Forum Replies Created
I have link from
==>buddypress setting/page/choose activity page / i create and choosed “all-activity”By defaul sweettheme only add (personal page)
Now i want to add url to Top of $profile-menu, what code should i add
TheDream18Participanthi. where is location of buddypress xprofile tab in header. i use minify js plugin, it used loading is not smoothy xprofile tab in header. i want to put this js file in except.
TheDream18ParticipantCode no work. “register” i tested both page name and slug name.
my currect register page id 967, templete full width, no sidebarTheDream18ParticipantHi the code worked. As i said: It moved tweet to FOOTER, did not complete removed these script loading.
I complete don’t use tweet. I want to complete remove it. If cann’t remove it, tell me which file php did you add it (which line of code should i delete)
Don’t worry i will broke website, i will note detail for future handy remove again if sweeettheme update new version.
TheDream18ParticipantHi. Where is file location of these inline code in attachment
You must be logged in to view attached files.May 9, 2018 at 19:19 in reply to: Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user #197264TheDream18ParticipantI tried
.my-account.messages #header .btn-profile a[href*=”messages”]
This code work for all another such as notifications, friends. But not work for messages
May 9, 2018 at 18:22 in reply to: Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user #197249TheDream18ParticipantHow about question 3, please.
Question 4.
Here is part of code i added to to $profile-menuCOPY CODE<!--MY CODE --> if ( bp_is_active( 'logout' ) ) { $profile_menu1['logout'] = '<li> <a href=" ' . wp_logout_url('/url-page-to-be-redirected') . '/">' . __( "Logout", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; } <!-- END MY CODE --> $profile_menu1 = apply_filters( 'header_profile_dropdown', $profile_menu1 );?>
May 9, 2018 at 18:07 in reply to: Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user #197234TheDream18ParticipantThank you. My bad. It worked now.
Another question. Call it question 3)
Step 1: Keep $profile-menu code for /messages as defaul ==> Link:
Step 2: Use messager plugin for buddypress
Step 3. Click on $profile-menu “Message” the button working correct without modify $profile-header for /messagers
==> After step 2, link: used
.my-account.messages #header .btn-profile a[href=””%5D
.my-account.messages #header .btn-profile a[href*=”messages”]These no work. can you help me correct it?
Question 4)
Step 1: defaul logout button in header.
Step 2: I success moved it under “$profile-menu” instead of defaul button.
Step 3: Apply all css worked.
Step 4: Frontend “Logout” button always 100% apply css used in step 3.
How do i get rid of css effect Logout button?Hover logout button i saw link: …………….
May 9, 2018 at 11:34 in reply to: Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user #197200TheDream18ParticipantHi. The code work correct for defaul buddypress but don’t work for “xprofile and rtmedia”
Step 1: I already success added to $profile-menu
slug /media
slug /profileStep 2: Creatative css similar yours. Bellow is everything i tried but no work.
.my-account.groups #header .btn-profile a[href=”‘. bp_loggedin_user_domain().’media/”],
.my-account.groups #header .btn-profile a[href*=”media”],
.my-account.groups #header .btn-profile a[href*=”xprofile”],
.my-account.groups #header .btn-profile a[href*=”profile”] {background:#000; color:fff}How to correct css for xprofile and media?
TheDream18ParticipantQ1. The code only used move tweet to footer, did not complete disabled it.
==> I complete don’t use Tweet, how do i complete disabled it?Q2. I changed code.
#btnGoUp {
background: transparent!important;
content: “\f0f3”;
font-family: FontAwesome; font-size: 18px !important;
}The icon did not appear. What is wrong please?
TheDream18ParticipantSorry forget attachment.
You must be logged in to view attached files.TheDream18ParticipantHi i don’t misunderdtand. I did the same before. But as you see the result are same.
/media always stay in BOTTOM
now how do make /media appear before /setting in $profile-menu?
MY demo web appear:
/mediaI want:
/settingTheDream18ParticipantHi one more question again
Where is location of “inline” css file?, in inspect element, there is no file location to view.TheDream18ParticipantHi.
Where is location of PHP call : sweettheme/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
TheDream18ParticipantHi issue fixed by following
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: “default-src ‘none’;”
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: “script-src ‘self’;”
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: “style-src ‘unsfae-inline’;”
Please loggin my website and work direct on main theme, no need setting child-theme. i will know what to do after u tell me what is wrong. This is test web, u are free to broke it.
line 126 moved as you request make lost /rtmedia in frontend
line 144-152 is the code /rtmedia slug (now it lost because move code on line 126)
Please help me check
TheDream18ParticipantFollow urs link. I tested with
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: “default-src ‘none’;”
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: “script-src ‘self’;”
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: “style-src ‘self’;”
</IfModule>This stop error js. But it created error style. What is wrong? Can you test on sweettheme in your hosting and give me final code solution for htaccess without broken sweettheme?
TheDream18ParticipantIf available, please try to add code i given to your htaccess, u will see the same happen.
TheDream18ParticipantHi. This is complete 100% new website (cleared database and rebuild) that i just build for you.
This is sweettheme, which is said your theme issue with htaccess code. another theme is fine. recheck atatchment again please. There is screenshot with code in .htaccess. This security code caughted issue, which i show u and ask you fix, because defaul wp theme work fine, no issue.
I tried to security header, by adding bellow code to “.htaccess”
COPY CODEHeader set Content-Security-Policy “script-src ‘unsafe-inline’ ”
I also tried with
script-src ‘none‘
script-src ‘self‘
4/media (code you given)Step 1: I try to reorder code within $profile_menu
1/notifcation, –> succcess postion 1 in frontend
2/message –> succcess postion 2 in frontend
3/media (code you given). Always in bottom even i moved them to postion 3.
4/setting –> succcess postion 3 in frontend, because /media always down to postion 4 (bottom).Step 2) When move the code as you guide. I complete lost /media slug in dropdown menu.
Step 3) Redo step 2, move code back to bottom postion. /media come back. But still stay in bottom positionSo how do i reorder /media anywhere within $profile_menu as step 1?
TheDream18ParticipantAbout 2+3) Please guide me how to change directory to
cpanel public_html/custom-img/sweetthemeEx: I already create dcustom-img/sweettheme
TheDream18ParticipantThank you, i’m none developer, but i know how to handle child theme for theme and plugin.
1) GET……assets/images/patterns/grey_pattern.gif
Where is location to remove this also please?
P/S: In “style layout” i already choose ALL is none/or color typical now.
2) Where is location code call : up_page.png?
WHY? because in Inspect element/ console
I SAW: wp-content/asset/images/up_page.png
Which is not security, show exactly location of wp-content/asset (NOTE: i already changed wp-content name, show here will allow people know exacly my wp-content changed name)3) Similar where is location php file call asset/font?
I would like to change the directory urls.TheDream18ParticipantHi.
Please check the screenshot. Finaly in frontend, i get lost /media slug.
I would like your code given will allow me put anywhere within the screenshot code, which mean i can REORDER any postion just similar your dafaul /setting slug
You must be logged in to view attached files.TheDream18ParticipantHi. The code you given work. But it always stay in BOTTOM position of $profile_menu header in general-header.php.
<?php if ( function_exists( ‘bp_is_active’ ) ): ?>
<?php $profile_menu1 = array();
Your code just given here….
Your defaul code here.==> The logic “slug /media” should appear in TOP, but it always in BOTTOM position. I tried add at middle position, /media also stay in BOTTOM
Can you check the code?
TheDream18ParticipantFor easier udnerstand, please take a look at screenshot. I want extra media in dropdown menu
You must be logged in to view attached files.April 23, 2018 at 17:19 in reply to: Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user #195801TheDream18ParticipantHi.
I clearly added in correct sweet theme here in breadcrum
Home / Forums / Sweetdate – WordPress Theme options & Demo content : Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user
“”””””Please help me with correct code, bellow is screenshot for easier understand.
As you see current i opened GROUP, but text did not change color. I want dropdown menu a.current change color when a GROUP is opening
You must be logged in to view attached files.TheDream18ParticipantIt don’t appear. Seem you are saying about #nav buddypress.
No, i’m saying about theme/…general-header.php, where is $profile-menu (dropdown menu in header) –> There is only have
+ Activity
+ Friends request
+ Message
+ Friends
+ Setting (—> i added success)
+ Media (–> similar this is what i try to add, but no work. something wrong)Dont have rtmedia permarlink there. I added to general-header.php extra code for $profile-menu, but no work, what is wrong? I already make similar to add /setting permalink, which is worked. Only rtmedia don’t work here
COPY CODEif ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) ) { $profile_menu['media'] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'media/">' . __( "Pictrure", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; }
April 23, 2018 at 04:59 in reply to: Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user #195741TheDream18ParticipantHi.
1) I added css with !important
2) Cleared borrow & cache few timesNone of them work.
TheDream18Participanti add extra code to general-header.php of sweet theme. which allow me extra some menu in $profile-menu. i’m trying to add, but the code i given was exacly what u did for similar url, why no work?
TheDream18ParticipantBy defaul header menu haven’t “media”, i would like to add it to header menu
COPY CODEif ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) ) { $profile_menu['media'] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'media/">' . __( "Pictrure", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; }
No work. What should i do to correct it?
I changed “profile” — to –“xprofile” == workedBut for media link, i tried “media”, or “rtmedia” == both No work. What should be correct?
bp_is_active( ‘media’ )
bp_is_active( ‘rtmedia’ )TheDream18ParticipantThe same with rtmedia URl, also no work, please help
COPY CODEif ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) ) { $profile_menu['media'] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'media/">' . __( "Pics", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; }