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  • in reply to: Slow Load Time #205880
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    in reply to: Show subcategory, hide category in meta #205865

    Hi! Actually, this also leaves the comma which is after the first category…

    in reply to: Slow Load Time #205814
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    in reply to: Slow Load Time #205744
    in reply to: Remove excerpt #205713

    Hi Radu, I emailed you yesterday from

    in reply to: Hide Titles #205712

    I figured it out!

    in reply to: Meta align #205711

    Only the author was appearing slightly lower, but I removed him from the meta. Probably I could fix him with CSS, but I think you should fix it on your end if it appears broken everywhere.

    in reply to: Remove excerpt #204185

    My website is actually not live yet. I am trying to move from Squarespace to WordPress, but I need to be able to show my posts in full in the blog and the archives. I need something like this:

    If you like, I can make you an admin account so that you can take a look. Just give me an email to add the user.


    in reply to: Some customizations #204122

    Actually not quite… I text-aligned the container to center, but then all sidebars and widgets also become centered.

    in reply to: Some customizations #204120

    OK, I centered the tags and the comments. However, for some sizes, the comments box gets a bit cut on the right.

    in reply to: Some customizations #204118

    Hi Laura, thanks for the reply.

    1. I know I have a hidden group, but I don’t think hidden groups should take space in the widget push all the other groups.

    2. I know the @admin is a link and that’s fine. I was talking about the text “Puzzle Prime” over the cover image on the rtmedia tab.

    Also, I still have these issues:

    1. How can I decrease the size of the icons in the Buddypress profile and let more of them appear on the line under the cover image?
    2. Is there a way to change the “No new notifications” and “No new messages” without a plugin? Can we align them better in their bubbles? Can we make them links so that they link to the inbox and the notifications? Can we decrease their bubbles and customize them? Now they are too wide imo.
    3. How can I place the blog tags in the center under the posts instead of on the left?
    4. In the blog meta, the author is displayed slightly lower than the categories, date, etc. They are basically not on the same line.


    in reply to: Remove excerpt #204114

    Hi Radu,
    Thanks for the new code. The issue with these snippets are that they just show the text in the post. If there are any buttons or images, they do not get displayed properly.

    in reply to: Some customizations #204023
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    in reply to: Buddypress Icons #204012

    Hey Radu,
    Thanks for the code, but it did not work very well (especially when I make the window narrower). My main concern is that even though the theme can simply show the last icon (there is space for that), it instead shows a “show more” icon, which you can click and see the single settings icon there.

    I have actually a bigger issue with the social articles tab. The sidebar is broken and also only one of the articles appear in the profile.


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    in reply to: Remove excerpt #203970

    Yeah, I added the script, but it didn’t work for some reason. The solution for masondry provided on webpage I linked is:

    I was wondering if I could use the post grid option in the Visual Composer, but display FULL post content. Any thoughts on how I can accomplish this? Thanks for your help.
    Hi, the template that handles the grid can be found in the theme folder under page-parts/post-content-masonry.php. You should replace echo kleo_excerpt() with the_content()

    For some of my posts and pages, I use the Brizy page builder. For some reason, Kleo does not recognize the content built with Brizy and does not show it. However, the code does not show the full posts even if they are not made with Brizy but with the standard wp editor.

    1. Are you going to be compatible with Brizy?

    2. Any other ideas how to fix the full posts?


    in reply to: Some customizations #203921

    Oh and btw, I am using Brizy builder for most of my pages (not for the headers and the Buddypress/Bbpress though). Please, do not switch the Brizy built pages to regular editor, since there are some bugs now and the work can disappear without backing up.

    in reply to: Some customizations #203895

    Hi Laura, I just registered you. On top of everything listed above, I noticed two other issues. In the buddypress sidebar, the groups appear way below the text “Groups”. If I click “newest” or some other filtering of groups, they get fixed. Also, the profile name at the top on the media tab in Buddypress is a link for some reason… I have attached an image to see both issues.


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    in reply to: Some customizations #203806
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    in reply to: Remove excerpt #203739

    Thanks for the reply Radu. The only remaining issue is with the full posts. I have posts with various elements and images inside, and I am not sure that simply changing the char number cut-off will fix this. I saw that one of the moderators gave a custom code here ->
    but it does nothing for thumbnail and standard layouts, and even for masonry for some reason displays the first images twice.

    in reply to: Some customizations #203738

    Hey Laura,
    Thanks for your response. I made for you an 8 min clip with the customizations I need and the bugs/issues I encountered. This is the link ->
    Please, take a look and let me know what your email is, so that I can give you admin rights.
    Best, Artur

    in reply to: Remove excerpt #203415

    Guys, can anyone help with these 5 points above?

    in reply to: Some customizations #203414

    Hi Laura, thank you for your answer.

    1. The reason I wanted to make the icons smaller is so that all of them can be shown in 1 row. However, this shrinks the icons but keeps the margins, so does not help. Also, can I remove some of the icons from the Buddypress menu?

    2. Great, will give it a try.

    3. This fixed the cart but not the live messages and live notifications. When I hover over them, the bars which display “No new notifications” etc are still too wide.

    4. In the options I can only decide whether they will be on top or bottom of the post. However, I am trying to center everything.

    5. In the blog meta, the author is displayed slightly lower than the categories, date, etc. They are basically not on the same line.

    in reply to: Remove excerpt #203043

    And something else…
    4. For some widths of the window, the comments box gets cut off.
    5. Is there any other way to display the titles and the meta of the posts? Right now the meta is written always in a small column on the left (I’m talking about the blog posts), and I’m not sure it looks great. Can we do something closer to this ->

    Best, Artur

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    in reply to: Remove excerpt #203024

    Mate, can you tell me:
    1. how to display all posts in full instead of only excerpts in the blog?
    2. How to customize the fonts in the header
    3. How to add breadcrumbs to the forum only

    Thanks, Artur

    in reply to: Remove excerpt #202447

    Hi! It turned out Molongui was making problems. I removed it, but I still have an issue with the articles. When I click on the button Articles in the profile menu, only one of them appears published.
    For the Buddypress icons, I would like if they are centered under the cover photo. Now they are aligned left.

    Also, when I start commenting on a post, my gravatar appears. After the comment is published, it shows the correct profile picture. Is this normal?

    Also, is it possible to favorite posts and have them saved somehow? That is both posts from the blog and the forum.


    in reply to: Remove excerpt #202245

    Finally, how can I align all the buttons in the Buddypress profile menu so that they are centered?
    Best, Artur

    in reply to: Remove excerpt #202244

    Also, when I hover over some button, it appears in a small grey window as well. How do I stop this? (It is shown on image 6.)

    in reply to: Remove excerpt #202234

    I found a lot of bugs today btw…

    1. I have lots of posts in my blog. The menu shows ~500, but when I click on it, only 1 article appears.

    2. I and my friend both appear as Deleter User.

    3. In the activity, the notification that we became friends is broken. The second avatar appears in the middle of one of the words.

    4. When I try to comment in the blog, my avatar does not appear, only my gravatar.

    5. When I post the comment, it appears under another name. The reason for this could be Molongui, but still would like to have it fixed.

    6. When I favorite something in Bbpress, it does not appear in the favorites in the account.

    And also, how do I remove the cart icon and the search?

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