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  • in reply to: How can i force the translation? #144394

    Laura… SweetDate soporta WordPress Multisitio?
    Por más que lo miro lo más práctico para tener diferentes traducciones es un multisitio.

    p. ej. (que sería en inglés) y (para español)

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #144389

    Le daré un chance a QTranslate X, pero Laura, por favor, dime cómo hacerle para traducir las User Tabs. Por ejemplo, City = Ciudad. Veo que el QT me permite traducir el Menu, que hace uso interno del .Po Así que podría usarlo aunque, le falta un poco más de integración con el Theme.

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #144382

    Q Translate X solo sirve para posts y páginas desafortunadamente.

    El mejor, obviamente es WPML, pero, es de pago.

    in reply to: A problem with Media #144376

    Please check this video.

    The problem is with max-width, etc.

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    in reply to: A problem with Media #144375

    Umm ese código afecta a los otros, y los agranda de más. O sea, yo sé que uds actualizaron y se corrigió el problema en Todo (All) e Images (Imágenes), pero, en esa sesión del medio llamada Albums es que está presentando ese problema. Cuando le das a Subir, la imagen se pone normal, pero si cancelas Subir, se pone otras vez muy pequeña y con el texto lejos.

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #144374

    Okey bella! voy a Probar.

    Solo que hay un pequeño problema… es traducir algunas Tabs.
    Lo otro es traducir la palabra Notifications que puse dentro de function.php (a no ser que me digas cómo añadir un main menu con burbujas de notificaciones, así como tiene buddyapp)

    Estoy pensando en dejar todo el Theme en inglés por defecto, y cambiarlo a español usando este o el otro plugin.

    in reply to: Embeding from Tumbrl and others sites. #144373

    O sea, si le das a Inspeccionar en el Google Chrome, y pones display: none; ahí sí funciona, pero no funciona cuando coges el code y lo pones en style.css

    in reply to: Embeding from Tumbrl and others sites. #144372

    `#embed_post_embed_post .post-footer {
    display: none !important;
    #embed_post_embed_post .post-header {
    display: none !important;

    Does Not Work hehehe

    in reply to: Embeding from Tumbrl and others sites. #144370

    No ombe! Solo te preguntaba si sabes usar el text-overflow para ocultar texto al medio.

    in reply to: Member Directory… Search Form #144363

    1) Group Dir Search, Inside Sweetdate, this search for Groups, has a CSS Style. But,
    members_dir_search does not have CSS.

    For this reason, when I copy the members_dir_search code and I paste it in members / index, appear without Style, because the Style is only for group_dir_search.

    2) I want to change Filter By: (Ordenando por:) for Newest or Newest Registered. So, would be: ALL MEMBERS / NEWEST / FRIENDS* (Not Filter By:)

    The code for All members and Friends is —> I tried to add Newest copying and editing, but, nothing.

    I hope that you understand me… please!

    * Note: For the next update, I if is possible, you can add here / MATCHES

    <div class="item-list-tabs" role="navigation">
    						<li class="selected" id="members-all"><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_members_root_slug() ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'All Members <span>%s</span>', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_total_member_count() ); ?></a></li>
    						<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_is_active( 'friends' ) && bp_get_total_friend_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ) : ?>
    							<li id="members-personal"><a href="<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_friends_slug() . '/my-friends/' ?>"><?php printf( __( 'My Friends <span>%s</span>', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_total_friend_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ); ?></a></li>
    						<?php endif; ?>
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    in reply to: Dynamic – Messages View #144360


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    in reply to: Dynamic – Messages View #144359

    Okey friend!

    But, what do you think about Quick Message Nav?

    You know, buddypress messages is not confortable. I saw that for BuddyApp, you have a better Message Template. Because for Easy Reading, the solution is a Message Template.

    in reply to: Dynamic – Messages View #144222
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    in reply to: Member Directory… Search Form #144207

    Thanks Radu.
    Double Search Results solved.

    And, search form added. Only I need the Css for it.

    				<?php do_action( 'bp_before_directory_members_content' ); ?>
    								<div id="members-dir-search" class="dir-search" role="search">
    			<?php bp_directory_members_search_form(); ?>
    		</div><!-- #members-dir-search -->

    For finish with this section, send me the code to change: Order by: for: Newest.

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    in reply to: Login Redirect / Search by name #144205

    My friend Radu. I said: This code works >>> seventh..

    For you I need the Search Form in Members, and, the Tab or Link Newest. 😉

    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #144145

    Sobre la traducción, No habrá algún lang switcher que elija mostrar la página según el .po o .mo ? Veo que el Loco Translate es bueno, te permite traducir incluso los plugins que tienen .po pero, no tiene un lang switcher. Lo conveniente que veo, es dejar la página en inglés y usar algún switcher o medio para que los usuarios cambien de idioma cuando entren. Por ejemplo.

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    in reply to: A problem with Media #144142
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    in reply to: A problem with Media #144140
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    in reply to: Embeding from Tumbrl and others sites. #144139

    Ok. Probaré en un rato.

    Por otro lado, aprovecho este hilo para consultar algo. Resulta que instalé Bp Message Attachment (mientras tanto), pero, cuando le das a Cargar una foto con nombre largo… no se acorta. Entonces veo que con text-overflow es posible cortar x cantidad de letras. Lo intenté pero me desaparece el botoncito de cancelar imagen cargada. Por tanto, el corte debe ser en el medio para que quede algo así: captura-de-pantalla…jpg [x]

    Si sabes como se hace me dices por favor. Documentación: Link

    in reply to: Problem with Capabilities Link #144138

    Sí, Features Requests.

    in reply to: Login Redirect / Search by name #144137

    Lo que me interesa ahora es añadir bien el Search Form.

    in reply to: Login Redirect / Search by name #144136

    Hola Laura. El código ya funciona. Para que funcione se debe dejar por defecto el Popup en ThemeOption.

    in reply to: Disable or Hide MailChimp… #144135


    in reply to: Dynamic – Messages View #144059

    Attachment (maximum 5mb): pdf / jpg / png / mp3 / mp4

    Right bottom – icon: Is Text area with Emoticons.

    in reply to: Dynamic – Messages View #144058

    My friend Radu.

    I hope that you implement, at least, this quick messages navigation.

    This way reviewing and replying to messages will be easier.

    in reply to: Dynamic – Messages View #144055

    quick messages nav <- -> example.

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    in reply to: Dynamic – Messages View #144051

    From the inbox you go to the message view.

    But the message view is not dynamic.

    You do not have a list of messages to reply quickly right there.

    So, it would be best for Developers to make a more dynamic template for Message View.

    Or a quick message navigation <- ->

    in reply to: How I can see… #144038


    How I can display:
    Birthdate + Years Old on Profile field?



    Maybe there is a bug here. In the English version, when you go to: Theme Options / Buddypress / Show age instead birthdate ( On ), the word birthdate on profile change to age. Very well! But, in the spanish version the word “cumpleaños” does not change to “edad”.

    What happens here?

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    in reply to: Member Directory… Search Form #144031

    Help with…

    A few days ago Radu sent me this index.php. /child theme / members

    This index adds Filter By:

    But, when you use a Filter the search doubles.

    For this reason, I need help to change Filter By: to “Newest”.

    So (estructure):
    All Members / Newest / Friends

    (Coming soon, if you includes it: / Matches)

    And, [ Search Users… ].

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    in reply to: How I can see… #144030

    I’m waiting for my Last Support. Please!


    And, please, send me the Css code of the Tiny Button.

    I did try add some css to the Cancel button, but, I can’t get the same style (active, hover, etc.) of the other button.

    This code works more or less. Although I lack focus.

    /* Cancel Button */ {
    border-radius: 4px;
    font-size: 10px;
    padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
    margin-top: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #743349;
    background: #743349;
    color: #fff !important;
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 1;
    position: relative;
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;
    cursor: pointer;
    transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out;
    } {
    color: #ffffff;
    background-color: #92425d;
    border: 1px solid #92425d;
    } {
    box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2) inset;

    in reply to: How can I add more criteria to Ajax Search in menu? #144013
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    in reply to: How can i force the translation? #143986
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    in reply to: How I can see… #143980
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    in reply to: How I can see… #143979

    <li class="selected" id="newest"><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_members_root_slug() ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Newest <span>%s</span>', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_the_site_member_registered_count() ); ?></a></li>

    in reply to: How I can see… #143976

    Another thing Radu,

    And sorry to bother you so much,

    I would like to remove that in blue,

    And put Latest Registered there (red line),

    I tried this code but it does not work.

    <li class="selected" id="newest"><a href="<?php echo trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_members_root_slug() ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Newest <span>%s</span>', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_the_site_member_registered_count() ); ?></a></li>

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    in reply to: How I can see… #143973

    Radu, if this is possible, and medium easy, say me, how I can put it?

    But, if this is difficult for you now, okey, I wait for the Next Update (if you includes)

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    in reply to: How I can see… #143969

    How I can display:

    Birthdate + Years Old on Profile field?

    And, please, send me the Css code of the Tiny Button.

    I did try add some css to the Cancel button, but, I can’t get the same style (active, hover, etc.) of the other button.

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    in reply to: How I can see… #143968
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    in reply to: Member Directory… Search Form #143967
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    in reply to: Member Directory… Search Form #143964
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