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Yep, seems like a bug – I’ve removed all lines of code I had in functions.php in child theme and the error is still there.
ellosParticipantLooks like it is something with the child theme… the moment I deactivate it the error disappears.
ellosParticipantIt doesn’t. That’s a thing – it all works when you change stuff in firebug, but doesn’t work when you place the code n actual custom css on the page.
Same thing with other archive page (for example blog page) – it seems that you can’t use custom css from VC on theose pages (other custon css plugin don’t work as well)Elijah.
ellosParticipantSure, as to ‘why’… I’m not even go into that 🙂 I mean it’s not exactly a logical thing, just trying to follow the customer request and remove it from Shop and Product Categories pages. I think I’ll leave it the way it is and will convince him not to ‘overdo’ it.
Just a quick feedback. Widget Logic is a great plugin but it doesn’t seem to support Woo product categories. It can manage only regular wordpress categories. Just another reason not to spend too much time figuring our how to remove product filter.
I also tried to simply hide it through CSS but it looks like Shop page uses it’s own css that overrides even the !important statements.
Thanks for your help
Elijah.ellosParticipantThe idea is pretty simple – when your shop consis of categories (and not of the products) then the Price Filter works pretty strange from user experience percpective (prety confusing for regular users). So the idea is:
1. To have one sidebar on the categories and Shop pages that displayes one set of widgets (that excludes Price Filter_ and have a different sidebar for products pages.Alright, I’ll go with conditional widget plugin then. (If you can recommend one from personal experience – it could be great, otherwise I’ll find something, no worries)
Elijah.ellosParticipantSwitching the template frm the default one to the Right Sidebar doesn’t help either…
ellosParticipantBuy the way – I need a modifications to WP code once in a while for my clients. If you work as a freelancer and somehow interestd in it – you cand send me your contact info to
Elijah.ellosParticipantJust left it, with special refeence to you.
Purchased the theme recently. Unbelievably quick quality support that goes way beyond my expectations. Truly thankful. Great design of the theme and quality. Rated as 5 stars.
I have tons of experience with Themeforest item support and I can say honestly- you are the best I’ve seen so far.Special thanks to Sharmstr from support team.
ElijahellosParticipantI see, thanks a lot.
Honestly, unbelievable support.let me know if you need anything from me – I can put a quick review in Items Comments on Theme Forest stating that everyting is great, or somewhere else if you give me te link.
Elijah.ellosParticipantOk, here is the result.
1. Redirection to the home page after the logout works great, thatnks for the tip.
2. A tiny ‘problem’ with Login – you mention it was possible to specify the Login link to go to ‘My account’ page. If I add the current Login from KLEO menu, there is no place to add a link.
If I just create a new custom Login menu item and point it to the My Account page then it becomes ‘static’ – it doesn’t desappear dynamically, when user logs in the menu still shows Login.So here comes the question – is it possible to use native Kleo Login and redirect it to the My Account page?
If it is not doable, then it’s fine, my main issue was actually the logout procedure, and it is resolved.
Thanks a lot.
Elijah.ellosParticipantSorry, didn’t explain myself properly, here you go.
I need to center everything around My Account page (so to speak)
I’ve enabled ‘Allow regostration on my Account page in WC settings, so when you go to my account page you see 2 sections:
– LOGIN and below REGISTER.If I use KLEO menu to Login/Logout it does the following:
a) When you click on Logout it takes you to WP login screen, it basically takes you away from the site. If there is a way to easyly redirect it to the home page when they logout, it could be great. If it is cannot be done easily with KLEO tools, let me know – I’ll take it to WC support.b) When you click on Login provided by Kleo menue – it take syou to WP login. Can it be taken to My Account page instead? (Where users can log in).
Again – if there is a coding involved, let me know – I’ll take it to WC guys.P.S> I’m absolutely amazed by the support, honestly – best so far, I would rate it 6 stars, but you have only 5 in ratings. I’m greaful for the speed an quality, so really – just let me know if this cannot be done with Kleo tools, and I will take it somewhere.
ellosParticipantI see what you saying, well… the funny thing is, I’m almost done stting the site and WC so I need to figure out the basic stuff.
I remeber trying Woo Support in general community forum and it was pathetic, honstly. So I guess I don;t see the grey line between where our support ends. How about that… if you feel that this is go putside of your support, just let me know that. I’m running my own business, I know exactly how clients can tear you apart with support requests, you make an extra step to make them happy, but they don’t take it as a favor and rather start demanding more and more. I know where you coming from. So if you can’t quickly help or provide the pinters, please FEEL FREE to let me know to resolve it through WC support.Thanks
Elijah.ellosParticipantI tried KLEO menu – it is a wordpress login/logout option. I’m looking for something different… Take a look below, maybe you can point me in the right direction.
1. I’ve added to Woo settings ‘Enable registration on the “My Account” page ‘
2. This way I can make users register for WooCommerce (without actually purchasing products). This works ok, I know that WC doesn’tcome with a separate registration page, but this option can do the trick.
3. Let’s say user registers and is logged in.
4. I’m looking for the following:a) How to log him out from his account (meaning to provide a menu to do that). I don’t need him to log out from WP, just from his WC account.
b) If there is a way to dynamically display logout/login menu depending on his logged-in state, that would be nice.P.S. I’ve created a couple of site with WC a while ago, so I don’t have recent experience. If I ask obvious question, I’m sorry abou it.
Elijah.ellosParticipantI see, well I need to figure out what the extent of support is – I definitely don’t want to bug you for what you dont’s provide. I just assumed you support some general woo-commerce issues, at least other guys on theme forest provide some degree of support (Like 3Clicks theme). So let me know if I go overboard with my requests 🙂
ellosParticipantI was actually thinking int he same direction too – 4 columns and specify which id to display, just wasn’t sure how to achieve that. Thank you, I will give it a try.
ellosParticipantOK, I didn’t have “Manage stock” option specified – the moment I enabled it ‘Filter by price’ appeared on the category and on the shop page.
Couple of newb questions:
– The price filter (when used) will filter only items present on the this page or will it actually compare all items from the shop (even if they are not displayed on the present page)?– So the only types of pages tht filter will show up on are categories and product archives? (none oters)?
Elijah.ellosParticipantSorry, you are not talking to a guy with strong Woo background…
According to the link it tlooks like whatever is under ‘array’ can be used as a setting in a shortcode, but I still need a bit of help.For example, can I use [product_categories number=”12″ parent=”0″ ids=”1,2,3″] ?
But even if I can, which order they will be displayed in?I underestand there is an ASC and DSC order – those are the only options?
Bottom line – thanks for the link but I still can’t really figure out if I can display categories in the specific order, that I set
Elijah -