This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Ziels’Opdracht.

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  • #66723

    I tried to find out why there are different formats for posts and what they are made for.
    The only difference that I noticed was a different icon when no featured image is used.
    Is that all there is to it?


    The formats aren’t Kleo specific. They are standard WP formats:

    With that said, Kleo stylizes each format differently

    – different color border left of the title in masonry list
    – image, video, slider gallery, audio player or quote styling in the masonry and carousel posts list and at the top of the post themselves if enabled.

    See here

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    I am wondering if it can be arranged that (in my case) when selecting an audio post format with a soundcloud link (or other WP accepted) that similair to the youtube (video format posts) there appears a play button and you can actually listen to the song straight from the main page instead of needing to go into the post (how to achieve this?

    I also find it very disappointing that the post formats are available but has had no special attention. With VC I can do a lot, but it would be great if some attention would be pored into making the post formats have a visually more atractive appearance (especially the audio output)

    Perhaps a future request?


    I am wondering if it can be arranged that (in my case) when selecting an audio post format with a soundcloud link (or other WP accepted audio links) that, similair to the youtube (video format posts), there appears a play button and you can actually listen to the song straight from the main page instead of needing to go into the post. How to achieve this?

    I also find it a bit disappointing that the post formats are available but has had no special attention. Especially the inherent music player and how it is displayed within Kleo. Although I can do a lot with VC, it would be great if some attention could be pored into making the audio/video post formats have a visually more attractive appearance (especially the audio output lacks appeal).

    Perhaps a future request?

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