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  • in reply to: Go Pricing, and Circle Pins on Mobile Device #102093
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    in reply to: Go Pricing, and Circle Pins on Mobile Device #102091
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    in reply to: Circle Pins and Deprecated Content #101843

    Yes, sorry – thought I had to re-import. I think I am figuring it out – thank you.

    How can I get my home page top image animation text to stay fixed once revealed? I like the “fade in” animation, but I do not want an “exit” animation. I would like the text to remain visible until the visitor takes action.

    I have tried setting the second animation action to “No-Out-Animation” but it does not work.

    in reply to: Circle Pins and Deprecated Content #101822

    Thank you sharmstr,

    I have tried Importing the Poi & Pins page twice now and don’t see it appear in the Pages area. Do I need to do something else to access the page?

    in reply to: Failed Installation #101652

    Yep, sorry … jumped the gun. TOTAL noob to “building” my own WP site. Want to say I LLLLLLOVE the KLEO package – though I am stumbling around to understand exactly how to execute.

    Are all of the pages that were loaded into the Demo Import necessary? How should I go about constructing / keeping only the site pages I want as I am nervous about deleting various pages that installed in the import because I am uncertain about their relationship to one another.

    I thought perhaps this was more a drag & drop page builder that would let me place the various dynamic elements you have designed onto each page individually?

    Is there a user community that would instruct me on a basic level / do you have tutorials that may be more basic about the fundamental site structure?

    Thank you.

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