Forum Topics Started
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- Resolved KLEO development for your inspiration
- 4
- Resolved Small menu loading
- 2
- Resolved Shortcodes not allowed in feature item?
- 3
- Resolved Unable to reduce the height of the header
- 3
- Resolved What file is used for #main?
- 3
- Resolved How to fix this sidebar issue
- 2
- Resolved Menu icons not working in custom menu widget
- 3
- Resolved Coloured featured icons
- 2
- Resolved How to link to a tab?
- 2
- Resolved Live search is killing BBPress @abe
- 3
- Resolved Disabling breadcrumbs on Woocommerce pages
- 2
- Resolved Custom menu widget css question
- 2
- Resolved Font weight become unsharp
- 2
- Resolved Bootstrap buttons not working
- 2
- Resolved How to add custom fonts?
- 3
- Resolved Hiding main menu on front page not working
- 2
- Resolved Which file is used to generate post titles?
- 2
- Resolved Version 2.0 KLEO?
- 7
- Resolved Full width main menu with boxed layout
- 2
- Resolved Wide or boxed layout?
- 2
- Resolved Left aligned of main menu item
- 2
- Resolved Styling issues
- 4
- Resolved BuddyPress question
- 2
- Resolved Dotted border below the main navigation.
- 2