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  • in reply to: Error with main menu in desketop #204855

    It was enable in one and disable in the another, as you said.

    Now it seems ok. I will follow up and see if the error will appear again.


    in reply to: Main menu error on mobile with child theme #204854

    I’ve added a CSS code to solve that. But without the code the problem persists.

    @media (max-width: 991px) {
    .navbar-nav {
    height: auto !important;

    The only bootstrap that I see that could be active is the one from WPDM, but it is not enable.

    By the way, if it is working, it is enough for now. To know that the problem could be the bootstrap already help me to deal with it in the future.


    in reply to: Error with main menu in desketop #204605

    Testing the website, I’ve found this problem.

    View post on

    When I click in the tab (number 1 in the picture) appears in the body the code “header overflow”.

    Because of it i’m having issues with the menubar.

    I reinforce that it just happen in the child theme. Not in the main Kleo.


    To solve it temporarily, I’ve customized some CSS codes to avoid this problem:

    # to solve the main problem, caused by the “header overflow”
    .navbar > .kleo-main-header,
    .kleo-main-header > .container > .navbar-collapse {
    overflow: visible !important;

    # to solve the problem with the main menu in the mobile, that also don’t appear
    @media (max-width: 991px) {
    .navbar-nav {
    height: auto !important;

    By the way…

    Is it possible to correctly fix this issue directly in the root cause?

    in reply to: Main menu error on mobile with child theme #204576

    Just an information:

    I’ve looked for the WPDM bootstrap and css and they are already deactivated. So, it is not influencing the menu on phone.


    I have solved with a snippet.

    Thanks for attention.

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191744

    I deactivated all the plugins, refreshed the cache and tested.

    I still keep with the problem. I’m strongly believing that it is an issue with the child theme.

    Reinforcing that I already disabled the bootstrap and css from the download manager.

    And this is an interesting thing:

    When a section is selected, I have a problem

    When I select the calendar page, I have a problem

    In all other pages, I don’t have a problem.

    And when I open those pages mentioned above, with the main theme, I also don’t have a problem.

    How can I check an issue with the child theme elements?

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191729

    I already did it. And also deactivated the download manager. It still have a problem.

    And about the child theme having this problem, but not the main theme… Is there a reason for that?

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191720

    I tried disable plugins, but the problem continue.

    That is really weird, because when I change to the Kleo template (not the child one) the error doesn’t occur anymore.

    It seems that if the problem is a bootstrap problem, it ends using the Kleo and not Kleo child.

    Is there a possible reason for that?

    I’m wordering if there is a difference in rendering the child theme and the main theme. It looks like there is a difference in the order of the information are loaded in the page. And when loads in the child theme, something is over that, causing this problem.

    Do you have any idea about this point?

    I still keep with problem.

    I would change to the main, not the child theme, but I’m doing some changes in the page and I understood that it is important to do that in the child template and not the main one, because when there is an actualization, I can loose everything.

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191637

    Another thing that I figured out testing few things

    When it loads, the menu_header has the following size: 1289×60 (the menu doesn’t work here)

    When I resize the page a little bit, this menu_header has 1289×80 (the menu works here)

    Apparently, the header is this one:
    .header-flexmenu #header .kleo-main-header>.container

    (I’m not programmer, I just understand a little bit of dev. And Those informations are attempts to contribute with few things that I’m observing during my tests here)

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191621

    Other important thing is this example, exploring that I mentioned before:

    I open the page

    When it is loaded, it shows during 1 second the header with the buttons, like in the img1. It has a size when loads. At this point, it also shows the subitems of the menu “Sobre nós”.

    After one second, the header reduces the size in few pixels. You can see the img2, and is not possible anymore to see the subitems of the menu “Sobre nós”.

    When i resize the window, or when I open the Developer tools (ctrl + shift + I), it also became normal again, like the img1.

    So, It also happens in the main page. The same issue.

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    in reply to: Problem with layout #191613

    I tried it in Opera, and it had problem.

    I tried with chrome, and it had a problem.

    I tried with firefox, and it had a problem.

    I deactivated both Autoptimize and Wp Fastest Cache, and continued with the problem.

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191591

    I’ve tried again, and also cleared the cache. And it still don’t work.

    See the images attached.

    The image1, I’ve clicked on the section services, receiving this URL:

    You can see in the image that the menu becomes shorter when I scroll down. I circled it in red.

    Also when I try to click it the menu “Sobre nós”, I cannot see the dropdown with submenus.

    The image2, I’ve accessed directly the main page and not clicked in the section:

    As you can see in the image, the menu doesn’t become shorter. It maintain the same size.

    In this case, when I click in the menu “Sobre nós” it does show the dropdown with submenus.

    In the page “Eventos” happens the same. I cannot see the dropdown with submenus when I click on it

    One strange thing is, when the page loads, in 1 or 2 seconds it shows the page in the right way, with the possibility to see the submenus and, then, it is not possible anymore.

    It seems there is some code that loads after and make it impossible to see the menu correctly.

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    in reply to: Problem with layout #191520

    I tried to check more the child theme, but I couldn’t find why the main theme works well and the child theme don’t.

    Also when I access, in the child theme, the landing page and click on a section, like I cannot open the subfolders of the main menubar.

    So, I see the problem is with the child theme.

    Could you help me fixing that?

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191519

    And how about the other problem?

    Let me know if the issue dissapears after you switch off the child theme

    When I activate the main Kleo, not the child, this issue disappear. I’m wondering if it is because I added some texts in the CSS file on Kelo child. Or because I have no header (the grey one) and breadcumbs in Kleo child.

    in reply to: Problem with layout #191213

    Let me know if the issue dissapears after you switch off the child theme

    When I activate the main Kleo, not the child, this issue disappear. I’m wondering if it is because I added some texts in the CSS file on Kelo child. Or because I have no header (the grey one) and breadcumbs in Kleo child.

    and for the DOM duplicated id try to switch the theme to default one and let me know if you receive the same

    When I activate the main theme from wordpress, the DOM error disappear.

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