This topic has 27 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Anchora.

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  • #11085

    After the update the layout crashes. When using only the functions.php from here:
    it is also crashed.

    how is this related to my before/after-wrap-files, where i’ve put the sidebars in?

    <div class=”row”>

    <aside class=”five columns hide-for-small” id=”leftbar”><?php dynamic_sidebar( ‘sidebara’ ); ?></aside>
    <?php /* Before content – action */ ?>

    </div><!–end content–>
    <aside class=”five columns hide-for-small” id=”rightbar”> <?php dynamic_sidebar( ‘sidebarb’ ); ?></aside>

    <?php /* Before content – action */ ?>

    After the update, the right sidebar disappeared and all styles are different.

    plz help, updating would be really nice!


    Hi, We haven’t done any changes to the templates. You probably did some changes in the parent theme and were overwritten by the update. Try putting back the old files from a backup and doing a DIFF on those particular files

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    I did that. All unwanted changes come from the parents functions.php (which I definately did never edit).
    If I update + then copy back the old functions.php, it still works and my right sidebar is present.

    buddypress-before-wrap.php IS different in 2.1 / 2.4.

    Would there be another way to implement my sidebars another way than shown above?


    Hi, Can you please explain again what is the problem because I don’t think I understood right. Maybe add some screenshots too

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    Ok I try again:

    1. when updating from 2.1 to 2.4, there are several css-issues, though this was all edited in the child. Thats the minor problem. More major is

    2. that the right sidebar entirely disappeared after the update. I thought this could be related to our way of implementing the sidebars:
    In buddypress-before-wrap.php (in the child) we have inserted this “dynamic_sidebar( ‘sidebara’ );” here:

    <aside class=”five columns hide-for-small” id=”leftbar”><?php dynamic_sidebar( ‘sidebara’ ); ?></aside>
    <?php /* Before content – action */ ?>

    …and quite the equal thing in buddypress-after-wrap.php for the rightbar…

    3. When updating to 2.4 but then copying the old 2.1-functions.php to the theme, the issue is gone + right sidebar present again. But doing this makes no sense of course…


    Since 2.1 I guess we implemented 3-cols templates. You could set buddypress pages as a 3-column page and discard the changes in buddypres-xxx-wrap.php

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    No, theres no 3-column in that version


    Yes but you are now using 2.4 so do that

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    Not yet, because of lots of adjustments.
    Thought there would be some easier way.

    But thanks.

    Hopefully the related problems with searchpage-2 and lost-password-modal are really solved with this, because actually i’d have no reason to update…


    Yes lost password is resolved. what about the searchpage-2?

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    That one here:

    only tested 1 time, but it seemed, that issue remains

    (actually i wouldnt update, if these 2 issues werent present )


    Did the update.
    Lost-password-problem is solved indeed.

    But that searchresults-mismatch on resultspage 2 still remains.


    Search mismatch also is resolved 🙂
    maybe caching problem

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    hm sorry abe, but no.
    serverside-caching is off.
    and i tried several times with newstarting the browser, not only clearing the browsercache..
    same results in ff and chrome.

    have a look!?


    Hi Anchora, can you give me your site link again please?

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    Can’t tell which is the members page, please give full details

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    and your custom_buddypress/bp-function.php isn’t overridden in your child theme?

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    or kleo-bp-search?

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    no, both files are not present in the child.


    btw: deactivating this members-avatar-map doesn’t make a difference.


    any news about this?


    We did all kind of test and can’t seem to reproduce. Can you make sure all files are updated to the latest version in custom_buddypress folder? Re-write them with the ones from last update

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    As I said before:
    There are no edits in custom_buddypress. After the update this did not work, so I removed these edits. :/

    The strange thing is, that the link works, when right-clicked/open-in-new-tab.

    Only when clicking directly, the end of the link is missing.


    Hi again, we will take another look. You can try to install a fresh site as test to see how it goes

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    Thanks Abe!

    I did a workaround, which works, but is not too elegant:
    I have inserted a bp-profile-search-widget. Via this, the paginationlinks do work.

    But that also means I would have to delete the sweetdate-search…

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