Forum Replies Created
We may have different version of rtMedia. Because those lines will not match. Can you give me lines, so I search those 🙂
And by the way. Do you know simple way to remove filename under the picture (i.ex. testpicture.gif). I think that there’s no more less useless information than filename in this case 😀
mpitkaParticipantYou have right. I downloaded order version of rtMedia and everything works well. So the problem is related to rtMedia. Have sent a message to them. When I get instructions, I will share it here if someone has similar problem too.
1. is it possible to align text to left that it’s is placed nicely under the “sign up” button? It works “out-of-the-box” with Safari, but not with other browsers.2. I just don’t find it. Can you give me .php -file so I can translate it manually.
3. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /homez.755/boorntdk/www/wp-content/themes/sweetdate-child/functions.php on line 199
mpitkaParticipantBut I want to all these extended informations to be shown too for every profile. I just dont want useless menu which has only one tab.
mpitkaParticipantI don’t want any tabs to be visible, but the content of “profile” tab must be visible. If removing all tabs, it will give 404-error or everything is invinsible. Correct me, if I’m wrong?
mpitkaParticipantmpitkaParticipantI use PoEdit. However, I tried Codestyling localization too. It recognizes my translation file just fine. But theres no translation at frontend. There must be some kind of problem after update.
mpitkaParticipantYes I know. I have uploaded all language files as I should to a right folder (/www/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/languages)
And the file name is: rtmedia-fi_FI.
Never had problems to implement language-files. But now it just does not work after update. Any ideas?
mpitkaParticipantYeah and one more thing regarding this subject. How can I remove this “activity stream” from this profile menu? I have disabled it from my profile fields already, so it does not even work (404)
You were right. Language files was the problem. Two-lined button works great with Firefox and Chrome, but not with Safari. I don’t know how does it behave with IE….
mpitkaParticipantNew problem arrived.
This code you gave me previously. It worked fine with older version of theme. Now it will disable menu for ALL users. Any ideas? 🙂
mpitkaParticipantSorry, many problems was because I forgot to activate child theme after update. But still the biggest issues are this new language -file and this “profile”-button, which is two-lined.
And also, is it possible to go back to old profile button. I think it was better.
mpitkaParticipantwoooohooo. Magic happens. Thanks!
mpitkaParticipantFatal error: Call to undefined function kleo_breadcrumb() in /homez.755/boorntdk/www/wp-content/themes/sweetdate/functions.php on line 1177
mpitkaParticipantHere’s a screenshot. 🙂 have translated those, but no effect :/
mpitkaParticipantheh, You’re right. I don’t know what I messed up. For everybody else, who’s so noob, the whole working code is:
<?php if ( pmpro_hasMembershipLevel(array(1,2,3))) { wp_nav_menu( array( ‘container’ => false, ‘menu_class’ => ‘left’, ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’, ‘fallback_cb’ => ‘sweetdate_main_nav’, ‘walker’ => new sweetdate_walker_nav_menu) ); } ?>
Thank you!
mpitkaParticipantThank you for your help!
Is it possible to give a little bit more detailed instructions, because I don’t have good PHP knowledge.
age-fields and Province-fields do work.
Only: “I’m a” ja “looking for” …. does not work. Help, anyone?
mpitkaParticipantThis worked!
function my_remove_friends_nav() {
global $bp;
if (!bp_is_my_profile()) {
bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘friends’ );
add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘my_remove_friends_nav’ );mpitkaParticipantOh, Forgot to mention that I have tried this (functions.php @childtheme)
function my_remove_friends_nav() {
global $bp;
if (!bp_is_my_profile()) {
bp_core_remove_nav_item( ‘friends’ );
add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘my_remove_friends_nav’ );I have translated the site to finnish language. “Friends” is “Kaverit”… Can this cause issues?
mpitkaParticipantI have only this: [kleo_call_to_action], nothing else.
I really don’t understand how this is possible when I have also deleted this map-bg.png too.
mpitkaParticipantOh, you are right. I got confused because this “finger” still remains. Is there any easy way to disable it?