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  • in reply to: Changing BBPress Forum List layout #114783

    This is the code you should be using

    function custom_bbp_sub_forum_list() {
      $args['separator'] = '<br>';
      return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_after_list_forums_parse_args', 'custom_bbp_sub_forum_list' );
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    in reply to: please help #113793

    It looks like if you remove the 50px margin from the bottom of that form, the issue stops. At least it did when I add the following css to your site.

    .book {
        margin-bottom: 0 !important;
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    in reply to: woocommerce, Single Product Page question #113502

    Looks like its working to me. Is that not what you wanted? See attached.

    The issue with your css is

     width: 50%; !important;

    it should be

     width: 50% !important;
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    in reply to: woocommerce, Single Product Page question #113368

    Because you have errors in your styles file. When there are errors, everything below those lines do not get processed.

    /* This code helped keep the format on the Member Search Page for 3 rows across and then 2 rows across for the Following/Followers TAB Pages for proper formatting. */
    .following  #buddypress .kleo-isotope>.kleo-masonry-item, .following  #buddypress .kleo-isotope>li {
        width: 50%; !important;
    .followers  #buddypress .kleo-isotope>.kleo-masonry-item, .followers  #buddypress .kleo-isotope>li {
        width: 50%; !important;
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    in reply to: woocommerce, Single Product Page question #113272

    Try this

    .woocommerce .summary .product_meta {
    float: left;
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    in reply to: @username disappeared #113264

    Because you turned off Activity in BP. That section displays their mention name which, in the BP developers minds, doesnt make any sense to show it if no one can use it AND will throw an error since mentions are disabled when you disable activity. It makes sense from their perspective because they didnt anticipate themes which allow you to hide the page title which shows the username. In any case, copy /kleo/buddypress/members/single/member-header.php (if you’re using the profile cover plugin) or /kleo/buddypress/members/single/cover-image-header.php (if you’re not using the plugin) to your child theme and add this line before the bp_is_active call

    <h4 class="user-nicename"><?php echo bp_core_get_username( bp_displayed_user_id() ); ?></h4><br>
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    in reply to: Change news focus color #113138

    Edit the shortcode and add an extra class name, then add the appropriate css to change the color. Example

    extra class name = highlight-red


    .highlight-red .kleo-tabs .tabs-style-line > > a {
        border-bottom-color: red;
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    in reply to: Video Loop #111643

    Instead of the css I gave you before, use this

    @media (min-width: 991px) {
    .tp-video-play-button {
        display: none !important;
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    in reply to: Rotating Headerbanner #111216

    Try this code instead. Let me know if this works. I tested on my site and it works fine.

    if ( !is_front_page() ) {
            if ( !is_page('8175') ) {
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    in reply to: Video Loop #111069

    Since you’re using HTML5 video, you needed to specify all video formats to work on all browsers. See if the test video works on ipad now (I dont have one). The hide controls is only for the bottom controls, not for the play and pause. I put this in the VC style settings for the page to hide the play and pause

    .tp-video-play-button {
        display: none !important;
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    in reply to: Rotating Headerbanner #111004

    Sorry, I missunderstood

    You can use the WP functions is_front_page or is_page(‘ID’).

    if (!is_front_page() && !is_page('8175') ){
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    in reply to: Rotating Headerbanner #110994

    If you look in rev slider, they tell you how to specify the page to put it on. Go to the slider settings and click on Embed Slider, then expand Advanced Embedding.

    putRevSlider('headerbanner', '8175');
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    in reply to: Add taxonomies to meta field #110988

    Try this

    $categories_list = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio-country', '', ', ' );
    $categories_list .= ' ,';
    $categories_list .= get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio-city', '', ', ' );
    $categories_list .= ' ,';
    $categories_list .= get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio-state', '', ', ' );
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    in reply to: BuddyPress sites & rename #110916

    Sites is added if you have a multisite installation

    Put this in your child theme’s functions.php file and edit as you wish

    function rename_bp_tabs() {
        global $bp;
        $bp->bp_nav['friends']['name'] = 'Colleagues';
    add_action( 'bp_init', 'rename_bp_tabs');
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    in reply to: Where can I find this line of code? #110727

    In your child theme’s functions.php file, use this code

    add_action('kleo_before_main_content', 'inject_adsense', 10);
    function inject_adsense() {
        //your adsense code here

    Here is a list of hooks:

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    in reply to: Add taxonomies to meta field #110408

    It doesnt work that way. You need to do separate functions for each taxonomy

    $categories_list = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio-country', '', ', ' );
    $categories_list .= get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio-city', '', ', ' );
    $categories_list .= get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio-state', '', ', ' );

    Again, it doesnt work that way…

     if (get_post_type() == 'portfolio-audition'  || get_post_type() == 'portfolio-job') {

    Here is the WP codex on those functions

    Hope that helps

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    in reply to: Add taxonomies to meta field #110380

    You didnt follow my instructions. I’ve explained that you needed to copy the kleo_entry_meta function located in /kleo/functions.php to your child theme FIRST. Then you need to change the code to suit your needs given the examples I’ve supplied. Here’s the function

    function kleo_entry_meta( $echo = true, $att = array() ) {
            global $kleo_config;
            $meta_list = array();
            $author_links = '';
            $meta_elements =  sq_option( 'blog_meta_elements', $kleo_config['blog_meta_defaults'] );
            // Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.
            if ( in_array( 'categories', $meta_elements ) ) {
                $categories_list = get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'kleo_framework'));
            if (get_post_type() == 'portfolio-audition') {
    	$categories_list = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio-country', '', ', ' );		
    } else {
    	// Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.
          if ( in_array( 'categories', $meta_elements ) ) {
              $categories_list = get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'kleo_framework'));
            $date = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" rel="bookmark">' .
                '<time class="entry-date" datetime="%2$s">%3$s</time>' .
                '<time class="modify-date hide hidden updated" datetime="%4$s">%5$s</time>' .
                esc_url( get_permalink() ),
                esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),
                esc_html( get_the_date() ),
                esc_html( get_the_modified_date( 'c' ) ),
                esc_html( get_the_modified_date() )
            if ( is_array( $meta_elements ) && !empty( $meta_elements ) ) {
                if ( in_array( 'author_link', $meta_elements ) || in_array( 'avatar', $meta_elements ) ) {
                    /* If buddypress is active then create a link to Buddypress profile instead */
                    if (function_exists( 'bp_is_active' ) ) {
                        $author_link = esc_url( bp_core_get_userlink( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), $no_anchor = false, $just_link = true ) );
                        $author_title = esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View %s\'s profile', 'kleo_framework' ), get_the_author() ) );
                    } else {
                        $author_link = esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) );
                        $author_title = esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View all POSTS by %s', 'kleo_framework' ), get_the_author() ) );
                    $author = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="author">%3$s %4$s</a>',
                        in_array( 'avatar', $meta_elements ) ? get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), 50) : '',
                        in_array( 'author_link', $meta_elements ) ? '<span class="author-name">' . get_the_author() . '</span>' : ''
                    $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-author author vcard">' . $author . '</small>';
                if ( function_exists( 'bp_is_active' ) ) {
                    if ( in_array( 'profile', $meta_elements ) ) {
                        $author_links .= '<a href="' . bp_core_get_userlink( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), $no_anchor = false, $just_link = true ) . '">' .
                            '<i class="icon-user-1 hover-tip" ' .
                            'data-original-title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View profile', 'kleo_framework'), get_the_author())) . '"' .
                            'data-toggle="tooltip"' .
                            'data-placement="top"></i>' .
                    if ( bp_is_active( 'messages' ) ) {
                        if ( in_array( 'message', $meta_elements ) ) {
                            $author_links .= '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/compose/?r=' . bp_core_get_username( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ) . '">' .
                                '<i class="icon-mail hover-tip" ' .
                                'data-original-title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Contact %s', 'kleo_framework'), get_the_author())) . '" ' .
                                'data-toggle="tooltip" ' .
                                'data-placement="top"></i>' .
                if ( in_array( 'archive', $meta_elements ) ) {
                    $author_links .= '<a href="' . esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))) . '">' .
                        '<i class="icon-docs hover-tip" ' .
                        'data-original-title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View all posts by %s', 'kleo_framework'), get_the_author())) . '" ' .
                        'data-toggle="tooltip" ' .
                        'data-placement="top"></i>' .
            if ( $author_links != '' ) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-links">' . $author_links . '</small>';
            if (in_array( 'date', $meta_elements ) ) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small>' . $date . '</small>';
            $cat_tag = array();
            if ( isset( $categories_list ) && $categories_list ) {
                $cat_tag[] = $categories_list;
            if ( isset( $tag_list ) && $tag_list ) {
                $cat_tag[] = $tag_list;
            if (!empty($cat_tag)) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-category">'.implode(", ",$cat_tag).'</small>';
            if ((!isset($att['comments']) || (isset($att['comments']) && $att['comments'] !== false)) && in_array( 'comments', $meta_elements )) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-comment-count"><a href="'. get_permalink().'#comments">'.get_comments_number() .
                    ' <i class="icon-chat-1 hover-tip" ' .
                    'data-original-title="'.sprintf( _n( 'This article has one comment', 'This article has %1$s comments', get_comments_number(), 'kleo_framework' ),number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ) ).'" ' .
                    'data-toggle="tooltip" ' .
                    'data-placement="top"></i>' .
            $meta_separator = isset( $att['separator'] ) ? $att['separator'] : sq_option( 'blog_meta_sep', ', ') ;
            if ( $echo ) {
                echo implode( $meta_separator, $meta_list );
            else {
                return implode( $meta_separator, $meta_list );
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    in reply to: Blog post in activity stream #110345

    Try this in your quick css

    .activity-inner img {
        display: block;
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    in reply to: Display post meta on Category and Tag pages #110323

    Put this in your child theme’s functions.php file.

    function kleo_entry_meta( $echo = true, $att = array() ) {
            global $kleo_config;
            $meta_list = array();
            $author_links = '';
            $meta_elements =  sq_option( 'blog_meta_elements', $kleo_config['blog_meta_defaults'] );
            // Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.
            if ( in_array( 'categories', $meta_elements ) ) {
                $categories_list = get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'kleo_framework'));
            // Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma.
            if ( in_array('tags', $meta_elements ) ) {
                $tag_list = get_the_tag_list('', __(', ', 'kleo_framework'));
            $date = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" rel="bookmark">' .
                '<time class="entry-date" datetime="%2$s">%3$s</time>' .
                '<time class="modify-date hide hidden updated" datetime="%4$s">%5$s</time>' .
                esc_url( get_permalink() ),
                esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),
                esc_html( get_the_date() ),
                esc_html( get_the_modified_date( 'c' ) ),
                esc_html( get_the_modified_date() )
            if ( is_array( $meta_elements ) && !empty( $meta_elements ) ) {
                if ( in_array( 'author_link', $meta_elements ) || in_array( 'avatar', $meta_elements ) ) {
                    /* If buddypress is active then create a link to Buddypress profile instead */
                    if (function_exists( 'bp_is_active' ) ) {
                        $author_link = esc_url( bp_core_get_userlink( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), $no_anchor = false, $just_link = true ) );
                        $author_title = esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View %s\'s profile', 'kleo_framework' ), get_the_author() ) );
                    } else {
                        $author_link = esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) );
                        $author_title = esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View all POSTS by %s', 'kleo_framework' ), get_the_author() ) );
                    $author = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="author">%3$s %4$s</a>',
                        in_array( 'avatar', $meta_elements ) ? get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), 50) : '',
                        in_array( 'author_link', $meta_elements ) ? '<span class="author-name">' . get_the_author() . '</span>' : ''
                    $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-author author vcard">' . $author . '</small>';
                if ( function_exists( 'bp_is_active' ) ) {
                    if ( in_array( 'profile', $meta_elements ) ) {
                        $author_links .= '<a href="' . bp_core_get_userlink( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), $no_anchor = false, $just_link = true ) . '">' .
                            '<i class="icon-user-1 hover-tip" ' .
                            'data-original-title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View profile', 'kleo_framework'), get_the_author())) . '"' .
                            'data-toggle="tooltip"' .
                            'data-placement="top"></i>' .
                    if ( bp_is_active( 'messages' ) ) {
                        if ( in_array( 'message', $meta_elements ) ) {
                            $author_links .= '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/compose/?r=' . bp_core_get_username( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ) . '">' .
                                '<i class="icon-mail hover-tip" ' .
                                'data-original-title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Contact %s', 'kleo_framework'), get_the_author())) . '" ' .
                                'data-toggle="tooltip" ' .
                                'data-placement="top"></i>' .
                if ( in_array( 'archive', $meta_elements ) ) {
                    $author_links .= '<a href="' . esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))) . '">' .
                        '<i class="icon-docs hover-tip" ' .
                        'data-original-title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View all posts by %s', 'kleo_framework'), get_the_author())) . '" ' .
                        'data-toggle="tooltip" ' .
                        'data-placement="top"></i>' .
            if ( $author_links != '' ) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-links">' . $author_links . '</small>';
            if (in_array( 'date', $meta_elements ) && !is_single() ) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small>' . $date . '</small>';
            $cat_tag = array();
            if ( isset( $categories_list ) && $categories_list ) {
                $cat_tag[] = $categories_list;
            if ( isset( $tag_list ) && $tag_list ) {
                $cat_tag[] = $tag_list;
            if (!empty($cat_tag)) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-category">'.implode(", ",$cat_tag).'</small>';
            if ((!isset($att['comments']) || (isset($att['comments']) && $att['comments'] !== false)) && in_array( 'comments', $meta_elements )) {
                $meta_list[] = '<small class="meta-comment-count"><a href="'. get_permalink().'#comments">'.get_comments_number() .
                    ' <i class="icon-chat-1 hover-tip" ' .
                    'data-original-title="'.sprintf( _n( 'This article has one comment', 'This article has %1$s comments', get_comments_number(), 'kleo_framework' ),number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ) ).'" ' .
                    'data-toggle="tooltip" ' .
                    'data-placement="top"></i>' .
            $meta_separator = isset( $att['separator'] ) ? $att['separator'] : sq_option( 'blog_meta_sep', ', ') ;
            if ( $echo ) {
                echo implode( $meta_separator, $meta_list );
            else {
                return implode( $meta_separator, $meta_list );
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    For comments

    .ac-textarea .bp-suggestions {
        color: #fff !important;
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    Use this

    #whats-new-textarea .bp-suggestions {
        color: #fff !important;
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    in reply to: Rotating Headerbanner #109714

    If you’re going to leave your header layout like the image you attached, then you can create a slider the size you need and put it above or below the breadcrumb section with this code in your child theme’s functions.php file.


    add_action('kleo_before_main', 'inject_slider', 10);
    function inject_slider() {
        putRevSlider('banner', '8412,9511');


    add_action('kleo_before_content', 'inject_slider', 10);
    function inject_slider() {
        putRevSlider('banner', '8412,9511');

    Change ‘banner’ to the name of your slider and change ‘8412,9511’ to the page ids that you want it displayed on.

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    in reply to: Meta fields in custom post type #109601

    You’re not saying it wrong, you just weren’t clear. Categories/Taxonomies IS meta 🙂

    Anyhow, the code is there, you just need to adapt it to suit you. If you look at the second code example, it has

    if (get_post_type() == 'projects') {

    You can use the ! with that to conditionally show a meta field or not. Example with the date:

    if (in_array( 'date', $meta_elements ) && ( !get_post_type() == 'books' ) ) {

    That codes says “If the date field exists AND this isnt a books post type, then show the date.

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    in reply to: Centre logo in header #109568

    I found a small issue with the css, so try this css instead.

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
    .navbar-header .logo {
        display: none;
    #undefined-sticky-wrapper {
        height: 88px !important;
    .navbar-header {
        height: 0px !important;
    #header {
        margin-bottom: 20px;
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    in reply to: wide footer on boxed layout #109565

    Try this in your quick css

    .navbar-full-width .page-boxed #footer, .navbar-full-width .page-boxed #socket {
        max-width: 100%;
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    in reply to: Centre logo in header #109308

    Interesting. I’ve never tried this, but it seems to work.

    First, go to theme options > Header Options and choose the third header layout that has the logo and the menu in the center.

    Then go to Theme Options > General and add this css

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
    .navbar-header .logo {
        display: none;
    #undefined-sticky-wrapper {
        height: 88px !important;
    .navbar-header {
        height: 0px !important;

    Then go to appearance > menus. Add a custom link with a url to your site, then add this for the title and move it to the middle of your menu.

    <img id="logo_img" title="Derek Ford Studios | Commercial and 
    Editorial Photographer and Director based in Victoria, BC" 
    src="" alt="Derek Ford Studios | Commercial and Editorial Photographer and Director based in Victoria, BC" style="max-height: 60px;">
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    in reply to: Problem with WooCommerce Product List in Backend #109230

    1 – If you enable the WP 2015 or WP 2016 themes do all the products show up?

    2 – Since you have assigned a class called ‘text-‘ to the button containers, you can use this css

    .text- {
        display: inline !important;
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    in reply to: Search Option on mobile site #109011

    Ahhh. Because you’re overriding the default mobile menu with the side menu. I couldnt see that before because you were upgrading or something and the site wasnt available. Since the side menu allows you to put shortcodes before or after it, you can try the search form shortcode, but the styling isnt ideal.

    [kleo_search_form form_style="transparent" context="post"]
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    in reply to: Theme updated to 4.0 but now some issues #108965

    1 – Try this in your quick css for the sku info

    .single-product .product_meta {
        clear: both;

    2 – The payment gateway box seems fine to me. I’m not having any issue typing into it with chrome or firefox.

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    Put this in your childtheme’s functions.php file.

    add_action( 'init', 'woo_remove_related', 10 );
    function woo_remove_related() {
        remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'kleo_woocommerce_output_related_products', 20 );
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    in reply to: testimonials text size #108953

    You’ll need to override the css. Here’s the class

    .testimonial-content p {
    font-size: 30px;
    line-height: 30px;
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    in reply to: Exclude a post from home page #108951

    1 – The theme isnt responsible for this. A google search found this that may be of help to you:

    2 – Put this in your quick css and set it to whatever height you want.

    .home .post-image {
        max-height: 500px;
        overflow: hidden;
    .home span.hover-element {
        max-height: 500px;
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    in reply to: CSS Logo position change only on desktop #108879
    @media (min-width: 991px) {
    .logo img {
    margin-left: 95px !important;

    You can adjust 991 to suit your site.

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    in reply to: Custom Sidebar for Posts? #108835

    Have a look at Widget Logic.

    Then for the widgets you only want to show on WP Posts pages, use this

    is_singular( 'post' )

    To hide widgets that you dont want to show on WP Posts pages, use this

    !is_singular( 'post' )
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    in reply to: Change product description position #108640


    add_action( 'init', 'wooDescrioption', 10 );
    function wooDescrioption() {
     remove_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs', 35 );
     remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'kleo_woocommerce_output_related_products', 20 );
     add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs', 10 );
     add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'kleo_woocommerce_output_related_products', 20 );
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    in reply to: increase logo #108565

    Put this in your quick css. Change 250 to whatever size you want.

    @media (min-width: 991px) {
        .header-centered .navbar-header, .logo {
            height: 250px !important;
            line-height: 250px !important;
    #logo_img {
        max-height: 250px !important;
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    Man, that took forever to track down. Here’s whats happening. By default, BP doesnt display private message buttons in the members loop. Kleo adds that functionality in both the members directory and in your friends list located in your profile. In order to do that, it has to filter the message button arguments. Long story short, edit the following to get it to work.

    In /kleo/buddypress/buddypress-functions.php… starting around line 2074, you’ll see Private message in Members directory loop. Replace everything from that line to the bottom of the file with this.

    /* Private message in Members directory loop */
    function filter_message_button_link( $link = '' ) {
        $bp_user_id = (bp_get_member_user_id() ? bp_get_member_user_id() : bp_displayed_user_id() );
    	$link = wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/compose/?r=' . bp_core_get_username( $bp_user_id ) );
    	return $link;
    function kleo_bp_dir_send_private_message_button() {
    	if( bp_get_member_user_id() != bp_loggedin_user_id() ) {
    		add_filter('bp_get_send_private_message_link', 'filter_message_button_link', 1, 1 );
    		add_filter('bp_get_send_message_button_args', 'kleo_bp_private_msg_args');
     * Override default BP private message button to work on Friends tab
     * @since 2.2
     * @param array $btn
     * @return array
    function kleo_bp_private_msg_args( $btn ) {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
            return false;
        $btn['link_href'] = filter_message_button_link();
        return $btn;

    I’m submitting this code change to the developers and I’m also copying them on this just incase this change breaks something. I dont think it will.

    Also, you dont need to edit template files to inject your carousel code. Just use the kleo_before_main hook.

    add_filter( 'init', 'check_member_profile');
    function check_member_profile() {
        if (bp_is_user()) {
            add_action('kleo_before_main', 'add_members_carousel', 10);
    function add_members_carousel() {
        echo '<div class="member_avatars">';
        echo do_shortcode('[kleo_bp_members_carousel type="active" number="5" min_items="2" max_items="7" image_size="thumb" rounded="rounded" autoplay="yes" online="noshow" class="customclass"]');
        echo '</div>';

    Let me know if everything is sorted.

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    in reply to: Logo size is too small #108323

    Strange that it works perfectly on my site.

    Add this to it

    #logo_img {
        max-height: 250px !important;
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    in reply to: Logo size is too small #108311

    Try this instead

    @media (min-width: 991px) {
        .header-centered .navbar-header, .logo {
            height: 250px !important;
            line-height: 250px !important;
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    in reply to: how hide sidebar on mobile and tablet #108274

    A few issues –

    1 – Your logic is wrong/backwards. Your code is saying “if its not mobile, show full width. if it is mobile, show the sidebar”.

    2 – You’ve misspelled right.

    3 – According to WP you shouldn’t be using it in themes:

    But to answer your question, by the time it gets to right-sidebar.php its too late. You could have tested that by merely changing ‘right’ to ‘no.

    If you look in the kleo_prepare_layout function, you’ll see that you can filter it. So its as simple as putting this in your child theme.

    add_filter( 'kleo_page_layout' , 'remove_sidebar_mobile' );
    function remove_sidebar_mobile() {
        if ( wp_is_mobile() ) {
            $layout = 'no';
           $layout = 'right';
        return $layout;
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