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  • in reply to: Expires headers #80476

    As you can read in my previous message sent on OCTOBER 2, 2015 AT 17:41 in this topic this configuration was already active.

    # Expires headers (for better cache control)
    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive on

    # Perhaps better to whitelist expires rules? Perhaps.
    ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 month”

    in reply to: Expires headers #80465

    I altered, tested and nothing changed 🙁

    in reply to: Expires headers #80442
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    in reply to: HTML page problem with facebook connection #80365

    You were right, I disable all plugins with exception of those requested by kleo theme and partially worked. I am able to open the facebook window login and insert the necessary information and… nothing happened 🙁
    Would you be kind and help me one more time? What should I do? Seems that javascript isn’t returning to homepage.
    Don’t worry to insert your facebook user, this site is still a test so I have to clean the data base before start.
    My test:

    By the way, you rock!

    in reply to: Home Page #80332

    So I am sorry to have been rude, but it’s really awkward.
    I indeed installed wp-rocket cache plugin, however, even with this cache plugin is taking long because I’m using 20 plugins and I need them. As I wrote before the problem isn’t the plugins itself but all of them are load in the login page and I don’t need them in a first moment.
    Anyway, thanks for your time and please accept my apologies.

    in reply to: Home Page #80184

    Well, by definition apache looks forward to html file before php file, so when I paste html file inside the wordpress root path the idenx.php file is ignored and this is happening, so I don’t need to use any cache plugin once the index.php file won’t be read any moment.
    I have cleaned all cache in my browsers (opera, chrome and Mozilla) and all of then work when I try to load the page, even using tor network (to simulate some delay problem) the website loads without any problem.

    in reply to: Home Page #80158

    I sincerely don’t believe that you are even trying to access the page, it’s easy to say that is down. Everyone who tries reach the website, you are THE UNIQUE exception, it means that you are magician.

    in reply to: Home Page #79869
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    in reply to: Home Page #79868
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    in reply to: Home Page #79867

    Follow the html file so you can see.

    in reply to: Home Page #79866

    The website isn’t down any moment and never was, every single time that you send me a message I access the website and it’s working. Are you sure about you are typing?

    in reply to: Home Page #79794

    Well, It’s online…

    in reply to: Home Page #79605

    Well, shame on me!
    I haven’t thought about this simple and clever solution. However…
    I did what you suggest but brings me a new issue, the facebook link in modal login doesn’t work. I can login with user, however when I click on Facebook link nothing happened (it should open a new window to login on facebook and give permission).
    If you like to test you can go to: htt://

    I hope that you give me another clever solution.
    Thanks one more time.

    in reply to: Change when minify menu #69669

    Andrei, I agree with you in some points, however, I believe that the responsive layout should be configurable once that there is some others posts asking about it in this forum. You don’t consider a issue because you are think in technology, but I’m thinking in people who really are starting to use a computer or don’t have a great knowledge about it (my clients) and they don’t understand when see a page with a “short menu” represented by one image with three bars. If you take a look in the images, which I sent before, you may notice that the menu isn’t so big to turn in a short menu like is today, I could resize it using css and “@media” to fit in the screen.
    I know that is possible and would like to know which files I could change.

    in reply to: Group Subnav #58399

    I don’t what to show the visual bar with icons, I want a bar with words only, without any image. I hide all the icons because they don’t fulfil my requirements.
    Unfortunately, my website isn’t on line yet.
    My question is, do you know how my I insert a item in a subnav menu group?

    in reply to: Group Subnav #58396

    I don’t what to show the visual bar with icons, I want a bar with words only, without any image. I hide all the icons because they don’t fulfil my requirements.
    Unfortunately, my website isn’t on line yet.

    in reply to: Group Subnav #58380

    Well, Sorry, maybe I didn’t express well my question.
    I wasn’t asking why didn’t show the bar, but I asked how I could get the original bar and became the nav menu with names, adding the names in the subnav menu.
    As you can see in the image which I sent the subnav menu is there empty.
    Take a look in the attached image and you may understando what I want to do.

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    in reply to: link problem #52610

    It didn’t work because I just see the group 1 page.png
    I can’t access the group 2 page.png page

    in reply to: shortcode to site #52452

    Unfortunately, I know this functionality and this option doesn’t solve my problem. I would like to know if there is any kind of short-code to create a link by myself.

    in reply to: RTMedia Page Title #52434

    It worked!

    in reply to: RTMedia Page Title #52404
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    in reply to: RTMedia Page Title #52402
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    in reply to: RTMedia Page Title #50992

    Unfortunately, my project isn’t online yet.
    Is there any way to solve it or you have access like admin?

    in reply to: RTMedia Page Title #50897

    Groups, members are ok.

    in reply to: Remove notification menu tab #49560

    The problem of css (pointed in the second image) is created by your own file \wp-content\themes\kleo\buddypress\css\buddypress.css in line 1894.
    .buddypress div#item-header {
    background: url(../../assets/img/heading.png) repeat-x 0 115px;
    text-align: center;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
    position: relative;
    padding-top: 40px;
    padding-bottom: 40px;
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;
    What should I do?

    in reply to: Remove notification menu tab #49555

    I found in the file wp-content\themes\kleo\buddypress\members\single\home.php in the line 8 the code
    <?php if( sq_option( ‘bp_full_profile’, 0 ) == 0 ): ?>
    <div class=”col-sm-12″>
    <div id=”item-header” role=”complementary”>

    <?php bp_get_template_part(‘members/single/member-header’) ?>

    <!– #item-header –>
    <?php endif ?>

    If I remove the lines: <?php if( sq_option( ‘bp_full_profile’, 0 ) == 0 ): ?> and <?php endif ?>
    Shows me the profile cover, however is gray. I think that is because some lost css. Look in the image

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    in reply to: Remove notification menu tab #49551

    So, there is no documentation about and you don’t have answer for my question if works in 3 columns option.

    in reply to: Remove notification menu tab #49544
    in reply to: Remove notification menu tab #49543

    Well, I’m using 3 columns layout option. Will it still working? I activated and anything happened.
    Where is the documentation about buddypress cover photo ?

    in reply to: Remove notification menu tab #49515

    Hi klosurdo,

    Would you mind to be gentle and tell me what have you done to use the cover picture in profile? By the way how would you be able to insert the the Show less and change cover picture over cover?
    I really appreciate if your can help.
    I loved what you have done.

    in reply to: Replace name for icon in menu #48836
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    in reply to: Strange layout css page after register user #46286

    Well, I need a solution because it’s happening with everyone.
    Cound’t you advise to alter any css?
    I have tryed by myself without lucky.

    in reply to: register page template #46009


    in reply to: live notification as facebbok #44688

    Image from facebook.

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    in reply to: Enabling live notifications #44415

    In addtition, in the same file(kleo\lib\plugin-buddypress\menu-notifications.php ) is necessary alter the function kleo_bp_notifications_refresh in line 171 because the ajax update.
    $count = ! empty( $notifications ) ? number_format_i18n( bp_notifications_get_unread_notification_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ): 0;

    in reply to: Enabling live notifications #44408

    In my point of view is a mistake doesn’t count all notifications, and count only the kinds of notification. For instance, when I have 4 messages notifications and any other 2 notifications, they count just 2 notifications when in fact should be 6. It’s been said, I would like to alter and replace $count=! empty( $notifications ) ? count( $notifications ) : 0;
    $count = ! empty( $notifications ) ? bp_notifications_get_unread_notification_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) : 0;.
    in the file kleo-child\lib\plugin-buddypress\menu-notifications.php in lines 56 and 102.
    How could I alter the functions kleo_menu_notifications, kleo_setup_notifications_nav, kleo_bp_mobile_notify once that these files is in the core ?How would I write it functions’ child?


    in reply to: Notification in custom menu #44168

    I need this information as well.

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