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  • in reply to: Social Share colour #160881

    O oh! Spoke too soon…
    Can you check this code for me? as it doesn’t seem to work:

    section.main-color .container-wrap .social-share-wrap {
    background-color: #efefef !important;

    I’m adding it into a specific page, but no change. I’ve tried with and without section in it = no effect and in different browsers in case mine was caching the original = no change. And that’s the only css I can find relating to the social share area.

    Thanks j

    in reply to: How to reduce size of comments form text area? #158150

    PS: and if it’s in your child theme style.css, rather than in the css for a single page, you might need to qualify it more like so:

    textarea#comment {
    height: 70px;

    Is that right Laura?

    in reply to: How to reduce size of comments form text area? #158149

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks so much for your help – why didn’t I think of the easy option?! Yes, the css worked perfectly! I used this, in case others find this thread:

    #comment {
        height: 60px;

    This makes it just a couple of lines deep.

    Many thanks, j

    in reply to: how to show full name in BP profile header #128623

    @ Radu,

    Sorry it’s taken so long to reply – just as well though as (rather embarrassingly) i found that I had in fact forgotten to change back to my child theme after doing some tests with the original Kleo theme! Duh!

    BUT it’s still not working, yet it was a few months back- but now only showing the @username in members’ profiles.

    What I want, and had, is for the member’s full name to sit above the @users’ name just below it, and this is the code I’m using in the BP member-header.php in my child theme:

     * Fires before the display of a member's header.
     * @since 1.2.0
    do_action( 'bp_before_member_header' ); ?>
    <div id="item-header-avatar">
    	<a href="<?php bp_displayed_user_link(); ?>">
    		<?php bp_displayed_user_avatar( 'type=full' ); ?>
    </div><!-- #item-header-avatar -->
    <div id="item-header-content">
    	<?php if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?>
    		<br><h2 class="user-nicename"><?php bp_displayed_user_displayname(); ?></h2>/br>
    				<h2 class="user-nicename">@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></h2>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    	<span class="activity"><?php bp_last_activity( bp_displayed_user_id() ); ?></span>

    And I’ve tried it with bp_displayed_user_displayname and bp_displayed_user_fullname.

    Can you confirm if I’ve put the code in the correct place? Or do I have to add something else in the child functions.php as I’ve read?

    I appreciate this isn’t essential to make my site work, but it makes it much easier for members.

    Many thanks, j


    @ abe – rtmedia support have kindly checked through the Kleo theme files to see if they could see anything that might be causing the php error and causing the specific pages to break/not work, and they have come back with this info:

    Thanks for the files. We have checked it by installing it at our end and found following details.

    There are some Jquery errors which are breaking the page, Please check attached screen-shot for the details.

    Error Message :

    Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: .kleo-main-header .nav > li a[href=#undefined]

    We found below error-prone code which can cause this Jquery issue :
    Location : kleo > assets > js > app.js

    /* Get link by section or article id */
        getRelatedNavigation: function(el){
            return $('.kleo-main-header .nav > li a[href=#'+$(el).attr('id')+']');

    According to us, the value $(el).attr('id') is not getting returned and hence it is throwing undefined error.

    I’ve attached their screenshot FYI.

    I’ve had a look to try to find the href=#undefined menu link that’s causing the problem (at least I think that’s partly what they’re saying is the problem?…) and there quite are a few of them, but this also includes one in the rtmedia image when you hover over it, in the DELETE button. So I have passed this back to them just to double check – though I think they’re saying there’s an issue in the actual coding rather than the href=#undefined itself being the problem…

    If you could look at this with some urgency it would be greatly appreciated, as our site is still closed to our members until this is resolved (now just over 2 weeks). And I guess if it can’t be resolved we’ll have to look at an alternative theme in order to reopen, though i really, really don’t want to do this, as we love the theme, and all of it’s styling and gizmos!

    many thanks, j

    Many thanks

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    Not trying to blame it on the theme as I love it – and have purchased it twice so far! – just trying to fix the problems since updating.

    I’ve had a series of issues since last updating, with the first one causing all blank pages (as mentioned originally) which resolved when I did as you suggested and did a clean install of VC… which then disclosed the other probs:-
    1. pages not showing in the Kleo post carousel (using tags) – still not working for me, but resolved by using the page titles instead
    2. no image popups or edit features eyc with rtmedia images + broken page links on the rtmedia gallery specific pages – contacted rtmedia who provided the info above.

    I have repeated my tests with only the essential plugins enabled for the members’ and groups’ gallery pages to work, and the problem remains. The php error shown on these pages is this:-

    Timestamp: 7/04/2016 9:01:46 a.m.
    Error: TypeError: b is undefined
    Source File:       
    Line: 3

    I have also retested the same pages/functions with the Twenty-Fifteen WP theme activated and all my plugins active… and the lightbox and edit function for the images works correctly and all menu links work fine!

    rtmedia are reviewing all Kleo files to see if they can resolve the issue, but it does seem to point to a theme related issue, don’t you think?

    Please can you look into this? specifically the error related to /kleo/assets/js/plugins/magnific-popup/magnific.min.js

    I look forward to your thoughts on it.

    in reply to: How do I increase the lightbox background opacity? #65424

    Just found another thread similar to this with this code:

    .mfp-bg {
      background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.9) !important;

    but again no change.

    in reply to: How do I increase the lightbox background opacity? #65423

    Hi Laura,

    This is exactly what I’d like too… but not sure why but the above doesn’t seem to be working for me at all! I’ve even tried it with;

    opacity: 0.99 !important;
    filter: alpha(opacity=99);

    and still not change – any ideas? Or have some selectors changed in the recent update?


    in reply to: endless php errors for js composer since last update #64640

    Also the lines of code that’s repeatedly listed in the errors are these:
    line #474 = ‘foreach…’:

    public function contentAdmin( $atts, $content ) {
    			$element = $this->shortcode;
    			$output = $custom_markup = $width = $el_position = '';
    			if ( $content != null ) {
    				$content = wpautop( stripslashes( $content ) );
    			$shortcode_attributes = array( 'width' => '1/1' );
    			foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) {
    				if ( $param['param_name'] != 'content' ) {
    					if ( isset( $param['value'] ) ) {
    						$shortcode_attributes[ $param['param_name'] ] = is_string( $param['value'] ) ? __( $param['value'], "js_composer" ) : $param['value'];
    					} else {
    						$shortcode_attributes[ $param['param_name'] ] = '';
    				} else if ( $param['param_name'] == 'content' && $content == null ) {
    					$content = isset( $param['value'] ) ? __( $param['value'], "js_composer" ) : '';

    and line # 1005 = ‘foreach…’:

    protected function paramsHtmlHolders( $atts ) {
    			extract( $atts );
    			$iner = '';
    			foreach ( $this->settings['params'] as $param ) {
    				$param_value = isset( $$param['param_name'] ) ? $$param['param_name'] : '';
    				if ( is_array( $param_value ) ) {
    					// Get first element from the array
    					reset( $param_value );
    					$first_key = key( $param_value );
    					$param_value = is_null( $first_key ) ? '' : $param_value[ $first_key ];
    				$iner .= $this->singleParamHtmlHolder( $param, $param_value );

    Thanks for looking into this.

    in reply to: improve page load times with google fonts #60967

    downloaded the fonts and obtained the css for them via which is an excellent resource.
    uploaded the fonts themselves into a new font folder in my child-theme/assets/font/
    edited the url in the css code to reflect the fonts location on my server
    added this code into the top of my child theme style.css as per recommendations

    The css i used was this (+ the one for the Open Sans too):

    @font-face {
      font-family: 'Roboto Condensed';
      font-weight: 300;
      font-style: normal;
      src: url('');
      src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
           local('Roboto Condensed Light'),
           url('') format('woff2'),
           url('') format('woff'),
           url('') format('truetype'),
           url('') format('svg');

    All works OK, but on review in the webpagetest results, although it is now using the fonts from my server it’s still calling/accessing

    So i have 2 questions:

    1. Do you know where the is being called from? is it being called by the Kleo theme anyway? If so, from where, and how would I stop it? Or is my css code incorrect?

    2. in one of your original links ( it states you need to add some info into the .htaccess file to stop errors from popping up in Chrome Dev Tools, like this:

    AddType application/ .eot
    AddType font/ttf .ttf
    AddType font/otf .otf
    AddType application/x-font-woff .woff

    Is this still needed?

    Many thanks – and have attached a screenshot showing the latest page test a/a.

    Any help much appreciated, though I understand this is a bit beyond the scope of your support forum!

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    FYI I’ve just retested my page load after adding this code (i used the version given by the Remove Query Strings plugin author here:

    function pu_remove_script_version( $src ){
    return remove_query_arg( 'ver', $src );
    add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'pu_remove_script_version' );
    add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'pu_remove_script_version' );

    and it now loads 5 – 6 secs faster for first load and 2 secs faster for repeat loads! Admittedly my site was super slow (hence trying everything to fix it) but this still seems impressive!

    And so far I’ve not seen any problems/errors…

    Thanks for putting this up here too Radu, otherwise i might not have found it!

    in reply to: page excerpt not showing #58566

    Update: that addition to my child theme functions.php works fine. For anyone else, this s it:

    add_action( 'init', 'my_add_excerpts_to_pages' );
    function my_add_excerpts_to_pages() {
         add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );


    in reply to: log in not redirecting to page #52672

    Yes, it’s a bit of a problem @empoweredanim but i think the wp-admin access is something seperate. I used the s2m restrict wp-admin settings plus the code below in my child theme functions.php

    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
        show_admin_bar( false );

    May be worth a try?

    I’m also talking to my hosting providers to see if there’s any conflict they can see at their end – will keep you updated. But it certainly seems that this is a theme/s2m issue as quite a few different people are experiencing the same thing.

    in reply to: How to increase the amount of excerpt showing #52593

    Thanks for that. I did try your last recommendation with an increase to the default of 50 wors, so like this:

    function kleo_excerpt( $limit = 50, $chars = false ) {
            return strip_tags( get_the_excerpt() );

    and it works great!

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: How to increase the amount of excerpt showing #52528

    Thanks Sharmstr,

    I’ve tried it both ways and neither work – in fact they both make the excerpt shorter!? The code I used was this for increasing characters to 100 (as yours above) which produced NO excerpt at all:

    function kleo_excerpt( $limit = 20, $chars = true ) {
            $except_initial = strip_tags( get_the_excerpt() );
            if ( $chars ) {
                $excerpt = explode( ' ', $except_initial, '100' );
                if ( count( $excerpt ) >= '100' ) {
                    array_pop( $excerpt );
                    $excerpt = implode( " ", $excerpt ) . '...';
                } else {
                    $excerpt = implode( " ", $excerpt ) . '';
                /** TODO */
                $excerpt = preg_replace( '<code>\[[^\]]*\]</code>', '', $excerpt );
                return '<p>' . $excerpt . '</p>';
            } else {
                $excerpt = $except_initial;
                return '<p>'. substr( $excerpt, 0, $limit ) . ( strlen( $excerpt ) > $limit ? '...' : '' ) . '</p>';

    and this for limiting by words to 50 which made the excerpt even shorter:

    function kleo_excerpt( $limit = 50, $chars = false ) {
            $except_initial = strip_tags( get_the_excerpt() );
            if ( $chars ) {
                $excerpt = explode( ' ', $except_initial, '100' );
                if ( count( $excerpt ) >= '100' ) {
                    array_pop( $excerpt );
                    $excerpt = implode( " ", $excerpt ) . '...';
                } else {
                    $excerpt = implode( " ", $excerpt ) . '';
                /** TODO */
                $excerpt = preg_replace( '<code>\[[^\]]*\]</code>', '', $excerpt );
                return '<p>' . $excerpt . '</p>';
            } else {
                $excerpt = $except_initial;
                return '<p>'. substr( $excerpt, 0, $limit ) . ( strlen( $excerpt ) > $limit ? '...' : '' ) . '</p>';

    I’ve obviously copied it incorrectly somehow. Can you check it for me?

    (I’ve attached screen shots of both FYI.)

    Many thanks,

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    in reply to: how to style tabs in Tour section? #52018

    Hi again,
    I’ve found the correct css for controlling the tab widths:

    .wpb_tour .nav-tab {
      width: 200px;}

    but this of course doesn’t work for when it scaling to a smaller screen, likw it should. Can you give me an idea of how to do it so it’s narrower ina large screen, then reverts back to it’s default wider width in a smallerscreen -so it looks like a normal menu then?
    So still after answers to #1 and #5 above!

    in reply to: how to style tabs in Tour section? #51924

    OK I’ve managed to track down some of it. These seem to work but can you just check my css below?

    /* Trial change colour of tab on hover in vertical tour tabbed content - SeventhQueen support */
    .wpb_tour .nav-tab li:hover, .wpb_tour .nav-tab {	
      background-color: #6ebad3 !important;
    /* Trial change colour of tabs in vertical tour tabbed content and borders on tabs */
    .wpb_tour .nav-tab {	
      background-color: #bde1f9 !important;
      border: solid 1px !important;
      border-color: #6ebad3 !important;
    /* Trial change colour of border for tabbed contents in vertical tour tabbed content */
    .wpb_tour .tab-content {
      border: solid 1px !important;
      border-color: #6ebad3 !important;

    But the things I can’t find are:
    #1. how to change the tab width, yet remain responsive
    #5. how to group as sub=tabs

    Any help would be great! Cheers.

    in reply to: how to change font size in top menu + hover text? #51757

    Thank you – this worked in my child theme style.css:

    /* Increase text size in very top menu - SeventhQueen support */
    .top-menu li > a {
    font-size: 18px !important;

    But still no luck with finding the relevant css selector for tool tips text size on hover, even with the style > hover selected in Firebug. I’ll post a private reply below with a link to a page to see if you can find it.

    But thanks fro this one!

    in reply to: user profile field names on new line/paragraph #51423

    @empowerdanim – brilliant! So I think you can mark this as resolves now laura, as it seems to relate to the s2m stying.

    For others who are looking for a solution to the same issue, this is what I did:

    I did as suggested above, by selecting a ‘new section’ without a heading for each of my profile fields in s2m > general Options > Registration/profile Fields and options.

    This then shows a thin dividing line between fields as the default s2m styling if there’s no section header. So I removed this line by adding this code into my chil theme style.css:

    body.profile.public {
     border-bottom: none !important;

    and now at least it’s all laid out better. Then to continue styling you’ll have to find the relevant s2m property to change according to what you need to do, as it looks liks all this central bit is determined by the s2m plugin.

    Please let me know if my code is incorrect or there’s a better solution?

    Thanks again empowerdanim and Laura and the 7thQueen support team 🙂

    in reply to: Buddypress Naming #51024

    Hi Abe,

    That’s a great article that you shared the above link for, but i see that his code is a bit different to some recent code i was recommended for these sorts of edits in Buddypress.

    In the code i used to reorganise my profile tabs i have:

    define('BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );
    function bbg_change_profile_tab_order() {
    global $bp;
    $bp->bp_nav['profile']['position'] = 10;
    $bp->bp_nav['groups']['position'] = 30;
    $bp->bp_nav['activity']['position'] = 40;
    $bp->bp_nav['messages']['position'] = 50;
    $bp->bp_nav['notifications']['position'] = 60;
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bbg_change_profile_tab_order', 999 );

    whereas his code is this:

    function mb_profile_menu_tabs(){
    global $bp;
    $bp->bp_nav['activity']['position'] = 15;
    $bp->bp_nav['messages']['position'] = 10;
    $bp->bp_nav['messages']['name'] = 'Mail';
    $bp->bp_nav['friends']['name'] = 'Contacts';
    $bp->bp_nav['profile']['name'] = 'Account';
    add_action('bp_setup_nav', 'mb_profile_menu_tabs', 201);

    I suspect that some of this is now out of date due to the recent update to BuddyPress.

    Could you confirm what the correct code is for:
    1. reordering the BP profile tabs?
    2. renaming the BP profile tabs?
    3. renaming the BP sub-menu profile tabs?

    Hope you can help, as it just seems an endless cycle of searching for this info with very little concrete answers available out there! if not, i understand – just if it’s at your fingertips, that would be great!

    many thanks.

    in reply to: Using Display Name instead of @username? #50680

    Thanks for that – all works now. I’ve read around a bit about adding in line breaks in .php files and it seems Ok to use htm tags – like below:

    	<?php if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?>
    	        <br><h4 class="user-nicename"><?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( bp_displayed_user_id() ); ?></h4></br>
    		<h4 class="user-nicename">@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></h4>
    	<?php endif; ?>

    is that right? it works, though does seem to be rather a large gap between lines.

    in reply to: Using Display Name instead of @username? #50672

    OK, I’ve just tried it without the full folder structure and it didn’t work. But maybe it was my code? – as what I was actually trying to do was to have the user’s display name sitting above their @name + activity.

    So it would look like this:
    Display name
    @name + activity

    And this is the code i used, at line 25:

    <?php if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?>
    		 * added in a users display name under avatar and above the @name in profile.
    	        <h4 class="user-nicename"><?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( bp_displayed_user_id() ); ?></h4>
    		<h4 class="user-nicename">@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></h4>
    	<?php endif; ?>

    Should that work?
    many thanks,

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