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  • in reply to: Animated number question #27837


    i finally did a whole solution for this issues, at least to the best of my knowledge.

    My Code:

    :: Extends functions.php
     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function get num rows of db tables / buddypress group / blog count by row
    function ok_get_row_count( $table_name ) {
    	//$table_name -> db table to count the rows of
    	global $wpdb;
    	$array = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $table_name");
    	$rows = mysql_num_rows($count);
    	//simple array iteration with count to retrieve row count
    	$rows = 0;
    	foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    	return $rows;
     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function adds shortcode support to get user and group count for animated kleo numbers
    function ok_get_option_shortcode( $theme_option ) {
    	return get_option( $theme_option['key'] );
    add_shortcode( 'get-theme-option', 'ok_get_option_shortcode' );
     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function bp add group count and blog count to custom options
    //create options
    add_option( "_ok_bp_member_count", 0, "", "yes");
    add_option( "_ok_bp_group_count", 0, "", "yes");
    add_option( "_ok_bp_blog_count", 0, "", "yes");
    //add_option( "_ok_bp_message_count", 0, "", "yes");
    //get bp group count and blog count
    db table names for extended counts display
    bp active members -> wp_bp_groups_members
    bp active groups -> wp_bp_groups
    bp blogs -> wp_bp_user_blogs
    bp written messages -> wp_bp_messages_messages
    $okBPmembers = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_groups_members");
    $okBPgroups = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_groups");
    $okBPblogs = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_user_blogs");
    //$okBPblogs = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_messages_messages");
    //update options
    update_option( "_ok_bp_member_count", $okBPmembers);
    update_option( "_ok_bp_group_count", $okBPgroups);
    update_option( "_ok_bp_blog_count", $okBPblogs);
    //update_option( "_ok_bp_message_count", $okBPblogs);

    Hope i could help.


    in reply to: Animated number question #27361

    Hi, i developed a solution myself, it is not yet finished but it should get you (people that want to use it) an idea.

    Animated Kleo Numbers
    Issue: Kleo shortcode only lets you animated static number. What we want is to get these animated numbers in real dynamically

    My Solution:

    functions.php EDIT/ADD

     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function adds shortcode support to get user and group count for animated kleo numbers
    function ok_get_option_shortcode( $theme_option ) {
    return get_option( $theme_option['key'] );
    add_shortcode( 'get-theme-option', 'ok_get_option_shortcode' );
    Use de following Option shortcode to retrieve the wanted data
    [get-theme-option key="<yourOptionNameYouWantDataFrom>"]
    KLEO Animated Number Shortcode MODIFIED
    [kleo_animate_numbers animation="animate-when-almost-visible" timer="3000"][get-theme-option key="_transient_bp_active_member_count"][/kleo_animate_numbers]
    public blogs
    [kleo_animate_numbers animation="animate-when-almost-visible" timer="3000"][get-theme-option key="blog_public"][/kleo_animate_numbers]

    Further issues
    For group count and active topics i did not find any option, but i am developing a function that retrieves these count values and i will put them into custom option.
    I did not have much time today, i will post this function in the coming days to complete this solution…

    Where to find option names / options store data -> /wp-admin/options.php (when logged-in)
    Can be applied to other displayable values if needed/wanted…

    Have fun.

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