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errrr – what animation exactly? The display one by one?
The gaps and titles are animations.
COPY CODE.rtmedia-item-title { display: none !important; } #buddypress .rtmedia-container .rtmedia-list .rtmedia-list-item { margin-bottom: 0px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorFor the activity, try this assuming your kleo and bp are up-to-date
COPY CODEadd_action( 'init', 'remove_activity_animation', 10 ); function remove_activity_animation() { remove_filter('bp_get_activity_css_class', 'kleo_bp_activity_classes'); }
Make sure you have masonry turned off in rtMedia settings??
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sharmstrModeratorI’m assuming you’re using the full width layout. Try this in your quick css
COPY CODE.template-page.col-sm-12 .kleo-isotope>.kleo-masonry-item, .template-page.col-sm-12 .kleo-isotope>li { width: 33.3% !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorTo make it 3 groups per row instead of 3, do nothing. LOL If you correct that question, I’ll try to help 😉
Put this in your quick css and adjust as needed
COPY CODE#buddypress #groups-list .item-title a { font-size: 50px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this css to change the font after scrolling.
COPY CODE.navbar-transparent .navbar .kleo-main-header.header-scrolled { background-color: #fff !important; } .navbar-transparent.on-dark-bg .navbar .kleo-main-header.header-scrolled .navbar-nav>li>a, .navbar-transparent.on-dark-bg .navbar .kleo-main-header.header-scrolled .navbar-nav .caret:after { color: #000 !important; }
No advice on changing the logo. I believe its been discussed here before. Do a search or use a logo that works for both backgrounds.
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sharmstrModeratorHere is the default css which uses Fontello. Edit as necessary and put in your quick css
COPY CODE.icon-basket-full-alt:before { content: '\e87e'; }
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sharmstrModeratorIt depends of if you mean WP Pages, as opposed to posts, or for your entire site.
pages only
COPY #footer { display: none; }
for the entire site, you can delete all widgets out of your footer sidebars.
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sharmstrModeratorPut this in your quick css
COPY CODE.register-section h4 { font-weight: 400; }
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sharmstrModeratorTo change it you’ll have to edit core code. This is not upgrade safe, so you’ll have to make the change after each Kleo update. The line to change is (assuming your running Kleo 3.0.5) is 532 in /kleo/lib/plugin-woocommerce/config.php
Or, alternatively, you can hide the label with this in your quick css
COPY { display: none; }
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sharmstrModeratorI found the change that’s causing this.
Go to /kleo/lib/theme-functions.php and change the following line (around line 634) from this
COPY CODE'numberposts' => -1,
to this
COPY CODE'numberposts' => 4,
@abe – this was part of the ajax search order relevancy change.Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionThis support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact
sharmstrModeratorPut this in your child’s functions.php file
COPY CODEadd_action('kleo_after_login_form','add_a_link'); function add_a_link() { echo '<a href="">Google</a>'; }
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sharmstrModeratorThere are some sites that have an issue with theme options being saved at all. This doesnt sound like your issue since eventually the changes show up (again, caching issue), but you can try this in your child’s functions.php file. I doubt that it will work, but I want to rule it out as a possible issue.
COPY CODEadd_filter( 'kleo_theme_options_ajax', '__return_false' );
Let me know if that changes anything.
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sharmstrModeratorpseudo code
COPY CODEfunction kleo_extra_sidebar() { $classes = apply_filters('kleo_extra_sidebar_classes', ''); echo '<div class="sidebar sidebar-extra '.$classes.'">' . '<div class="inner-content">'; if( bp_current_component() == 'activity' ) { echo "This is the activity page. You custom code here."; } else { generated_dynamic_sidebar($extra); } echo '</div>' .'</div> <!--end sidebar columns-->'; }
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sharmstrModeratorOh Sorry. I tested with only one icon in the menu. Um… try adding this as well
COPY CODE.kleo-social-icons li a { width: 33px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorTry this in your quick css
COPY CODE.ts-text { display: none !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorNot all fonts are loaded. Only the ones that you have set in Theme Options > Fonts. If you are loading the permanent marker font, then the css would be
COPY CODE.kleo-main-header .navbar-collapse > ul > li > a { font-family: Permanent Marker; }
If you’re not loading the font yet and you dont want to change the body font (which the navbar uses), then set H6 (which is barely used) to Permanent Marker.
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sharmstrModeratorCOPY CODE<?php /** * BuddyPress - Users Plugins Template * * 3rd-party plugins should use this template to easily add template * support to their plugins for the members component. * * @package BuddyPress * @subpackage bp-legacy */ ?> <?php do_action( 'bp_before_member_plugin_template' ); ?> <?php if ( ! bp_is_current_component_core() ) : ?> <div class="item-list-tabs no-ajax" id="subnav"> <ul> <?php bp_get_options_nav(); ?> <?php do_action( 'bp_member_plugin_options_nav' ); ?> </ul> </div><!-- .item-list-tabs --> <?php endif; ?> <h3><?php do_action( 'bp_template_title' ); ?></h3> <?php do_action( 'bp_template_content' ); ?> <?php do_action( 'bp_after_member_plugin_template' ); ?>
You can always redownload from themeforest as well.
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sharmstrModeratorYou’ll need to do two things.
1 – Add places to Theme Options > Social Info > Social share Post types
2 – Add this to your child theme functions.php file.
COPY CODEadd_action('geodir_after_main_content','add_kleo_social_share'); function add_kleo_social_share() { get_template_part( 'page-parts/posts-social-share' ); }
@andrei – I assigned this topic to you because I think you did the initial GeoDir integration. We need to add a check within Kleo to see if “Places” was turned on for Social share post types. If so, we need to add the geodir_after_main_content action to insert it. If you weren’t responsible, let me know and I’ll talk to Abe. Thanks 🙂Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionThis support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact
sharmstrModeratorTry this in your quick css
COPY CODE.main-color #buddypress div.activity-comments form textarea { color: #ffffff !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorSite fonts can be set in Theme Options > Fonts. Posts and page main content is controlled by the Body font.
For the blockquotes, try this in your quick css
COPY CODEblockquote p { margin: 0.85em 0 !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorThe 404 is controlled by a template. Copy /kleo/404.php to your child theme and replace this
COPY CODE<img />/assets/img/404_image.png"><br> <h2 class="article-title"><?php _e( 'This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?', 'kleo_framework' ); ?></h2> <p><?php _e( 'It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?', 'kleo_framework' ); ?></p>
with the table code that you currently have on your 404 page within the wp admin.
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sharmstrModeratorThis works for me
COPY CODEstyle="background-image:url(<?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => bp_get_member_user_id(), 'html' => false, 'type' => 'full' ) ); ?>); background-size:cover;"
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sharmstrModeratorYou can use this css if you are using the masonry display
COPY span.muted.pull-right { display: none; }
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sharmstrModeratorPut this in your childs theme functions.php file.
COPY CODEfunction kleo_membership_info() { global $membership_levels,$current_user; if (! $membership_levels) { return; } if (bp_is_my_profile()) { if (!isset($current_user->membership_level) || $current_user->membership_level->ID != '1') { echo '<a><span class="label radius pmpro_label">'.__("Upgrade to a higher level",'kleo_framework').'</span></a>'; } } }
Change the 1 to the id of the level that needs to be hidden.
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sharmstrModeratorTo move the media tab rearrange other tabs
COPY CODEfunction my_change_profile_tab_order() { global $bp; $bp->bp_nav['settings']['position'] = 10; $bp->bp_nav['activity']['position'] = 20; $bp->bp_nav['friends']['position'] = 30; $bp->bp_nav['groups']['position'] = 40; $bp->bp_nav['blogs']['position'] = 50; $bp->bp_nav['messages']['position'] = 60; $bp->bp_nav['profile']['position'] = 70; } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_change_profile_tab_order', 999 );
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sharmstrModeratorThere’s a Member Type Register plugin as well:
I was playing around with displaying profile groups depending on the member type. This is by no means a complete solution, but perhaps will give you some insight on how this can be done. I used the above plugin to register 2 members types; Student and Teacher. Then in xprofile I created two new profile groups. Again, Student and Teacher. In the profile template (/kleo/buddypress/members/single/profile-loop.php), I added a conditional check to only display the base group and the profile group of the displayed users member type. The condition code is
COPY CODEif ( ( bp_get_the_profile_group_name() == 'Base' ) or ( strcasecmp(bp_get_the_profile_group_name(), bp_get_member_type($bp->displayed_user->id)) == 0 ) )
It basically compares the name of the current profile group during the looping process to the members type name. See attached for complete code (I added 3 lines with the comment ‘added’. Lines 1, 7 and 51).
Again, this is not a complete solution since you’d have to do the same with the registration form and the profile edit screens.
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You must be logged in to view attached files.sharmstrModeratorPersonally, I use this
COPY CODE/** * show included template files */ add_action('all','template_snoop'); function template_snoop(){ $args = func_get_args(); if( !is_admin() and $args[0] ){ if( $args[0] == 'template_include' ) { echo "<!-- Base Template: {$args[1]} -->\n"; } elseif( strpos($args[0],'get_template_part_') === 0 ) { global $last_template_snoop; if( $last_template_snoop ) echo "\n\n<!-- End Template Part: {$last_template_snoop} -->"; $tpl = rtrim(join('-', array_slice($args,1)),'-').'.php'; echo "\n<!-- Template Part: {$tpl} -->\n\n"; $last_template_snoop = $tpl; } } }
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sharmstrModeratorFor whatever reason your page is setting overflow:hidden on the main content. In VC, click on the gear icon and add this css
COPY CODE.main { overflow: auto !important; }
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July 27, 2015 at 15:05 in reply to: Adding custom Background Image on Pages (in Title Section Tab) #70217sharmstrModeratorIt only works when you have the title in the breadcrumb section, not the main section.
You can try this css
COPY .section-container.container { background-image: none; } .page-id-3686 .wrap-content .container { background-image: url(""); }
If you need it for a different page, you’ll need to change the page id
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sharmstrModeratorLooking at it again, I think its this code you’ve added
COPY CODE<script type="text/javascript" src="//" data-dojo-config="usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false"></script><script type="text/javascript">require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"cfa2b9fbed370eeb6accb274d","lid":"8125fdee93"}) })</script>
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sharmstrModeratorIt would be helpful for you to test that before asking me how to remove it.
Anyhow, add the caret code back and try css instead.
COPY CODE#header .navbar-nav li .caret { display: none; } @media (max-width: 991px) { #header .navbar-nav li .caret { display: inline !important; } }
Its important to know that I cant test any of this since I dont use your plugin.
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sharmstrModeratorYou can remove this line to remove the caret
COPY CODE$output .= ( $args->has_children && in_array($depth, array(0,1))) ? ' <span class="caret"></span></a>' : '</a>';
The member name wont work because social login does its own filtering of the avatar code that removes the stuff that kleo needs in order to display the name. This filtering is the whole reason why I had to come up with the code just to show the avatar in the first place.
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sharmstrModeratorTry this in quick css
COPY CODE.home #bp-login-widget-user-login, .home #bp-login-widget-user-pass, .home .bp-login-widget-register-link a { color: #fff; }
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sharmstrModeratorFor #3, there are more things that need to be translated. Open the file and search for
COPY CODE'woocommerce'
Again, these will be translated in the next update.
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July 25, 2015 at 16:08 in reply to: Dog Chasin' Tail to get slider in widget in main_content on page #69970sharmstrModeratoris_home will check to see if the current page is your blog page.
You dont need to use widgets on page. You can use putRevSlider to add the slider you want.
COPY CODEadd_action('kleo_before_main_content','kleo_top_main_content'); function kleo_top_main_content() { if (is_home()) { echo '<div id="before-main-content">', putRevSlider( "yourslideralias" ), '</div>'; } }
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sharmstrModeratorHmmm. Okay try this instead. If you show the wp admin bar you’ll need to change 0 to 32
COPY CODE.kleo-main-header.header-normal { top: -88px !important; } .kleo-main-header.header-normal.header-scrolled { top: 0px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorI’m not sure of a way to add a button. You’ll need to google for a way to do that. But you can highlight the text (see the ‘new’ next to services in the menu in this forum) by wrapping the title in em
Or you can highlight the entire background by adding btn-highlight to the menu items css. If you dont see the css box, click on screen options in the upper right hand part of the screen.
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sharmstrModeratorTry this
COPY CODE.header-centered .navbar-collapse .navbar-nav { height:inherit; } .navbar-header .logo { height:88px; } .header-scrolled .navbar-header { float: left !important; height: 88px !important; line-height: 88px !important; } .header-scrolled .navbar-collapse { float: right !important; } .header-scrolled .navbar-collapse .nav.navbar-nav { line-height:88px !important; }
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sharmstrModeratorThere’s not just one file. They are broken up into several files depending on what layout AND post format you have selected.
Put this in your child theme functions.php file. It will put comments in your page source code that will tell you which template files are being called.
COPY CODE/** * show included template files */ add_action('all','template_snoop'); function template_snoop(){ $args = func_get_args(); if( !is_admin() and $args[0] ){ if( $args[0] == 'template_include' ) { echo "<!-- Base Template: {$args[1]} -->\n"; } elseif( strpos($args[0],'get_template_part_') === 0 ) { global $last_template_snoop; if( $last_template_snoop ) echo "\n\n<!-- End Template Part: {$last_template_snoop} -->"; $tpl = rtrim(join('-', array_slice($args,1)),'-').'.php'; echo "\n<!-- Template Part: {$tpl} -->\n\n"; $last_template_snoop = $tpl; } } }
Just view the page source and search for “Template Part” to see all the template files the page has called. See attached example
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