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  • in reply to: Styling on custom menu #146789
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    in reply to: query today's posts #113740

    OK, I take that back — not the good support part 🙂 – but the I fixed it part.

    That first piece of code I added made it a 3 column page. Forgot that. Ooops. And the TZ issue is as resolved as I’m going to get it.

    But the other issue was that the “kleo-page-bottom” did not show on the page template. I’ve tried about 15 variations of the code, with no joy.

    Attached screencap shows that kleo-page-bottom IS there. And I DO have some content in that box on that page (tested with the Default template and it DOES show there). But for some reason it doesn’t show with this page template.

    I do have some functions code that I thought might mess with it:

    /* this added a widget area after main content ONLY */
    add_action( 'kleo_after_main_content','kleo_main_content_bottom');
    function kleo_main_content_bottom() {
          echo '<div id="after-main-content">', do_shortcode('[widgets_on_pages id="wop-5"]'), '</div>';  //you could put a shortcode here if you want, too.

    but lack of display issue remains even if I comment out that code. So it has to be something in the template.

    Any guidance on where to look is still appreciated. If it proves too difficult, I could just move on, but little things that seem like they should work but don’t always get me. 🙂


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    in reply to: query today's posts #113728

    Hi Laura,

    I just wanted to update. I resolved this issue. I’ll post here, in case I forget later I can check back. 🙂

    For the template, looking at my notes, best I can tell is I added:

    //create 3lr template

    to the code, which seemed to get me the sidebar and footer. Not sure if that’s what did it, but it works now. 🙂

    For the time zone issue, I simply used:

    $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'post_status' => 'publish',
        'orderby' => 'date',
        'order' => 'DESC',
        // Using the date_query to filter posts from last week
        'date_query' => array(
                'after' => '30 hours ago'
    query_posts( $args );?>

    instead of the getdate and made it a lookback of 30 hours. Not perfect, but I got tired of trying to figure out how to adjust the query to account for UTC vs. local TZ. 🙂

    Thanks again for getting me that far.

    Hey @abe – it’s support like this from @laura and what @sharmstr always provides that will make it where I buy another license for this theme next month.


    in reply to: Oh my Gosh, not another kleo_somewhere question #71164

    I see you already pushed 3.0.6 with the before-wrap change, cool. I still need to fix the after-wrap. Thought I’d try this… so in general-after-wrap, would I put

    <section class="container-wrap main-color">
    	<div id="main-container" class="<?php echo $container; ?>">
    		<?php if($container == 'container') { ?><div class="row"> <?php } ?>
    			<div <?php echo $section_id;?>class="template-page <?php echo $main_tpl_classes; ?>">
    				<div class="wrap-content">

    on Line 20 after </div><!--end main-page-template-->

    or would there be anything else I’d need to do?

    I’m working without an net on a live site (tsk tsk) 🙂 so I just don’t want to screw it up.


    in reply to: Oh my Gosh, not another kleo_somewhere question #70654
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    OK, first, that’s hilarious. This entire time I’ve been specifically trying NOT to place it on home, thinking home meant, well, you know, Home (as in Front Page) vs Posts. In my last theme, I didn’t mess with the reading settings, it was built to overtake the Your Latest Posts setting. So I missed that info. Thanks.

    But back to the strategy of placing it via the widgets setup.

    My rationale, possibly flawed as usual, 🙂 was that I often use multiple widgets in each of the widget ‘areas’ I created in kleo_before_content, kleo_before_main etc, then I use Dynamic Widgets plugin to determine the display of each widget.

    In using the Rev Slider php directly, I don’t want to lose the ability to still use that widget ‘area.’

    I’m no php guy, but can I still make that happen by doing something like

    function kleo_top_main_content() {
        if (is_home()) {
            echo '<div id="before-main-content">', putRevSlider( "featured-posts" ), '</div>';
    echo '<div id="before-main-content">', do_shortcode('[widgets_on_pages id="wop-3"]'), '</div>';  //could put shortcode here

    I have no clue if that is structurally correct, but conceptually, would something like that work to allow me to still have the ‘wop-3’ widget area functional?

    Thanks for setting me straight on some of the usage here.

    Have a great weekend!

    in reply to: Remove PMP roles from BuddyPress members page #54672

    You know, I should probably show the code I was using… that might be helpful. 🙂

     * Hide certain membership levels in BuddyPress directory
    function my_bp_has_members($has_members, $members_template) {
        global $members_template;
        //pmpro membership levels to hide
        $levels = array(1,2,3);
        //get list of members
        $members = $members_template->members;
        foreach($members as $key=>$member) {
            if(pmpro_hasMembershipLevel($levels, $member->id))
        return $has_members;
    add_filter('bp_has_members', 'my_bp_has_members', 10, 2);
    in reply to: Adding advertising areas in header using a widget #47470

    LOL. My bad, I should have explained that better… I already had that opening code on the page. 🙂

    I wouldn’t add that *twice* would I? I already had this… then I added the other below it.

     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Kleo
     * @author SeventhQueen <>
     * @since Kleo 1.0
     * Kleo Child Theme Functions
     * Add custom code below
    /* this added a sidebar above content below header - but likely only works on Kleo pages */
    function display_advertising() {
    	echo '<div id="my_ads">', do_shortcode('[widgets_on_pages id="wop-2"]'), '</div>';  //you could put a shortcode here if you want, too.

    Do I need to do something different?


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