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  • in reply to: Jetpack share button layout problem #193509
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: Modify single post template #182968
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: peters login redirect languages WPML #59311


    hi sharmstr I want to share this with you. WPML provided a solution that works with your top menu login !

    function add_language_variable( $custom_redirect_to, $variable, $user ) {
        global $sitepress;
        if( 'language' == $variable && defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') && $sitepress->get_default_language() != ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ) {
            return ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
        return $custom_redirect_to;
    add_filter( 'rul_replace_variable', 'add_language_variable', 10, 3 );

    if the above code is added in the functions.php
    than this can be added in peters login redirect:


    it works on my site. maybe you can use that

    in reply to: customizing Pop Up Login Box #54189
    .oneall_social_login_providers {
        height: 100px;
        overflow: hidden;
    in reply to: customizing Pop Up Login Box #54188
    /* Add social login to Kleo login modal */
    add_action( 'kleo_before_login_form','add_social_to_login_modal' );
    function add_social_to_login_modal() {


    Abe important rtMedia fixed the bug !!

    you have to add this code to the themes function.php ( i tested it, it works !)

    function rtmedia_modify_upload_params_upload_url( $params ){
        if( class_exists( 'BuddyPress' ) && bp_displayed_user_id() && bp_is_activity_component() ) {
            $params['url'] = '/' . bp_get_activity_root_slug() . '/upload/';
        return $params;
    add_filter( 'rtmedia_modify_upload_params','rtmedia_modify_upload_params_upload_url', 10, 1 );

    oh right . sorry sharmstr.
    yes it works.

    here for everyone who wants to run the BP ACTIVITY LOADER PLUGIN.
    just copy and replace this code:

     * Please note, this plugin requires the jQuery cookie plugin, which comes bundled with the bp-default theme and many BuddyPress themes.
     * If you theme does not include it it, please copy it from bp-default/_inc/global.js and paste in your js file
    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
        var jq=jQuery;
        var is_activity_loading=false;//We'll use this variable to make sure we don't send the request again and again.
        //Check the window scroll event.
        jq(window).scroll(function() {
           //Find the visible "load more" button.
           //since BP does not remove the "load more" button, we need to find the last one that is visible.
            var load_more_btn=jq(".load-more:visible");
            //If there is no visible "load more" button, we've reached the last page of the activity stream.
            //Find the offset of the button.
             var pos=load_more_btn.offset();
           //If the window height+scrollTop is greater than the top offset of the "load more" button, we have scrolled to the button's position. Let us load more activity.
           if(jq(window).scrollTop() + jq(window).height() > ) {
         * This routine loads more activity.
         * We call it whenever we reach the bottom of the activity listing.
        function load_more_activity(){
            //Check if activity is loading, which means another request is already doing this.
            //If yes, just return and let the other request handle it.
                        return false;				
               //So, it is a new request, let us set the var to true.        
                //Add loading class to "load more" button.
                //Theme authors may need to change the selector if their theme uses a different id for the content container.
                //This is designed to work with the structure of bp-default/derivative themes.
                //Change #content to whatever you have named the content container in your theme.
                jq(".activity li.load-more").addClass('loading');
                if ( null == jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') )
                        jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage', 1, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                var oldest_page = ( jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') * 1 ) + 1;
                //Send the ajax request.
       ajaxurl, {
                        action: 'activity_get_older_updates',
                        'cookie': encodeURIComponent(document.cookie),
                        'page': oldest_page
                        jq(".load-more").hide();//Hide any "load more" button.
                        jq(".activity li.load-more").removeClass('loading');//Theme authors, you may need to change #content to the id of your container here, too.
                        //Update cookie...
                        jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', oldest_page, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                        //and append the response.
                        jq(".activity ul.activity-list").append(response.contents);
                        //Since the request is complete, let us reset is_activity_loading to false, so we'll be ready to run the routine again.
                }, 'json' );
                return false;
    });//end of dom ready

    is change to this. still not working

     * Please note, this plugin requires the jQuery cookie plugin, which comes bundled with the bp-default theme and many BuddyPress themes.
     * If you theme does not include it it, please copy it from bp-default/_inc/global.js and paste in your js file
    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
        var jq=jQuery;
        var is_activity_loading=false;//We'll use this variable to make sure we don't send the request again and again.
        //Check the window scroll event.
        jq(window).scroll(function() {
           //Find the visible "load more" button.
           //since BP does not remove the "load more" button, we need to find the last one that is visible.
            var load_more_btn=jq(".load-more:visible");
            //If there is no visible "load more" button, we've reached the last page of the activity stream.
            //Find the offset of the button.
             var pos=load_more_btn.offset();
           //If the window height+scrollTop is greater than the top offset of the "load more" button, we have scrolled to the button's position. Let us load more activity.
           if(jq(window).scrollTop() + jq(window).height() > ) {
         * This routine loads more activity.
         * We call it whenever we reach the bottom of the activity listing.
        function load_more_activity(){
            //Check if activity is loading, which means another request is already doing this.
            //If yes, just return and let the other request handle it.
                        return false;				
               //So, it is a new request, let us set the var to true.        
                //Add loading class to "load more" button.
                //Theme authors may need to change the selector if their theme uses a different id for the content container.
                //This is designed to work with the structure of bp-default/derivative themes.
                //Change #content to whatever you have named the content container in your theme.
                jq("#.activity li.load-more").addClass('loading');
                if ( null == jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') )
                        jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage', 1, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                var oldest_page = ( jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') * 1 ) + 1;
                //Send the ajax request.
       ajaxurl, {
                        action: 'activity_get_older_updates',
                        'cookie': encodeURIComponent(document.cookie),
                        'page': oldest_page
                        jq(".load-more").hide();//Hide any "load more" button.
                        jq("#.activity li.load-more").removeClass('loading');//Theme authors, you may need to change #content to the id of your container here, too.
                        //Update cookie...
                        jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', oldest_page, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                        //and append the response.
                        jq("#.activity ul.activity-list").append(response.contents);
                        //Since the request is complete, let us reset is_activity_loading to false, so we'll be ready to run the routine again.
                }, 'json' );
                return false;
    });//end of dom ready
     * Please note, this plugin requires the jQuery cookie plugin, which comes bundled with the bp-default theme and many BuddyPress themes.
     * If you theme does not include it it, please copy it from bp-default/_inc/global.js and paste in your js file
    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
        var jq=jQuery;
        var is_activity_loading=false;//We'll use this variable to make sure we don't send the request again and again.
        //Check the window scroll event.
        jq(window).scroll(function() {
           //Find the visible "load more" button.
           //since BP does not remove the "load more" button, we need to find the last one that is visible.
            var load_more_btn=jq(".load-more:visible");
            //If there is no visible "load more" button, we've reached the last page of the activity stream.
            //Find the offset of the button.
             var pos=load_more_btn.offset();
           //If the window height+scrollTop is greater than the top offset of the "load more" button, we have scrolled to the button's position. Let us load more activity.
           if(jq(window).scrollTop() + jq(window).height() > ) {
         * This routine loads more activity.
         * We call it whenever we reach the bottom of the activity listing.
        function load_more_activity(){
            //Check if activity is loading, which means another request is already doing this.
            //If yes, just return and let the other request handle it.
                        return false;				
               //So, it is a new request, let us set the var to true.        
                //Add loading class to "load more" button.
                //Theme authors may need to change the selector if their theme uses a different id for the content container.
                //This is designed to work with the structure of bp-default/derivative themes.
                //Change #content to whatever you have named the content container in your theme.
                jq("#activity-stream li.load-more").addClass('activity');
                if ( null == jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') )
                        jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage', 1, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                var oldest_page = ( jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') * 1 ) + 1;
                //Send the ajax request.
       ajaxurl, {
                        action: 'activity_get_older_updates',
                        'cookie': encodeURIComponent(document.cookie),
                        'page': oldest_page
                        jq(".load-more").hide();//Hide any "load more" button.
                        jq("#activity-stream li.load-more").removeClass('activity');//Theme authors, you may need to change #content to the id of your container here, too.
                        //Update cookie...
                        jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', oldest_page, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                        //and append the response.
                        jq("#activity-stream ul.activity-list").append(response.contents);
                        //Since the request is complete, let us reset is_activity_loading to false, so we'll be ready to run the routine again.
                }, 'json' );
                return false;
    });//end of dom ready
     * Please note, this plugin requires the jQuery cookie plugin, which comes bundled with the bp-default theme and many BuddyPress themes.
     * If you theme does not include it it, please copy it from bp-default/_inc/global.js and paste in your js file
    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
        var jq=jQuery;
        var is_activity_loading=false;//We'll use this variable to make sure we don't send the request again and again.
        //Check the window scroll event.
        jq(window).scroll(function() {
           //Find the visible "load more" button.
           //since BP does not remove the "load more" button, we need to find the last one that is visible.
            var load_more_btn=jq(".load-more:visible");
            //If there is no visible "load more" button, we've reached the last page of the activity stream.
            //Find the offset of the button.
             var pos=load_more_btn.offset();
           //If the window height+scrollTop is greater than the top offset of the "load more" button, we have scrolled to the button's position. Let us load more activity.
           if(jq(window).scrollTop() + jq(window).height() > ) {
         * This routine loads more activity.
         * We call it whenever we reach the bottom of the activity listing.
        function load_more_activity(){
            //Check if activity is loading, which means another request is already doing this.
            //If yes, just return and let the other request handle it.
                        return false;				
               //So, it is a new request, let us set the var to true.        
                //Add loading class to "load more" button.
                //Theme authors may need to change the selector if their theme uses a different id for the content container.
                //This is designed to work with the structure of bp-default/derivative themes.
                //Change #content to whatever you have named the content container in your theme.
                jq(„#.content li.load-more").addClass('loading');
                if ( null == jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') )
                        jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage', 1, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                var oldest_page = ( jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') * 1 ) + 1;
                //Send the ajax request.
       ajaxurl, {
                        action: 'activity_get_older_updates',
                        'cookie': encodeURIComponent(document.cookie),
                        'page': oldest_page
                        jq(".load-more").hide();//Hide any "load more" button.
                        jq("#content li.load-more").removeClass('loading');//Theme authors, you may need to change #content to the id of your container here, too.
                        //Update cookie...
                        jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', oldest_page, {
                                path: '/'
                        } );
                        //and append the response.
                        jq("#content ul.activity-list").append(response.contents);
                        //Since the request is complete, let us reset is_activity_loading to false, so we'll be ready to run the routine again.
                }, 'json' );
                return false;
    });//end of dom ready
Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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