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  • in reply to: Missing theme options & WP Bakery GUI… #186039

    Additionally, I noticed a few other customers were having similar issues with not being able to see the theme options via the backend. Would you please tell me if their issues were resolved and, if so, what the resolution was?

    Thanks much.


    in reply to: Missing theme options & WP Bakery GUI… #186007

    Thanks, Radu. I’ve reviewed the video but it would be helpful if you would please copy and paste the error you’re seeing here so I can ask on the WP forums.

    Also, it looks like my site was set to the default theme. I’m not sure how long it was set to that theme but I changed it back to Kleo until I can figure this out.


    in reply to: Missing theme options & WP Bakery GUI… #185815

    Hi, Kieran. All excellent suggestions which I greatly appreciate. I took another backup of my site and attempted to reinstall WordPress. Then I flushed all the caches and attempted to load the theme options. Unfortunately the problem still persists, e.g. I’m unable to see the theme options. If you wouldn’t mind escalating to a developer, I’d appreciate it.

    Please let me know if you need anything else from me.

    Thanks much.


    in reply to: Missing theme options & WP Bakery GUI… #185799

    Thanks, Kieran. I’m afraid reuploading didn’t work either. I flushed all caches after doing so, including Redis. I also reset all my permissions via the Cloudways admin dashboard. I confirmed all the files were successfully overwritten by this upload as they are timestamped for today.

    Do you have any other suggestions?

    Thanks much.


    in reply to: Missing theme options & WP Bakery GUI… #185796

    Thanks for the suggestion, Kieran. I attempted to disable Redis and flushed all caches but that didn’t appear to make a difference. That being said, I turned Redis back on.

    I downloaded the theme from ThemeForest and am ready to upload it to the server. Obviously I made a local backup of my site first via Updraft Plus, of course. My question to you is: should I overwrite the current kleo directory on the server with the newly downloaded files? The reason why I’m asking is because I’m also using a kleo-child theme for some site-specific functions.

    Thanks again.


    in reply to: Missing theme options & WP Bakery GUI… #185790
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    in reply to: Can’t see Theme Options #185789

    Hi, Darryl. I’m also having the same issue, e.g. cannot see the options. Can you tell me if you ever resolved this, please?

    Thanks much.


    in reply to: Missing theme options & WP Bakery GUI… #182472

    Hi, Kieran. My apologies but I had forgotten to mention that I had previously disabled all plugins except K Elements and Visual Composer but the issues persisted.

    Thanks much.


    Not marked as solution

    Hi, Kieran. Thanks much for your reply. I greatly appreciate it! I was able to successfully log in via the frontend after I cleared my browser cache. FYI, I was using Chrome when I replicated the issue. I also tested using Safari and could not replicate the issue, thus causing me to think about clearing my browser cache. I replied back to my customer and suggested she do the same and let me know the outcome.

    Thanks for updating Revolution Slider and Visual Composer for me, as well. Usually they’ll let me know when they need to be updated and I wasn’t getting that prompt.

    Thanks again and have a good one!



    Hi, Radu. I checked my site this morning and it looked like that change did, in fact, successfully work. I’m no longer seeing “view all results” on either search fields.

    I’ll go ahead and mark this as resolved.

    Thanks much!



    Hmmmmm, I tried replacing the former CSS rule with the following and it’s not showing up in the header menu as it previously wasn’t but still shows up on the site’s homepage:

    /* This hides the "view all results" from the search results */
    .kleo_ajax_results a.ajax_view_all {
        display: none !important;

    I also cleared both my browser cache and server cache to make sure I’m receiving the latest page.

    Any other suggestions, Radu?

    Thanks much.



    Hello, Radu. My apologies for opening this back up, however, I’m also using a search field on the home page via a Visual Composer insert. I attempted to attach an extra class name to that VC insert called “homepageSearch.” Over in the quick CSS, I attempted to add the following code:

    /* This hides the "view all results" from the homepage search field */
    #homepageSearch .kleo_ajax_results a.ajax_view_all {
        display: none;

    I cleared the cache and the “view all results” still show up on that field.

    Can you tell me what I might be doing wrong?

    Thanks much.



    Works great, Radu, thanks much! I appreciate it! Please feel free to mark as resolved.



    Hi, Radu. I’d actually prefer to keep using the CPTs in the search. If I can’t use both the CPTs and have the “view all results” button view results instead of blank results, is there a way I can hide that button via a CSS entry?

    Thanks much!


    in reply to: Slider Revolution & Instagram Hashtags #157905

    Hi, Radu. Thanks for letting me know. I was afraid of that. Seems that functionality used to exist before Instagram changed their API. I’m currently successfully using the pull at the username level and had hoped the hashtag level was still around.

    Thanks again and have a good one!


    in reply to: Breadcrumb & GeoDirectory… #154889

    Actually, I think I might have found the issue may have been related to caching. I cleared the cache and set the permalinks back to category/post name. The listings appear to be working fine in GeoDirectory and I can see both the category and post name when viewing regular posts. I’ve set the cache plugin to clear the cache every time a post is made including both regular posts and GeoDirectory listings. That being said, I don’t think additional discussion is needed.

    Thanks much!


    in reply to: How to change search results colors in top level menu? #151872

    That worked great, Laura, thank you! I played with the colors a bit and am using the LightSlateGray/Silver combo. Looks very nice on mobile devices too.

    Please feel free to close this ticket.

    Thanks again!


    in reply to: How to change search results colors in top level menu? #151617

    Good morning. Just checking in to find out if you might have any insight on my request. I sent my server credentials via my last private reply.

    Thanks much!


    in reply to: How to change search results colors in top level menu? #151347
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    Fantastic, Radu. Thanks so much for helping with that. There are so many options in Slider Revolution that I obviously overlooked that one.

    I have one more question, if you don’t mind. Can you please tell me if there’s a way to word wrap the header and the Instagram verbiage when viewing on mobile devices? When viewing on regular monitors and laptops screens, the verbiage looks fine. However, on small screens such as mobile devices, the verbiage runs off the screen. Is there a way to auto resize those fields, based on screen resolution?

    Thanks much again.



    Thanks so much, Radu! Looks like that resolved my issue. Your support has been awesome. I really appreciate it. I’m pretty close to deploying my site and am looking forward to the positive feedback I hope to get from your theme.


    – Kory


    Thanks much for your reply, Radu. I just checked the site again via a Mac and also via a Windows 7 machine and all appears to be working as it should. I deleted my cache and cookies from all browsers, made a color change to the site’s footer and confirmed the new color is now in place. I’m not exactly sure what the problem was before as I had the same issue across two Macs and two Windows machines in different locations. I’m just thankful that all is resolved with the footer! My apologies for involving your time on something so simple.

    Regarding the CSS change, you had suggested via another ticket adding the following styles into the quick CSS:

    #geodir-sidebar, #geodir-sidebar-left, #geodir-sidebar-right, #geodir-wrapper-content {padding-top: 0;}

    I’ve done so which has successfully removed the white gap in between the homepage large image and the header. However, now there’s no gap between a GeoDirectory listing detail page and the header as exampled here:

    Do you know how I can add some padding to all pages except for the homepage?

    Thanks again so much, Radu.



    Another update/FYI: It appears the changes are successfully occurring when reviewing the site on a Windows PC using both Chrome and Internet Explorer, however, they changes don’t appear to be successfully occurring when reviewing the site on a Mac, neither in Chrome nor Safari.

    Not sure if this info helps, but wanted to pass it along.

    Thanks much.


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    Thanks so much, Radu!! Looks like that resolved my issue. I didn’t realize that GeoDirectory was the culprit. Very much appreciate your support.


    – Kory

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