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  •  epinks

    This is the code below that I was referring to that I already had, and will put on my Kleo child’s functions.php file. I got it from the following thread Is this the correct one?

    If so, are there any specific modification (similar to the FB registration redirect snippet) necessary for it to work properly, or do I simply copy and paste it? If modification is necessary, please be very specific.

    Also, am I correct in assuming that if I want to redirect both regular and Facebook registrations to my Membership Levels page, I should use both of these snippets in my Kleo child’s functions.php file? Is there a proper amount of space necessary between each snippet on the functions.php file for them to function properly?

    I would be very thankful if you can embed the code for both with separate instructions for modifications for each. As you can tell I’m not very familiar with this. So sorry!

    Thank you!

    /* Redirect user to levels page until he subscribes for a membership */
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'my_membersip_restrict' );
    function my_membersip_restrict() {
    	global $pmpro_pages, $post;
        if ( is_user_logged_in() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel() ) {
    		if (isset($post->ID) && !in_array($post->ID, $pmpro_pages)) {
    			wp_redirect( pmpro_url() );

    Is this the code you are referring to? If so, where exactly do I place my website URL? Is it where I see the language If not, where exactly. I need your help on this to be sure!

    Also will this code only work for FB integration, regular registration (without FB integration), or both? I ask because it seems to specifically mention ‘fb’.

    function my_fb_reg_redirect() {	
    	return '';

    Lastly, I am referring to the language such as “This field can be seen by: Everyone” that surrounds each entry field. Is this supposed to show during registration process. If not, how do I make sure it does not show? I am ok with entry fields being designated as “required” though.

    Thank you!

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