Try using Poedit to translate those strings

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    It seems also related to your other problem with white window pop-up for shortcodes… I am guessing some access problems.

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    Still have issues with the translations. Now the child theme isn’t even activated in Codestyling Localization. It simply doesn’t show anywhere there.

    This is the error message:

    Malfunction at current Theme detected!
    Name: Sweetdate Child | Author: SeventhQueen
    Below listed scripts has been automatically stripped because of injection:

    I would REALLY like to translate your theme into norwegian, and would be happy to share the translation with you of course. But I just can’t get it to work. Now, some of the text is translated but some is not. No matter where I try to translate it, backend or even poedit.


    At this point I am also completely confused, because there are so many translations and plugins and what-not.

    bbPress © The bbPress Community
    BuddyPress © The BuddyPress Community
    bbPress ©
    BuddyPress Translations © The BuddyPress Community
    Sweetdate © SeventhQueen (which is turned off)

    …and there used to be Sweetdate Child, but as I said this is not showing up anymore.

    Some (or most of them) have different errors here and there.
    Compatibility: Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_plugin_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.

    Warning: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain.
    It seems, that there is code contained extracted out of other plugins, themes or widgets and used by copy & paste inside some source files.
    The affected unknown textdomains are: bbbpress

    Error: The actual loaded translation content does not match the textdomain: buddypress
    Expect, that any text you translate will not occure as long as the textdomain is mismatching!
    This is a coding issue at the source files you try to translate, please contact the original Author and explain this mismatch.

    So I do not know where to look for my translations, and if I look, I cannot find it OR even if I translate it won’t show…..

    So I am very confused and don’t know what to do here now.


    Hi, Use the Codestyling plugin and ignore those notices. You shoud see the just one Sweetdate theme even if you have the child theme activated. Add your language, scan files and after you translate some strings click to Generate the .mo file

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    Ignore those notices because there are also plugins in those are normal notices.

    You first need to translate the Sweetdate child theme following the instructions from my above reply.
    You can translate strings from every plugin you have installed.
    You need to translate also buddypress and bbpress and other plugins you use and have front-end content because on their specific pages, strings belong to the plugins.

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    I’m using Codestyling Localization to translate some words on my site.
    When I open it I can see many plugins and my theme to translate, my theme is the theme child, but its not here, there are just the main theme to translate on the list.

    If I translate it and generate the .mo file, the theme child I’m using will get the translation files from the main theme automatically?

    I did this question because I translated some words of the main theme to test, and I did generate the .mo file, but the child theme is not tranlated on my site…

    So I translated the principal words directly on .php files with Dreamwaver…

    Now I need translate some words that I didn’t found on .php files, using Codestyling Loc….

    Can you help me please?


    Hi, Yes you need to translate the Sweetdate theme, doesn’t matter if you have the child theme active(child theme is based on main theme)
    You don’t need to alter any of the theme files.
    All words should appear in Sweetdate theme under kleo_framework domain
    You will probably need to do translation for Buddypress or any other plugins that generate front-end data. I guess Buddypress is the main plugin you need to translate also.

    Just use this plugin. No need to edit theme files. translate the strings and generate the .mo file

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    Hey… Now SweetDate Child appear on Codestyling Localization, I translated many many many words but it does not appear on my site..
    My site has many words in English like original words…

    I don’t know what I’m doing worong.. 🙁

    Need I put some conde on functions.php?????


    I don’t know this information is important but I have this:

    Sweetdate © SeventhQueen
    Textdomain: kleo_framework
    Version: 2.1
    State: deactivated

    Sweetdate Child © SeventhQueen
    Textdomain: supertheme
    Version: 2.0
    State: activated / child theme of Sweetdate

    My question is: What theme I have translate?
    I translated many words on 2 themes and it not appears on my site.. 🙁


    Ohhhh.. Never mind!
    I was translating more then 100 words on a plugin deactivated. lololol

    Now I translated just 1 word on the correct plugin buddpress that is activated and it appears on my site…

    Thanks for your patience… 😛


    Glad you figured it out.


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    Hey sqadmin,
    I’m here again.. lolol
    Do you know why there are an erros when I tranleted either plural word on Codestyling Localization plugin???


    Hi, Don’t know about that errors. It should not happen

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    ok… thank you.. I will shearch some information on the Internet blogs..


    Today my theme did an update automatically.
    After that, many words lost their translation.
    On Codestyling Localization I opened the ThemeChild 2.2 > kleo_framework and there are no words translated.. then on home page the buttons Login, Logout, Profile, Singin is not translated… (and others words like Newest, Active and Popular)
    Is this an update error?
    How can I fix this?
    I think my old files .po and .mo was lost with this update and now I have a new file .po.. Do you know why?


    Hi, You should take your backed up .mo and .po files and put them in in the languages folders of the main theme because the update probably deleted them. The new ones are probably from Codestyling plugin

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    Do you think is better turn off the auto update?


    Even the update is done automatically, it starts only when you click to update

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    Hi, I am also using codestyling to translate some words on my site from the original english words. The translation works well for other plugins except BuddyPress.

    I cannot edit the original english text. PS: I am only editing the original text and not translation to another language.

    Would appreciate any assistance. This is driving me nuts.

    PS: on Localization plugin my Child-theme doesn’t appear.


    See my answer in your similar question here:

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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