Forum Replies Created
May 9, 2018 at 18:22 in reply to: Color of current opening URL in $profile-menu of logged in user #197249TheDream18Participant
How about question 3, please.
Question 4.
Here is part of code i added to to $profile-menuCOPY CODE<!--MY CODE --> if ( bp_is_active( 'logout' ) ) { $profile_menu1['logout'] = '<li> <a href=" ' . wp_logout_url('/url-page-to-be-redirected') . '/">' . __( "Logout", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; } <!-- END MY CODE --> $profile_menu1 = apply_filters( 'header_profile_dropdown', $profile_menu1 );?>
TheDream18ParticipantHi. This is complete 100% new website (cleared database and rebuild) that i just build for you.
This is sweettheme, which is said your theme issue with htaccess code. another theme is fine. recheck atatchment again please. There is screenshot with code in .htaccess. This security code caughted issue, which i show u and ask you fix, because defaul wp theme work fine, no issue.
I tried to security header, by adding bellow code to “.htaccess”
COPY CODEHeader set Content-Security-Policy “script-src ‘unsafe-inline’ ”
I also tried with
script-src ‘none‘
script-src ‘self‘
TheDream18ParticipantIt don’t appear. Seem you are saying about #nav buddypress.
No, i’m saying about theme/…general-header.php, where is $profile-menu (dropdown menu in header) –> There is only have
+ Activity
+ Friends request
+ Message
+ Friends
+ Setting (—> i added success)
+ Media (–> similar this is what i try to add, but no work. something wrong)Dont have rtmedia permarlink there. I added to general-header.php extra code for $profile-menu, but no work, what is wrong? I already make similar to add /setting permalink, which is worked. Only rtmedia don’t work here
COPY CODEif ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) ) { $profile_menu['media'] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'media/">' . __( "Pictrure", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; }
TheDream18ParticipantBy defaul header menu haven’t “media”, i would like to add it to header menu
COPY CODEif ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) ) { $profile_menu['media'] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'media/">' . __( "Pictrure", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; }
No work. What should i do to correct it?
TheDream18ParticipantThe same with rtmedia URl, also no work, please help
COPY CODEif ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) ) { $profile_menu['media'] = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'media/">' . __( "Pics", "buddypress" ) . '</a></li>'; }
TheDream18ParticipantHi, i changed code to:
COPY CODEif ( bp_is_active( 'logout' ) ) { $profile_menu['logout'] = '<li> <a href="' . wp_logout_url('/url-page-to-be-redirected' ) . __( "LogOut", "buddypress" ) . '</a> </li>'; }
But no work, can u help me correct it?
when i click to logout, it went to error 404 with URL: -