Forum Replies Created
ParticipantSolution: How I can add new Works in Source?
I know LocoTranslate, is Okey, but I cant add new words in Source. But, If I could do that, Bingo!
ParticipantAnd what is the solution for: Custom Sidebar f. ex. Blog / Single Post
You know, Custom Sidebar in Single Post, does not appear.Roader
ParticipantDoes not work, because this plugin is Old and Outdate!
So, please, send me the code for duplicate Main Sidebar, but only for Profile…
ParticipantLinks for Radu:
Radu, I did try with these, but dont work.
But, I think that you can help.Custom Code: If qtranslatex is active…
$ “your original text, field or id” ===> “your translation here”
This is only just example.
By default, qTrans. cant transl >
– Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information.
– Forgot Your Username or Password?
– Serious dating with Sweet date
Your perfect match is just a click awayAnd dont forget check >
Yes, because qTrans. needs to be forced.–––––––––––
For Laura: Ayudame con lo que te pedí más arriba, eso de reposicionar las banderas del qTrans. Mira la foto con rectangulos azules en el Reply #145991
ParticipantMy friend Radu,
I installed qTranslateX and Buddypress extended profile translation (for translate the custom fields), but, Bp extended p… does not work now. When you use qTrans… lang switcher (Es or En) Bp extended keeps displaying only the translation (Spanish in this case), does not change to English again.So, I think that the solution is to use custom code.
Radu, I dont have any code or strings to help!
For this reason Im asking for your help!Please, see the links in ==> #146027
ParticipantMy friend Radu. Look at this well.
1. Okey!
2. Okey! Imagen appears in Home Page!
3. Problem, a Thumbnail of the Home Image appears in all pages, down of the Profile / LogIn Buttons.
I want Home Img, ONLY for Home! No for the others Pages, Singles, links… whatever.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Roader
ParticipantNo my friend. I dont want KLEO for now.
Only I want: Align “Order by”, and Style for the members search. The code for search is:COPY CODE<div id="members-dir-search" class="dir-search" role="search"> <?php bp_directory_members_search_form(); ?> </div><!-- #members-dir-search -->
But, when I put this code in Members / Index.php, the Search appears without Css, Because SweetDate only has Css for Groups–Dir–Search and Blog.
ParticipantHi Radu. This code:
function register_sidebar_activity()
register_sidebar(array( ………….Test on localhost:
Does not work. Profile Widget does not appears in Widgets.Solution: Create a Global* Sidebar for Profile (*friends, messages, notify…),
of the same way that you created a Main Sidebar, Footer 1, 2, 3, 4…Other problem, but with Creating Sidebars from Appearance…
In Blog Page you can see KLEO Recent Posts and Groups Widget, okey!
But, when you click on the Post Link for see a single post, there are Not Widgets.
Why? Because this Sidebars only works for specific Pages, not for Singles: Posts, Entries, Categories, etc.SO PLEASE! If I create a new Sidebars, f. exp. “Activity”, this new Sidebar needs to be Global for Activity including Single.
Fix it!
You must be logged in to view attached files.December 6, 2016 at 03:41 in reply to: How to Setup Default Gender Avatars ( Or Based on a Field ) #146170Roader
ParticipantHola Laura. Quiero aplicar este tutorial, pero no quiero cambiar ‘I am a’ por ‘Gender’.
Quiero mantener las opciones: ‘I am a’ => ‘Man’ , ‘Woman’. Entonces, cómo puedo usar este código para cambiar la imagen si un usuario es Hombre o Mujer?Roader
ParticipantHi There. Please help me with…
I dont want Home Page / Header Background (look at the img under Profile button) in other pages, links, ONLY in Home Page.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Roader
ParticipantMy friend Radu,
The problem is that if you have for example 500 friends, if you dont have a Search form, is very difficult to find a member. For this reason I think in the Search form.KLEO does not has Match, etc. I like SD, but I’m waiting for best updates
ParticipantHi Radu. With your code function register_sidebar_activity()
Not appear any widget.I need a widget only for Profile.
Or the code for obtain a functional widget for whatever area (friends, messages, etc.) that I need (in profile).
If you have, please, send me that.
ParticipantRadu, Help, please!
I can see that qTranslateX works with Custom-Fields or BuddyPress Fields because these fields or texts are in en_En.po or es_Es.po (Theme / languages).
But, qTranslateX does not work with my own custom fields or texts.
So, give me a php code (for function.php or whatever) to translate field, id, label, and text if qTranslate is active.
For example:
field 1= “Name” => “your translation here”if text = “Hard text to translate normally” => “your translation here”
I read this, but I dont know how I can use it.
And… How I can force qTranslate to translate a text. For example, qTrans, can’t:
– Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information.
– Forgot Your Username or Password?
– Serious dating with Sweet date
Your perfect match is just a click awayRoader
ParticipantHola Laura!
Yo por aquí de nuevo.
El plugin para traducir los campos de buddypress está desactualizado. Si traduces: Name => Nombre , y luego cambias a Inglés con el qTranslateX, se queda “Nombre”.
El qTranslateX solo traduce los Fields que están registrados dentro del es_ES.po del Theme.
Pero, si yo creo un nuevo Field, no lo traduce.Otra cosa, cómo puedo poner solo las banderas ya sea a la izq. o der. de Profile / Login ?
Pregunto porque ahí en el Main Menu me está ocupando un espacio que usaré para la Shop.Agradecería bastante, y sé que otros usuarios de 7thQ también, si ponen un código php para traducir los Fields, y además forzar la traducción de cualquier otro texto del Theme que no se quiera traducir. Por ejemplo:
if qtranstalex is active …
field 1= “Name” => “your translation here”if text = “Hard text to translate normally” => “your translation here”
Leí esto y esto otro, pero no sé cómo adaptarlo a SweetDate.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Roader
ParticipantWell… while, help me with this:
I see that KLEO has search bar in Members, Why SweetDate does not have?
I did put this code –> In Members index.php, but the Search appears without style.
I want to align Order by as well as the image.
Look at the Test–site:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Roader
ParticipantHi Radu. This code:
function register_sidebar_activity()
register_sidebar(array(Does not work. Profile Widget does not appears in Widgets.
I did put your code in functions.php
And, after that, what is the other code for obtain this widget or sidebar only for Profile (activity, friends, etc…)?
ParticipantNo Radu, I dont have “Newest Members” yet, the pic is only an example for you.
You know, this Page needs:
All Members / Newest / Friends / Matches (future feature, if you want)
For now, I want Newest next to the others…
And, I think that for this Page, a Search by name, But, If you update Ajax Search with more criteria, here Search by name will not necessary.
function.php ==> Okey, with this code Profile Widget appears.
COPY CODEregister_sidebar(array( 'name' => 'Profile Widget', 'id' => 'profile-1', 'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widgets clearfix %2$s">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h5>', 'after_title' => '</h5>', ));
But, when I put this in Members / Single / Activity-wall.php or Whatever, Not widget appears.
COPY CODE<?php if (is_active_sidebar( 'profile-1' )) { dynamic_sidebar( 'profile-1' ); }?>
ParticipantSí, pero debo revisar si el qtranslate traduce los widgets.
Otra pregunta. Este Theme de SD tiene username Check? O sea, si alguien se registra como @juanfrancisco, puede otro registrarse con el mismo user? O el theme le da un aviso de: este username ya está en uso?
ParticipantHi Radu.
No, no, the link is talking about “Sort Members Alphabetically by Default”, but I want:
To put Newest Registered next to All Members and My Friends. I dont want the Option Value > Order By:Please, see the img.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Roader
ParticipantHola Laura, respondiendo por aquí.
Bueno, traducir los Fields de Buddypress con qTranslate X usando tags no funciona, pero se puede con el plugin llamado: buddypress-extended-profile-translation , ese funciona como un complemento para qTranslate X, y permite traducir los Fields, solo que, a un solo idioma: Inglés a Español p. ej. Esto es mejor que nada, pero lo mejor sería que la gente de qTranslate incluya el code de ese plugin en el suyo.
ParticipantSaludos Laura.
No funcionó esto:
[:en]En Inglés[:es]En Español[:]<!–:en–>En Inglés<!–:–><!–:es–>En Español<!–:–>
Por ahora estoy corto de presupuesto como para comprar el WPML.
Si descubres cómo traducir los Custom Fields por favor responde en el Ticket sobre Traducción.
Y, si descubres cómo hacer para ocultar el header y footer de los links de Tumbrl, pues por aquí. En la Consola de Chrome puedo quitarlos, fácil, pero el Código CSS no funciona luego. Parece ser, que los links se Refrescan junto con el explorador y por eso el CSS “display: none” no funca.
ParticipantHi Radu. Thanks.
I know How I can remove. But, I want to display Newest. So: All Members / Newest / Friends.For example, the code for All Members is —> But, I dont know How Get Newest…
COPY CODE<div class="item-list-tabs" role="navigation"> <ul> <li class="selected" id="members-all"><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_members_root_slug() ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'All Members <span>%s</span>', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_total_member_count() ); ?></a></li>
ParticipantNamaste Radu.
Radu, How I can display Messages, Notifications and Friend Requests with Counter in Main Menu? I know that in Dashboard / Menus I can add Buddypress links, but, without counter.
So, if you know a easy way to display the same Messages, etc. from SubNav, tell me please.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Roader
ParticipantMe costará aprender php.
En el post de traslate te preguntaba cómo hacer para que el qtranslate x traduzca los Campos de Buddypress (city, name, etc.) pues veo q traduce casi todo menos eso.Otra via para traducir el sitio (menu, etc.) es usando el .Po, pero para eso necesito saber cómo añadir más palabras al .Po original del Theme.
El .Po en español está muy incompleto. Quizás les eche una mano traduciendolo y luego enviandolo por aqui.
ParticipantHi Radu. Okey!
My friend, I know that my support is over but, Please, help me with that –>
ParticipantRadu, here I’m waiting for your solution.
Example (pic).
Remove blue.
Add NEWEST (line red).The code for All Members is —-> But I don’t know, how I can get bp newest…
COPY CODE<div class="item-list-tabs" role="navigation"> <ul> <li class="selected" id="members-all"><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_members_root_slug() ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'All Members <span>%s</span>', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_total_member_count() ); ?></a></li>
You must be logged in to view attached files.Roader
ParticipantEntiendo Laura.
Laura, si puedes podrías decirme o recomendarme una guía para actualizar plugins de WordPress?O sea, no hablo de ir al la sesión plugin del Dashboard, sino de qué es lo que se le actualiza a un plugin para que funcione correctamente en WordPress. Yo pregunto eso, porque veo muchos plugins útiles ya viejos… que podrían ser actualizados dado que son Código Abierto y Licencia Gratis.
Espero tu recomendación. Saludos.
ParticipantOkey, I did add the search form, but, without css because I saw, that SweetDate (inside files) has css only for Groups_Search
Participant:-/ My friend Radu. I want to remove Order By or Filter By, and add together All Members / Friends –> Newest. I wanna to add also the Search Form.
Participant2. For change order in members directory take a look here :
Does not work. My friend Radhu, only I want to add NEWEST and remove Filter By… In Members Directory. So: All Members / Newest / Friends. + The Search Form. And please, send me the css for this search.