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    in reply to: parallax don’t work any more #107082

    thanks πŸ˜€

    ok, I cleared the cache, still doesnt work. Then I tried Firefox Mozilla instead of Google Chrome, thats the issue. With Mozilla it works, but Chrome not. Don’t know how it works with other browsers.

    in reply to: parallax don’t work any more #106934
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    in reply to: parallax don’t work any more #106933
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    in reply to: parallax don’t work any more #106762

    sorry meant that. it’s the newest version. I updated visual composer too.

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #90125

    did you look into it?
    at the message before I wrote ‘text’ instead of ‘next’, maybe that caused confusion.

    in reply to: How to make the logo larger than the navigation height #89937

    works great, thanks for the code!

    I’m just having problems now with the menu on mobile devices. The first menu-item is now on top of the logo… I tried some things with css, but it changes the whole header too.
    Has anyone an idea how I can call just the ‘transformed’ menu at mobile devices?


    in reply to: Name instead of Username #88473

    GOT IT!

    this works

    function set_default_display_name( $user_id ) {
      $user = get_userdata( $user_id );
      $name = sprintf( '%s %s', $user->first_name, $user->last_name );
      $args = array(
        'ID' => $user_id,
        'display_name' => $name,
        'nickname' => $name
      wp_update_user( $args );
    add_action( 'user_register', 'set_default_display_name' );
    in reply to: Name instead of Username #88472

    Hello again,

    I’m searching a while now for the display issue and would like you to ask, if Kleo sets the default display name anywhere?
    I can change the display name on the users’ profile at the backend manually, but it should do it right away.

    I found many codes which would change the default display name from username to first and last name, but nothing works.

    Do you have any idea why it wouldn’t change the default?

    Thanks πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Name instead of Username #88466

    Oh my πŸ˜€ sorry, I’m used to see just topics which are closed already, so I didn’t login the first time.
    I’m not that annoying as it seems right now πŸ˜€

    Thank you very very much! You saved my day.

    in reply to: Name instead of Username #88461

    wow, that was easy. Really sorry, haven’t found this.

    what I just don’t get to work is the display name. So I have first and last name, but how will it take this for display name?
    here is a line to modify it, but it will always show the username, not the name which is set of first and last name

    //you can modify that line to change the displayed name to something else than the nickname
    	$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->users} SET display_name = %s WHERE ID = %d", $nickname, $user_id ) );

    I tried that:

    //you can modify that line to change the displayed name to something else than the nickname
    	$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->users} SET display_name = %s WHERE ID = %d", $firstname, $lastname, $user_id ) );

    thank you!!

    in reply to: Name instead of Username #88411

    so I really don’t find anything about it.

    I would like to consider custom work for that, could you do that?

    I already wrote it down, but I think it was the wrong forum.


    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #88041

    it is set to “after ‘add to card'”, but it is still text to the title

    in reply to: Name instead of Username #87603

    I haven’t found anything about that…

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #87504


    did you found out why I can’t see the Yith Wishlist Button at the position I set at the backend?


    in reply to: Name instead of Username #87474

    Or maybe sync the username with the name? So it wouldn’t be a problem with the login?

    so for example:
    at the register there is
    prename= anna
    surname= smith

    thats all the user has to fill out
    the username will then be: anna-smith

    is that possible?

    in reply to: Notification Tab on Profiles #87384

    oh right, sorry!!

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #86384
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    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #86253

    what should work now?
    the function ‘after add to card’ at the YITH settings or the YITH-shortcode?

    when I set the first one, nothing happens, it still is next to or with long titles behind the title.
    the shortcode I don’t know where to place it…


    in reply to: comment field troubles #85394

    ok… now I am having troubles with the design in mobile devices… it doesnt use all the place it could use.. I really would like to know where this suddenly comes from, I havent changed anything…

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #85370

    did you find something?


    in reply to: comment field troubles #85361

    perfect, thank you very much!

    in reply to: comment field troubles #85286

    sorry I’ve noticed that the whole content is somehow not right… the post itself is ok, but everything what comes after is not at the right position… my pagination is at the left, but should be at the center.. what could that be? I haven’t changed anything of that…

    in reply to: comment field troubles #85275

    great, thanks!

    in reply to: comment field troubles #85269
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    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #82120

    to add the shortcode or to set ‘after add to card’ at the options on Yith Wishlist?
    Because when I set it via option (and also when I set it via shortcode) I don’t see it after the card… any idea why?

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #81933


    I’m still having problems with placing ‘add to wishlist’
    The support of the plugin says:

    “The plugin can add “add to wishlist” shortcode in one of this locations:
    After add to cart
    After thumbnails
    After summary
    (This option will work only if your theme doesn’t remove woocommerce default hooks)
    You can set one location using option under YIT Plugins -> Wishlist -> Settings -> Position.
    If you want to use a custom location, you can choose “Use shortcode” option, and hook a function that prints shortcode where you want in single product page.

    Here an exemple of code you can add to functions.php file of your theme
    if( ! function_exists( ‘yith_woocommerce_custom_add_to_wishlist’ ) ){
    function yith_woocommerce_custom_add_to_wishlist(){
    echo do_shortcode( ‘[yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist]’ );
    add_action( ‘<HOOK YOU SELECTED>’, ‘yith_woocommerce_custom_add_to_wishlist’


    I would like to have it after ‘add to card’, but I can’t set it at the YITH settings, so I tried it with the code in the functions.php and the shortcode “echo do_shortcode( ‘[yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist]’ );”
    I tried it at your ‘content-product.php’ and ‘content-single-product’, but I don’t find where ‘add to card’ is to place it behind.


    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #80758

    ok it works, great

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #80748

    ‘Add to wishlist’ remains in english, even though everywhere I could find it it is translated.
    (And I don’t need loco translate)

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #80179


    thanks but it is still english.

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Registration via Facebook #79636

    haha great!

    in reply to: Registration via Facebook #79612

    ok, I set the post to ‘not resolved’, maybe the support is taking a look into this

    in reply to: Registration via Facebook #79597

    To test the registration I made a new account with another email address of mine. But I hadn’t confirm this email so facebook asked for email-permission at my site. Because facebook itself had not a conformation. I just had to click the confirm button at an email which was sent after registering the test-account πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #79533

    ok thanks!

    maybe this will help to, Yith Support says this:
    Maybe theme developer can help you better, but I suggest you to search for untranslated strings in add-to-wishlist.php or add-to-wishlist-button.php templates, if they are overwritten in theme root, or under /woocommerce subdirectory.

    Just don’t know where to search exactly.

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #79189

    ok, thats a good plugin, even though my server settings are all at not-writable and I have to change it every time via FTP. I can edit the pot file manually too.
    The problem lays deeper I think. At Yith I can set the text at the backend, so that would work even without changing the pot file, but even if I change the pot file it remains english. So it has to come from somewhere else that overwrites it. And I have no idea what else it could be then Kleo itself, because it is a recommended plugin to the theme. Oh and right, I tested it a few days ago, when I set the theme to Twenty Twelve it is german.

    And something else, I can set at the Plugin Backend where to show the ‘add to wishlist’ and it is just shown when I set ‘after add to card’, but not at ‘after thumbnail’ and ‘after summary’ – that’s causing the theme too, right? I would like to set the position by shortcode instead, but don’t know where I can place it and what shortcode that would be?


    in reply to: Registration via Facebook #79159

    Oh my god, that’s really embarrasing πŸ˜€
    In german there is a good saying: Ich sehe vor lauter BΓ€umen den Wald nicht mehr. πŸ˜€ It means, I don’t see the forest because of all the trees haha.
    Ok, the only problem was, that I had not confirm the email address of my facebook-test-account – nothing more! Really sorry.

    in reply to: Registration via Facebook #79089

    thanks for your input!
    I’m having the exact same issue but cleaning the browser data does not help at all. I’ve tried it with different browsers – everytime I get the same message.

    And even your way would work for me too, how will you explain your users (who you maybe often don’t even know) what to do? They aren’t patient, either it works or not and they are faster gone then finding a solution for this problem.

    Really hoping to get this work πŸ™

    in reply to: Kleo overwrites Wishlist Text #78675

    Hi, thanks for the idea, the plugin is great but I can’t seem to find where to search for the string?

    in reply to: required Username twice at Registration #77916

    ooh my God PERFECT! thank you so much πŸ˜€

    in reply to: required Username twice at Registration #77663

    sorry, that’s the right attachment, there I could delete the fields but not the one for username

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