Forum Replies Created
It’s a good idea π
Just that it still opens the same modal popup
header.php ~ 194<li class="header-register-button"><a href="/page-d-exemple/" data-reveal-id="register_panel" class="tiny button radius"><i class="icon-group hide-for-medium-down"></i> <?php _e("SIGN UP", 'kleo_framework'); ?></a></li>
“Do you mean at the members directory, show only male if you are a woman and opposite?” Yes
“Random members do you mean the order?” Yeslist display without using a search criteria
How :
1/ to display a random members?
2/ and opposite sex (only)?HDcmsParticipantHI,
Thank you for this quick response π
I hoped a supported by the theme to avoid loading additional plugin πHDcmsParticipantHello,
Thank you
I’ll try this code but it becomes suggestions
1 / integrate option to mask / unmask
2 / have different layout including vertical menuRegards
Thanks for your answer.
I have done several test. It does not work
Apparently is_page does not work in the child theme function.php !?COPY CODEfunction my_page_template_redirect() { if (is_page(10)) // is_page('groupes') { // wp_redirect( home_url( '/inscription/' ) ); // wp_redirect('' ); echo '<h2>PAGE 10</h2>'; // exit(); } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'my_page_template_redirect' );
It does not work :COPY CODEglobal $post; $p = $post->ID; echo '<br>$p: ' .$p; $Getid = get_the_ID(); echo '<br>Getid: ' .$Getid;
It work:
COPY CODE$url = explode('?', 'http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $ID = url_to_postid($url[0]); echo '$ID: ' .$ID;
but not:
COPY CODEif ( is_page($ID) ) { echo '$ID: ' .$ID; echo '<h2>PAGE 10</h2>'; //wp_redirect(pmpro_url("levels")); //exit; }
Sorry not seen the last response
Sure it works on the test site
I put the changes on the production site:
post-content-masonrysomething else ?
The page does not display all types of video
and the 2nd page -> 404 idea?
I understand that you can not spend too much time on this problem.
I have already contacted the developer of this plugin
He said that this is due to change with the theme !!What is certain is that it worked before.
I would like to have a blog as I had before
It was possible to play a video on the blog page as
The only thing is that the video from … a video field ACF !
ok for 2 /
I had forgotten !
Still not display the thumbnail of the video in blog mansonary
I copied your code above, is that right? :COPY CODE<?php /** * The template Masonry blog item * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Kleo * @since Kleo 1.0 */ ?> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(array("post-item")); ?>> <div class="post-content animated animate-when-almost-visible el-appear"> <?php global $kleo_config; $kleo_post_format = get_post_format(); /* For portfolio post type */ if ( get_post_type() == 'portfolio' ) { if ( get_cfield( 'media_type' ) && get_cfield( 'media_type' ) != '' ) { $media_type = get_cfield( 'media_type' ); switch ( $media_type ) { case 'slider': $kleo_post_format = 'gallery'; break; case 'video': case 'hosted_video': $kleo_post_format = 'video'; break; } } } switch ( $kleo_post_format ) { case 'video': //oEmbed video // **************** DEBUT MODIF HD ***************************** // init $video = get_cfield( 'embed' ); $video = get_cfield('video_url'); // ****************** FIN MODIF HD ***************************** // video bg self hosted $bg_video_args = array(); $k_video = ''; if (get_cfield( 'video_mp4' ) ) { $bg_video_args['mp4'] = get_cfield( 'video_mp4' ); } if (get_cfield( 'video_ogv' ) ) { $bg_video_args['ogv'] = get_cfield( 'video_ogv' ); } if (get_cfield( 'video_webm' ) ) { $bg_video_args['webm'] = get_cfield( 'video_webm' ); } if ( !empty( $bg_video_args ) ) { $attr_strings = array( 'preload="none"' ); if (get_cfield( 'video_poster' ) ) { $attr_strings[] = 'poster="' . get_cfield( 'video_poster' ) . '"'; } $k_video .= '<div class="kleo-video-wrap"><video ' . join( ' ', $attr_strings ) . ' controls="controls" class="kleo-video" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">'; $source = '<source type="%s" src="%s" />'; foreach ( $bg_video_args as $video_type => $video_src ) { $video_type = wp_check_filetype( $video_src, wp_get_mime_types() ); $k_video .= sprintf( $source, $video_type['type'], esc_url( $video_src ) ); } $k_video .= '</video></div>'; echo $k_video; } // oEmbed elseif ( !empty( $video ) ) { global $wp_embed; echo apply_filters( 'kleo_oembed_video', $video ); } break; case 'audio': $audio = get_cfield('audio'); if (!empty($audio)) { ?> <div class="post-audio"> <audio preload="none" class="kleo-audio" id="audio_<?php the_id();?>" style="width:100%;" src="<?php echo $audio; ?>"></audio> </div> <?php <?php if ($kleo_post_format != 'quote' && $kleo_post_format != 'link' ) : ?> <div class="post-header"><!--end post-header--> <?php if ( $kleo_post_format != 'status' ): ?> <?php if (kleo_excerpt() != '<p>') : ?> <div class="post-info"> <div class="entry-summary"> <?php echo kleo_excerpt(); ?> </div><!-- .entry-summary --> </div><!--end post-info--> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <div class="post-footer"> <small> <?php do_action('kleo_post_footer');?> <a href="<?php the_permalink();? rel="nofollow">"><span class="muted pull-right"><?php _e( "Read more","kleo_framework" );?></span></a> </small> </div><!--end post-footer--> <!--end post-content--> </article>
2/ Before the user could only see the display of a video (for example:
Now there are more miniature
How to remove the display of the thumbnail on the article?HDcmsParticipantHi,
Sorry but I do not understand what you’re saying!
What should I do ?
I upgraded to version 3.0.9. not resolved
I repeat that it worked before without any code change on my part
Yes you are right !!
This code was working before a version change
Will you tell me what is wrong
COPY CODEcase 'video': //oEmbed video // **************** DEBUT MODIF HD ***************************** // init $video = get_cfield( 'embed' ); $video = get_field('video_url'); // ****************** FIN MODIF HD ***************************** case 'link': // ******************* DEBUT MODIF HD ***************************** $image = get_field('img-site'); echo '<a href="'. get_permalink() .'" class="element-wrap">' . '<img src="' . $image . '">' . kleo_get_img_overlay() . '</a>'; .... // ******************* FIN MODIF HD ***************************** /* echo '<div class="inner-content">' . get_the_content() . '</div><!--end inner-content-->'; break; */ .... case 'image': default: if ( kleo_get_post_thumbnail_url() != '' ) { echo '<div class="post-image">'; // ******************* DEBUT MODIF HD ***************************** $img_url = kleo_get_post_thumbnail_url(); $image = get_field('image'); /* $image = aq_resize( $img_url, $kleo_config['post_gallery_img_width'], null, true, true, true ); */ // ******************* FIN MODIF HD ***************************** ....
This works great π
Thank you πIf it’s not too long !! maybe can you say why I did not happen to me that it works. Call in a js file with the child theme :
I created the file “am_modal_cnx.js”
COPY CODEjQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".login_panel").click(function() { jQuery("#login_panel").reveal(); }); });
in functions.php
COPY CODEfunction am_enqueue_scripts() { if(!is_admin()){ wp_enqueue_script('scripts', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/_spec/js/am_piwik.js', array(), NULL, true); wp_enqueue_script('scripts', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/_spec/js/am_modal_cnx.js', array()); } } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'am_enqueue_scripts', 101);
Thanks for your answer.
I do not want to put this link in a wigdet but in the menu.
I can not place data-reveal-id=”login_panel”
(I thought you have answered!)
I have also put the parameter group forums to “public”
I applied the method (which I did not): is working
Great thank you π πHDcmsParticipantHi,
Yes I saw it work for youProbably but currently the research does not work anymore with the admins!!
I do not have access to either bbPress menu (back office side, fortunately groups forums work well front-end side). It happened after I do the operations mentioned in previous post π am completely blocked π
Do you have a procedure (or suggestions) that I restored in a first time: menu bbPress (back office side) ??
Here are made unsuccessful operations:
* Child theme switch to parent theme
* RΓ©instal the theme and the two plugins: BP and bbPress
* Creation of a repertoire with these two plugins plugins only
* Repair and BP bbpress with WP toolsan idea ?
Ok, search with the word “test”Forum “Groupe test”
no result with a member subscriber
by cons I see that it works as an administrator !!?Thanks for your help.
This issue lasts for several months but users are increasingly dissatisfied!Regards
Tip but it does not meet the needs expressed by members !!
They want register their profile in the field “I search” = a man OR a woman ‘HDcmsParticipantHi,
And ? ;
2 / is that I can do a map with each BP group ?
3 / I use PMPro, is it possible to exclude certain categories of members (level1 for example)?I give you access as soon as I reinstalled my test site
thank youHDcmsParticipantHi,
How you say !?
I have members who ask me /
“I’m a woman and I look for a male or female in the results”
“I’m a man and I look for a male or female in the results”
At first, it may be an evolution !
“Hello, you can add those links to your menu in Appearance > Menu then look up and find Screen options. Open it and enable Buddypress.”
Your theme supports only one menu
So I do not understand ?“Now you can place buddypress specific links to your menu in Menu Page Sidebar βBuddypressβ
Not understood, you have an example or a url for documentation
I can put it in a top menu?@+