Forum Topics Started
Viewing 12 topics - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
- Topic
- Voices
- Last Post
- Resolved Add menu to the black top bar
- 4
- In Progress Urgent Help, buddypress error
- 2
- In Progress Hide RSS icon
- 3
- Resolved 2.4 Show age instead birthday bug
- 3
- Resolved Private Message Thread Layout Bug
- 2
- Resolved Add Profile tabs
- 2
- Resolved Activate Users manually
- 2
- Resolved New error, membership problem
- 3
- In Progress revolution slider/image background problem
- 2
- In Progress Conflict with plugin simple Ads Manager
- 2
- In Progress Menu on tablets with responsive design
- 2
- Resolved Mark members as favorites
- 2
Viewing 12 topics - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)