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  • in reply to: Visual composer bugs #29336

    Well i found the issue myself at least a part of the issue i suppose.

    Why wasn’t i able to define a sepecific category to filter, in built query section, was the question?
    -Well i noticed that there weren’t any posts assigned to that specific cat i wanted to enter and filter for, so if you want the category filter option to be functionning for a specific cat, there has to be at least one single post assigned to it, else it will not be available for selection.

    The other issue i ran into now is that i am able to enter a filterable cat, but it does no filtering at all, as it always shows me all posts on frontpage 🙁

    Well the post grid filter (query) seems not to work either, even with a specific category defined for the query.

    Could you please provide me help as i am stuck now, for sure.


    in reply to: Visual composer bugs #29330


    i am experiencing a weird issue that does not let me set filters for posts using vc posts grid. The post grid settings let me built a query to filter posts by categories, but it seems like the built query function does not accept any parameters, especially posts category, neither post id or slug. Even after updating today to the latest versions, no success.

    Is there sth i am missing?

    Thx in advance for any help.


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    in reply to: Animated number question #27838

    Let me correct only one thing, line 16 in my previous code post is not needed.

    in reply to: Animated number question #27837


    i finally did a whole solution for this issues, at least to the best of my knowledge.

    My Code:

    :: Extends functions.php
     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function get num rows of db tables / buddypress group / blog count by row
    function ok_get_row_count( $table_name ) {
    	//$table_name -> db table to count the rows of
    	global $wpdb;
    	$array = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $table_name");
    	$rows = mysql_num_rows($count);
    	//simple array iteration with count to retrieve row count
    	$rows = 0;
    	foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    	return $rows;
     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function adds shortcode support to get user and group count for animated kleo numbers
    function ok_get_option_shortcode( $theme_option ) {
    	return get_option( $theme_option['key'] );
    add_shortcode( 'get-theme-option', 'ok_get_option_shortcode' );
     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function bp add group count and blog count to custom options
    //create options
    add_option( "_ok_bp_member_count", 0, "", "yes");
    add_option( "_ok_bp_group_count", 0, "", "yes");
    add_option( "_ok_bp_blog_count", 0, "", "yes");
    //add_option( "_ok_bp_message_count", 0, "", "yes");
    //get bp group count and blog count
    db table names for extended counts display
    bp active members -> wp_bp_groups_members
    bp active groups -> wp_bp_groups
    bp blogs -> wp_bp_user_blogs
    bp written messages -> wp_bp_messages_messages
    $okBPmembers = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_groups_members");
    $okBPgroups = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_groups");
    $okBPblogs = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_user_blogs");
    //$okBPblogs = ok_get_row_count("wp_bp_messages_messages");
    //update options
    update_option( "_ok_bp_member_count", $okBPmembers);
    update_option( "_ok_bp_group_count", $okBPgroups);
    update_option( "_ok_bp_blog_count", $okBPblogs);
    //update_option( "_ok_bp_message_count", $okBPblogs);

    Hope i could help.


    in reply to: Animated number question #27361

    Hi, i developed a solution myself, it is not yet finished but it should get you (people that want to use it) an idea.

    Animated Kleo Numbers
    Issue: Kleo shortcode only lets you animated static number. What we want is to get these animated numbers in real dynamically

    My Solution:

    functions.php EDIT/ADD

     * @author orbitkiller
     * @function adds shortcode support to get user and group count for animated kleo numbers
    function ok_get_option_shortcode( $theme_option ) {
    return get_option( $theme_option['key'] );
    add_shortcode( 'get-theme-option', 'ok_get_option_shortcode' );
    Use de following Option shortcode to retrieve the wanted data
    [get-theme-option key="<yourOptionNameYouWantDataFrom>"]
    KLEO Animated Number Shortcode MODIFIED
    [kleo_animate_numbers animation="animate-when-almost-visible" timer="3000"][get-theme-option key="_transient_bp_active_member_count"][/kleo_animate_numbers]
    public blogs
    [kleo_animate_numbers animation="animate-when-almost-visible" timer="3000"][get-theme-option key="blog_public"][/kleo_animate_numbers]

    Further issues
    For group count and active topics i did not find any option, but i am developing a function that retrieves these count values and i will put them into custom option.
    I did not have much time today, i will post this function in the coming days to complete this solution…

    Where to find option names / options store data -> /wp-admin/options.php (when logged-in)
    Can be applied to other displayable values if needed/wanted…

    Have fun.

    in reply to: Animated number question #27360


    your theme is really a blast!

    But is there any way to get these numbers shown in your example “xxx” dynamically, by shortcode for example, means that they really reflect the numbers of your current site, without editing them manually?

    Thank you.

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