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  • in reply to: Spanish Translation characters #46470

    Ok, solved! Thanks.

    in reply to: Spanish Translation characters #46396

    Hola Laura 🙂

    Gracias por tu respuesta en ‘castellano’

    Para la traducción no estoy utilizando ningún plugin sino que lo hago mediante Poedit. Así que entiendo que simplemente es sustituir nuestro carácter especial por el código Html en el apartado de la traducción, no?

    Gracias y un saludo.

    in reply to: Spanish Translation characters #46352

    Hi Abe 🙂

    Thanks for your reply.

    Forgive my ignorance, but where I have to enter the code?

    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: mo and po files translation #46166

    Hola Laura.

    Encantado de poder hablar en castellano 🙂

    Ya solucioné los problemas por los que el tema no cogía los ficheros mo y po. Una vez solucionado esto, me he encontrado con la situación que describo en este otro ticket que he abierto.

    Indicame por favor si sigues necesitando los datos de conexión para revisarlo para que te los facilite.

    Muchas gracias!!

    in reply to: Moderate new BuddyPress members #45490

    Ok I have found this:

    1.- This interesting plugin Cumtom Emails Senders

    2.1.- add this code to the functions.php file

    1 add_filter(‘wp_mail_from’, ‘new_mail_from’);
    2 add_filter(‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘new_mail_from_name’);
    4 function new_mail_from($old) {
    5 return ‘’;
    6 }
    7 function new_mail_from_name($old) {
    8 return ‘Mi peaso de gueb’;
    9 }

    2.2.- modify the following fields pluggable.php the file ‘/ includes /’ folder of your installation:

    line 354: $from_email = ‘wordpress@’ . $sitename;

    line 976: $wp_email = ‘wordpress@’ . preg_replace(‘#^www\.#’, ”, strtolower($_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]));

    in reply to: Moderate new BuddyPress members #45364

    Hi Sharmstr 🙂

    I’ve been searching but have not found anything.

    Especially I don´t understand where to find if I haven´t installed PMPro plugin.

    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Moderate new BuddyPress members #45108


    in reply to: Moderate new BuddyPress members #45106

    Ah! No, I haven´t PMPro 🙂 installed. My site is private but free, so I thought I did not need that feature.

    So I understand I have to install the plugin to change the email account, righy?

    in reply to: Moderate new BuddyPress members #45101

    Sorry but I don´t understand ‘PMPro’.

    Is it a professional featured I have to pay?


    in reply to: Moderate new BuddyPress members #45073

    Hi Sharmstr 🙂

    Thanks a lot you for your super quick response !!!

    The last thing!

    When the user recives the notification email about to activate the account, the account email from the site is

    I don´t know where to take wordpress

    The email account in your theme, Layout Settings tab, it’s another account. In WordPress Settings I have another account too.

    I have no idea where is ‘wordpress’ name email account.

    Can you help me please?

    Thanks again!!

    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44614

    Ok, it´s a pity because I consider the capcha option a necessary option to prevent attacks.

    I wait in expectation of future updates including this issue.

    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44581
    This reply has been set as private.
    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44580
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    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44574

    Sorry, what do you need? The user and password of my FTP?

    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44462

    Hi Radu 🙂

    Thanks for you quick reply.

    I add the code in line 35, but nothing, the login popup not shown.

    The help about this plugins, has two parts (I copy you the literal text):

    The firts:
    I would like to add Captcha to the custom form on my website. How can I do this?
    1. Install the Captcha plugin and activate it.
    2. Open the file with the form (where you would like to add captcha to).
    3. Find a place to insert the code for the captcha output.
    Insert the necessary lines:
    if( function_exists( 'cptch_display_captcha_custom' ) ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='cntctfrm_contact_action' value='true' />"; echo cptch_display_captcha_custom() }; if( function_exists( 'cptchpr_display_captcha_custom' ) ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='cntctfrm_contact_action' value='true' />"; echo cptchpr_display_captcha_custom() };

    If the form is HTML you should insert the line with the PHP tags:

    <?php if( function_exists( 'cptch_display_captcha_custom' ) ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='cntctfrm_contact_action' value='true' />"; echo cptch_display_captcha_custom(); } if( function_exists( 'cptchpr_display_captcha_custom' ) ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='cntctfrm_contact_action' value='true' />"; echo cptchpr_display_captcha_custom(); } ?></em>

    I understand this part is your indications, right?

    The second:
    Then you should add the lines to the function of the entered data checking
    if ( ( function_exists( 'cptch_check_custom_form' ) && cptch_check_custom_form() !== true ) || ( function_exists( 'cptchpr_check_custom_form' ) && cptchpr_check_custom_form() !== true ) ) echo "Please complete the CAPTCHA.";
    <?php if ( ( function_exists( 'cptch_check_custom_form' ) && cptch_check_custom_form() !== true ) || ( function_exists( 'cptchpr_check_custom_form' ) && cptchpr_check_custom_form() !== true ) ) echo "Please complete the CAPTCHA." ?>

    You could add this line to the variable and display this variable in the required place instead of echo “Please complete the CAPTCHA.”. If there is a variable (responsible for the errors output) in the check function, this phrase can be added to this variable. If the function returns ‘true’, it means that you have entered captcha properly. In all other cases the function will return ‘false’.

    Thanks for your patience!

    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44347
    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44276

    In the plugin support page, indicates this code to add:
    <?php if ( ( function_exists( 'cptch_check_custom_form' ) && cptch_check_custom_form() !== true ) || ( function_exists( 'cptchpr_check_custom_form' ) && cptchpr_check_custom_form() !== true ) ) echo "Please complete the CAPTCHA." ?>

    in reply to: Login page need Capcha Value #44234
    in reply to: Register page is empty #42348

    Really thanks !!

    in reply to: Register page is empty #42344

    The last thing, it’s true 🙂

    If a want to see diferents menus for logged in and logged out?

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Register page is empty #42341

    I have already found.

    in reply to: Register page is empty #42330

    Thanks Sharmstr.

    Uff, I don´t know this plugin so I’m a little lost. I also don´t know much about CSS and Html languages.

    Your solution using the VC pluging is the best way to do may control contents users.

    I understand this plugin about to edit contents and the way you want to delegate this job and you have to control this activity.
    I see the user type are all editing type users (administrator, editor, author, contributor). I don´t see subscriptor.

    I see I have to create this profile and more.

    Do you know some documentation about this?

    I was looking for internet but I only find generic description about this plugins.

    Thanks a lot and thanks for your patience, again!!

    in reply to: Register page is empty #42230

    Ok, thanks.

    Sorry but, what’s the meaning of ‘VC’?

    in reply to: Register page is empty #42225

    Great! That’s right!

    Thank you.

    Can you ask you one more thing? It´s about buddy press and wordpress.

    I explain it.

    I have two sites, one public site with a publichome page and another private site with a privatehome page with all the buddy press option enables. My need is to have a public site and another private after login.

    After a user login with your popup window (login buddypress) I need to redirect from the publichone to the private home but I don´t know if it is possible.

    I see in the your theme settings, in Miscellaneous settings, the setting ‘Redirect for popup’ when members login from the pop up windows an I have two options:
    – Default WordPress redirect.
    – Reload the current page.

    I want to WordPress redirect but to an especific page, my privatehome page.

    Any idea how to do this?

    Thanks a lot for your time!

    in reply to: Register page is empty #42222

    Thanks for you answer Sharmstr.

    I am log off and I can´t see the form to register.


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