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  • in reply to: Header different according to browser #202560

    Hi Laura,
    So your question prompted me to check my browser, and of course I needed an update! After updating, the header links I wanted are there.


    in reply to: centered nav bar #199310
    Not marked as solution
    in reply to: centered nav bar #198613
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    in reply to: A few formatting questions #197388

    Thank you Radu!

    in reply to: A few formatting questions #197266

    Can we make the footer and socket boxed, too? (left/right margins to match the body content?)

    in reply to: A few formatting questions #197257

    Hi Radu,
    Thanks for your help! I will go through and do the things you suggested.

    The site is currently set up with a DIFFERENT header to what we WANT to use because when we used the one we do want (centered logo, centered nav below), the issue happened with the logo going over the text. (item 4)

    Also, the header is boxed, but the white background extends edge-to-edge. (#1)

    in reply to: Updated theme: Plugins not working #194657

    Hi Laura,
    Thank you. It turns out it was a plugin issue, which I resolved by doing the whole routine of deactivating all of them, and then activating one-by-one. It was a plugin called “Referral Landing Page.”
    Have a nice weekend!


    Hi Radu,
    It turns out that it was a plugin conflict. I went through the process of deactivating, etc, and found that a plugin called, “referral landing page” was what was preventing polls, tables, and the related posts from being visible.

    I also didn’t see that new php file in the editor, but at least this other issue was solved.

    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #194561

    Thank you Laura- it worked ๐Ÿ™‚

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    in reply to: Updated theme: Plugins not working #194532

    Hi Laura,
    This did not help, unfortunately.

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    Hi Radu,
    Unfortunately that didn’t work either.

    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #194438

    Thanks Laura.
    How do I prevent the logo from being cut off at the top?


    Hi Radu,
    Thank you.
    There was no “page-parts” folder within the Kleo-child folder.. So I made one, and uploaded the php file into it. Unfortunately it doesn’t show recent posts at all now.

    (I also just tried putting the php file into the Kleo-child folder, and that also didn’t work.)


    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #194339

    Oh- and I forgot to mention, the logo is cut off at the top, too..

    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #194336

    Hi Laura,
    Me again ๐Ÿ™‚
    When I make the font larger in the tagline, it floats upward and the bottom of the text is no longer aligned to the bottom of the logo.. How can I fix this? I tried adding a <br> before, and the effect was just to make the whole line disappear..


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    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #193755

    Thank you Laura! I am really grateful for the 2 versions you offered.. We chose version 1.

    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #193691

    Thanks Laura! You are awesome. That worked great!

    One more question (sorry!):

    When I scroll down, the blue menu bar is no longer full-width.. See attached screen shot. How do I fix this?
    I think I would like to make the sticky menu area taller, with the blue bar being full width and the logo above it..

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    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #193400

    Hi there! I’m back with question about the same things mentioned above ๐Ÿ™‚ Note: I am using all of the code that Laura wrote on December 10, 2017 at 05:49

    Basically, I’d like to do the following (see screen shot for what I have currently):

    1) Move the menu items so they align right
    2) add an arrow or carat, something that indicates that “Our Services” and “Our Voice” have sub-menus
    3) Increase the space between the Heard It From A Friend logo and the blue bar– bottom of logo to align with bottom of tagline..
    4) I’d like to move the tagline so it is aligned right (so right edge of text aligns with the right edge of the white navigation text), only about 15px above the blue bar.

    Thank you!!!

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    in reply to: Php 7.0 upgrade #193138

    Actually, we’re not using Woocommerce for any of our website functions and the plugin isn’t even installed.. Do I still need to be concerned about this issue? How can I remove Woocommerce from our data files so that we don’t have this issue?

    in reply to: Php 7.0 upgrade #193137

    Thank you- I will open a support ticket with them.

    in reply to: Font Issues #192919

    Unfortunately I don’t know which one it was: There were about 8 plug-ins that I did not reactivate because I realized that I’m not currently using them. So now this will be an opportunity to evaluate what I need and what I can delete.

    in reply to: Php 7.0 upgrade #192917

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Font Issues #192903

    Thank you! It worked.


    Thank you!

    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #182716

    Thank you!!!


    Also, how do I change the color of the links (category, date, etc) in those posts? They are grey now, but I’d like them to be pink. (See attached screenshot for explanation)

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    Hi Radu! Thanks, it worked!

    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #182616

    Hi again,
    Thank you so much for the advice on how to alter the menu items.. I have 2 further questions:

    The dropdown menu is white with white text. How can I change the text color?

    also, How do I remove the horizontal blue bar that appears in the navigation, to indicate which page we’re on? See the attached screenshot for reference.

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    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #182520

    Thank you Laura! That worked beautifully.

    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #182299


    I have set up the menu to have primary and secondary rows.. Is there a way I can make the secondary menu have a blue background (so it matches my previously-attached image)? Also, is there a way to reduce the spacing between the top and 2nd rows of navigation?

    New screenshot attached, showing current menu setup.

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    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #182286

    Hi Laura,

    I’m back ๐Ÿ™‚

    So yes, I do need to know how to have 2 rows of items in the menu bar:

    There is a screenshot attached. I’d like to know how to set up the menu like this, with a second menu bar that is a different color, and for both bars to be sticky when you scroll.

    Is this possible with the theme?

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    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #181948
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    in reply to: text color #181947

    Yes! Thank you! It worked ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: text color #181642

    In the theme customizer.

    I have the code below, but I have no code that refers to the navigation itself.

    body a:link {
    text-decoration: underline;

    body a:visited {
    text-decoration: underline;

    body a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

    body a:active {
    text-decoration: underline;


    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #181639

    Hi Laura,

    Thank you! I will certainly give you a high rating on Themeforest.

    Also, it turns out that I actually do need to do those other things I was asking about before:

    I chose the header layout that allows you to add banner text to the right of the logo, with the menu items below it. How can I align the menu to the right?

    How can I tweak the alignment of the menu and the alignment of the banner text so that they both align to the same right-side margin? (Right now, the banner text can either be too far to the left, or too far to the right.. When centered it looks ok, but I wonโ€™t know if itโ€™s โ€œjust rightโ€ until I can see the menu aligned right.)

    Lastly, is it possible to have two rows of navigation (primary and secondary) at the top, and at the top with this layout?

    You can see in the attached image that I have included links in the banner text– but the vertical spacing isn’t right. Also, when I scroll (top bar is sticky), of course only the ‘actual’ navigation remains and the links from the banner text go away. Is it possible to have 2 rows of navigation? And also to make both of them sticky at the top?

    Thanks so much!

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    in reply to: text color #181582
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    in reply to: text color #181581
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    in reply to: How to align top bar and menu items #181580

    Thanks Laura! Awesome- it worked ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, if I wanted to make the icons slightly larger, can you please share the code that would do that?
    Thanks so much!

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