Forum Topics Started
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- Resolved How Hide Button if the members are connected
- 2
- Resolved How change color of meta in thumbnail
- 2
- Resolved Problem with buddy Press integration
- 1
- Resolved CSS on kleo button :hover is not working
- 1
- Resolved how put a background color under thumbnails
- 2
- Resolved a shortcode to place a register bouton
- 2
- Resolved How select meta to show on a kleo post
- 2
- Resolved How to put a post slider ?
- 2
- Resolved How add a banner in all page and post
- 2
- Resolved What is the step to import us own font
- 2
- Resolved customise post / Make post format
- 2
- Resolved Probleme with theme update
- 2
- Resolved how change the menu fontello icon
- 2
- Resolved How add Facebook logo in the top bar
- 2
- Resolved css problem on the navbar
- 2
- Resolved Change contact icon info
- 2
- Resolved problem with google font and translation …
- 1
- Resolved Problem with registration
- 2
- Resolved Probleme on the hover on one post
- 2
- Resolved How hide : archive for category …
- 2
- Resolved How put the up menu
- 2
- Resolved change the color in a bloc text
- 2
- Resolved How to put a bold H1 in bloc text setting
- 2
- Resolved Put a button rregister on the sidebar
- 2