Forum Replies Created
Miguel nova
ParticipantThe Visual Composer plugin doesn´t appear there (Dashboard / Updates)… that´s why I ask you where I can find the VC plugin, to manual updating
Thanks a lot, I am worried about the site and my client is getting madMiguel nova
ParticipantHello… Visual Composer plugin doesn´work, do ypu know where I can find the update of this plugin?
Miguel nova
ParticipantHello…. I did it jejjeje… it is the visual composer plugin, I thik that Kleo update updates the Visual Composer plugin, but not… why Kleo update don´t update the visual composer’
Miguel nova
ParticipantHello, it seems that the update doen´t work well, after the update follow the Kleo update instructions ( the site doesn´t work… what can I do? I can run the site without updates, but then I have security issues… help me please
Miguel nova
I have update all plugins and wordpress, but still I have the same problem, I can´t access the visual composer plugin on pages, posts and portfolios, plus the front page news modules doesn´t work well. The situation is the same that you can look in the images before
MMiguel nova
I have already made both options (edit function-core.php and css trick) again but does not work… it still appears, trying put $output before “single_cat_title(”, false);” too… plus, appears in spanish…function kleo_title()
$output = “”;
if (is_tag()) {
$output = __(‘Tag Archive for:’,’kleo_framework’).” “.single_tag_title(”,false);
elseif(is_tax()) {
$term = get_term_by(‘slug’, get_query_var(‘term’), get_query_var(‘taxonomy’));
$output = $term->name;
elseif ( is_category() ) {
//$output = __(‘Archive for category:’, ‘kleo_framework’) . “sss ” . single_cat_title(”, false);
single_cat_title(”, false);
} -