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  • in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172931

    Before the 3.0 update many things were working well, not now.

    [/kleo_button] [kleo_button_video url="" style="alert" size="large" round="radius" icon="film,after"] Motivational Video [/kleo_button_video]

    , BP Profile Search causes a conflict with the BP Native Search Bar.

    Pic. 1. with the plugin active.
    Pic. 2. with the plugin disable (bar too long, graphic disharmony).
    Pc. 3. For mobile devices: The search button on one side, and the bar on the other. Misalignment. Style broken. For mobile there are a lot of elements misalignmented or poorly located. PLEASE CHECK IT!

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    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172739

    kleo video button (Home Page) does not display nothing :-/

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172738

    @Radu > Members Directory Search Bar without Style. Cause: BP Profile Search

    If you disable this plugin, problem solved.

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172735

    Radu, I reinstalled the Theme.

    The new update is not favorable if you have a site with more than 1000 members and you have to reconfigure everything again. A disaster.

    Think about that next time …

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172730


    There are several changes to this update that I do not like.

    1) Use more plugins… (more plugins, more server request… slow…)

    2) Do not import the style of the home page.

    Please, send to me, the all shortcodes for HomePage, or your Elementor codes for HP.

    3) The search of Members without style. Please fix it.

    4) Again using FontAwesome 3 :-/ Please, update to Fontawesome 4.

    5) Error installing some plugins…

    6) New Features of a Dating Site: None.

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    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172710


    I don’t know php, only some css. For that reason, developers should improve the product. I can only provide practical ideas.

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172709


    I have not changed ANYTHING. I uninstalled the theme and I reinstalled it, and you see. It does not work correctly.

    Please, check your upgrade 3.0 and improve it.

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172611

    Okey Radu. Later I re-upload.
    For now, please, work to resolve the problem with the child…

    And in the course of the month, consider including the new features.

    – More search criteria (members, groups, forums…)
    – Better interface for reading and sending messages
    – Send Messages Button, on the Members Directory
    – A practical Menu: icon-text or only icon: Profile, Messages, Notifications, Others (Config, LogIn / LogOut, etc.)
    – Direct Scrolldown to e.g. some notification
    – More Privacy (allow to block members, or privacy for messages / mentions: everyone or only friends…)
    – Function: Who visit my Profile (Widget)?
    – Sidebars or Widgets specific to pages, Profile, Messages, etc.
    – In the Member Directory: View Matches, or Find Possible Matches
    – More areas for Advertisements, e.g. In the Activity page
    – Widget for the ​​Copyright area

    All of these features are Fundamental to a Dating Theme.

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172268

    And… Again Short Code blank window.

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    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172246

    Hi Radu, please check the site using my credentials.
    Activity does not work with Child, Members, etc. Is a problem…

    Well my friend, for SD 3.0.1 think about The LIST of Features.

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172166
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    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172165

    Hi Radu.

    1) Child Theme does Not work very well. Activity, etc.

    2) I am somewhat disappointed, because I expected new features (see list #172107)

    in reply to: SweetDate 3.0 #172107

    Well, as I said, several things do not work.

    I see that the Theme installs more plugin … Too many plugins = slowdowns and other drawbacks. You know.

    There are Not improvement in CSS (desktop / mobile). The profile background problem continues > If you use a very clear background the text is not displayed.
    There are also no new features useful or necessary in a Dating Theme, for example:

    More search criteria (members, groups, forums…)
    Better interface for reading and sending messages
    Send Messages Button, in the Members Directory
    A more practical menu: icon-text or only icon: Profile, Messages, Notifications, Others (Config, LogIn / LogOut, etc.)
    Direct Scrolldown to e.g. some notification
    More Privacy (allow to block members, or privacy of messages / mentions: everyone, only friends…)
    Function: Who visit my Profile (Widget)?
    Sidebars or Widgets specific to pages, Profile, Messages, etc.
    In the Member Directory: View Matches, or Find Possible Matches
    More areas for Advertisements, e.g. In the Activity page
    Widget for the ​​Copyright area

    Therefore, SD 3.0 is NOT an improvement of the Theme, it is only a maintenance update… with new bugs.


    in reply to: How can I add more criteria to Ajax Search in menu? #168891

    Nice, thanks!

    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #168888

    No my friend. You dont need a plugin. Only other structure or Template for Messages.

    Other practical improvement is the Menu. Look at this Menu. Or Thrive Menu.

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    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #168689

    with a lot of new features… Um okey! With chat includes, hehehe 😀

    I told you: take inspiration of loventine and waplog. (this pages does not work under buddypress, but, you have this sensation).

    in reply to: How can I add more criteria to Ajax Search in menu? #168688

    Radu, try with BP Global Search (maybe this code is your solution. But for now, this plugin does NOT work with SweetDate).

    I dont want Searching Pages. Okey Post… Solution for?

    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #168532

    My friend, my friend… This function is for you, for your Theme and better.
    When you have time… check it, and if you want add this button very well to your Theme.

    in reply to: How can I add more criteria to Ajax Search in menu? #168530

    Hi Radu, I dont understand you…

    1) When you change the lang (english to spanish or french whatever) Search does NOT work.

    2) Search ONLY works with Pages and Post. Does not search Members, Groups or Forums. Very bad for a dating site.

    I dont want Searching Pages. Okey Post… and the others criteria (member… if it possible).

    in reply to: How can I add more criteria to Ajax Search in menu? #168248

    Other thing:

    Another thing:

    With the base language (english in this case), when you search for “post” for example, if there are no “posts”, you receive this message: Sorry, no pages matches…

    But, when you change your language to Spanish for example, you do not receive any message or result.

    Maybe, changing from to affect the Theme’s search engine.

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    in reply to: How can I add more criteria to Ajax Search in menu? #168241

    Old post, but interesting and necessary 😛

    What is a Search Engine on a Dating page that does not serve to search for Members?

    More practical: Search for: Members, Groups, etc.

    And, I want disable Searching for Pages, (Blog) Posts okey!

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    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #168240

    The Code has: bp_loggedin_user_id() but, this not work.
    The Button is visible for all. Check it please. Like Add Friend Button [ + ] the Message button needs to be visible only for Logged in users.

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #168238

    Working good for know. Thanks!

    What can’t I translate? Custom profile fields.

    For example: Group – Base / Looking for: Everyone
    (of course it can translate Man or Woman because these words are in the .po, but, not custom words added)

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #168222

    Okey, I’m going to try and tell you later. 😉

    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #168144

    A little bug

    The Messages button is displayed for non logged in user. Please check!

    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #168139

    You are the master man! 😀 thanks!

    1 – 2: I dont know why, when you click on [ + ] (add friend) icon becomes text, and the style is broken. If you refresh, icon [ – ] again.

    3: For mobile (@media) those buttons are very width, by default…

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    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #168065

    Here we go 😀

    Well, reading this (LINK) is saw that wpglobus options is not that simple to use.

    The plugin developer says that WPGLOBUS does not translate these custom text fields because the fields do not have strings that indicate translation. In the MAIN FORM does not work:
    {: en} text {:} {: en} text {:}
    Nor does that work for BP custom fields.

    And I know this is more work for you, but, when you can, please make translatable those areas.

    For the rest, the plugin can translate 90%

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #168062


    I don’t know why but not work for this fields.

    Wpglobus works right with others, because .mo, .po.

    So, this areas needs tr strings (bp x profile fields also).

    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #167947


    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #167895

    LocalHost, Clean Install.

    When you click on the button (only icon) Add Friend,
    Immediately that button undergoes a change, and the text appears (Add Friend, or Cancel Friendship Request).

    This change of icon to text would cause a conflict of space (margin, padding) if the Private Messages button is added.

    Maybe the solution here is to keep the button style with icons only. So:

    [ > View Profile] [ + ] [ M ]

    But, I need your help here.

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    in reply to: Updates #167851


    My solution was:

    // Force Strong Username
    function strong_username() {
     global $bp;
     if ( !empty( $_POST['signup_username'] ) )
       if ( !valid_username( $_POST['signup_username'] ) ){
        $bp->signup->errors['signup_username'] = __( 'Your username is too weak or short. Please, use uppercase, lowercase and numbers.', 'bp-strong-username-password', 'buddypress' );
     add_action( 'bp_signup_validate', 'strong_username');
     function valid_username($candidate) {
       $r1='/[A-Z]/';  //Uppercase 
       $r2='/[a-z]/';  //lowercase
       $r3='/[0-9]/';  //numbers
       if(preg_match_all($r1,$candidate, $o)<1) return FALSE;
       if(preg_match_all($r2,$candidate, $o)<1) return FALSE;
       if(preg_match_all($r3,$candidate, $o)<1) return FALSE;
       if(strlen($candidate)<8) return FALSE;
       return TRUE;
    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #167849

    For now, this code works ==> but, does not have CSS for SweetDate. If you want, in your Localhost, try it.

    function filter_message_button_link( $link ) {
    $link =  wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . ‘/compose/?r=’ . bp_core_get_username( bp_get_member_user_id() ) );
    return $link;
    function display_private_message_button() {
    if( bp_get_member_user_id() != bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
    add_filter(‘bp_get_send_private_message_link’, ‘filter_message_button_link’, 1, 1 );
    add_action( ‘bp_directory_members_item’, ‘display_private_message_button’ );
    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #167848

    Hi Radu,
    Okey I will try in Localhost later, using a clean installation.

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #167847

    okey Radu, let me check…

    in reply to: Webcam #167578
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    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #167577

    English (Radu):

    A little problem with CSS.

    When you click on the button (only icon) Add Friend,
    Immediately that button undergoes a change, and the text appears.

    This change of icon to text would cause a conflict if the Private Messages button is added.

    The solution here is to keep the button style (icons only).

    For Add Friend: icon icon-plus

    For Cancel Friendship: icon icon-times

    For Private Message: icon icon-envelope or icon icon-paper-plane

    The Code for PM in Members Page work! But, needs profesional css.

    in reply to: Adding message button in members loop #167573

    Spanish (Laura):
    Veo que para añadir ese botón private message en members requerirá de más trabajo.
    Cuando haces click (cuadro azul) en el botón [ + ] (añadir Amigo) inmediatamente el botón sufre un cambio (cuadro rojo) cambia de solo icono a texto, lo mismo pasa cuando Anulas la Petición de Amistad, se pone: Cancelar Amistad.

    Este es un errorcito de CSS que hay que arreglar. Prúebalo tú misma para que veas. Debería ponerse un Botón con un icono X (fa fa-times o icon icon-times) para Cancel Friendship y mantenerse el aspecto (css).

    Lo demás, ajustar el botón private (con el icono = fa fa-envelope o fa fa-paper-plane).

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    in reply to: ADD button is not working. #167570

    Umm Try this.

    Go to Appearance and active SweetDate Parent Theme (no Child),
    After that, go to Members Page and Try the Button. If the Button Works, the problem is something in your Child Theme, maybe a Code (in functions.php).

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #167560

    Again. All Right but, please, make BP / SweetDate fields translatable with WPGlobus. You know, qTranslate X is very outdate. So, please!

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    in reply to: Updates #167555

    Hi Radu,
    Okey, but, for security measure:

    The Registration Form, needs:

    When a New User enters his username, if it is equal to his personal name and last name,

    You should automatically receive this message:

    Your username must be different from your personal name.

    So: If his username is johndoe, and his personal name is John Doe, = Error!
    But, If his username is john02 and his personal name is John Doe, = No Problem!

    Laura (in spanish)
    Lo que le estoy diciendo a Radu es, que en el Formulario de Registro, si un Nuevo Usuario pone de username: johndoe y de nombre completo John Doe, que automáticamente reciba un aviso: Su nombre de usuario debe ser diferente de su Nombre personal. Pues lógicamente, si alguien usa como username el mismo nombre personal, será fácil de adivinar por cualquier hacker.

    Por otro lado convertí esa función php que encontré en un plugin básico.

    BuddyPress Strong Username And Password

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